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Everything posted by R0t0rh34d

  1. I don't know if it's was just me, but when I tried to use it with the MCC Sandbox editor, they came up as BLUFOR (WEST) so I couldn't use them as enemies? Anything I could have done wrong? Thought that was in the config file or something. Anyway, if you could look into that, would love to have more enemies!
  2. @Byrnze: Have you been using Satchels or Explosive Charges to destroy the objects in the Destroy Object task menu. I have used the Explosive Charges, but these weren't enough to make the trigger complete. I used it against a Fuel Depot, the tank came down, but the condition wasn't met. The next time I used the Explosive Satchels and they do the trick every time. We even used F-35's with LGB's on a destroy the tank mission today with a JTAC lasing the target and it took two bombing runs, but they were able to destroy it and make the task show completed. @Shay and the team: GREAT MOD, love the new additions! Are you going to add the back of the C130 for the HALO and Parachute options? Would like to see that for immersion. AWESOME MOD!
  3. R0t0rh34d

    Karma Modules

    Just a quick update: The gates now show up and the bunkers as well, everything seems to be working correctly, but I'm still getting that error on the startup, any ideas?
  4. R0t0rh34d

    Karma Modules

    Karma, no inconvenience whatsoever, anyone who complains about a free mod that someone like yourself works on in their own time to make the ARMA 3 experience better for others, should, in my humble opinion, be put in front of a firing squad. Thanks again for the great work.
  5. R0t0rh34d

    Karma Modules

    Karma, thanks for the response. Where do you want me to open up the mission? In the dedicated server? Or in the editor? If editor, I looked and have no errors, I will get the exact wording of the error on the dedicated server for you tomorrow. ---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ---------- OK, I just went in and looked again, here is what I found. The error is this: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Module_F/ArgumentsBaseUnits/Units/values/Objects.default'. I did go look in the function editor like you said in the editor, I did see the karma_roadblock, karma_roadblock_custom, and karma_roadblock_start. Hope some of this helps.
  6. R0t0rh34d

    Karma Modules

    Love the modules, the work great in single player and if I host a server, but I get errors about the module when I put the mission to my clan server. The gate and bunkers aren't there, and the 3 guys I put are just standing there. Any suggestions help?
  7. I have searched for over a week for the answer to this, and haven't been able to find anything that works, so I thought I'd take a stab, so here goes. I'm working on a mission based on the "Where's the Agent?" mission by XiViD, but in mine I use a BLUFOR F/A-18F with a pilot and WSO (each named pilot and WSO respectively). In the beginning of the mission they start in the aircraft, heavily damaged and on fire, they are forced to eject and now are on the run. Kind of a "Behind Enemy Lines" movie take. One or both must evade for one hour to win, and after 45 minutes have the option of calling in a helicopter to take them back to the aircraft carrier. They also have marker beacons, much like the agent mission, which update randomly on their positions as they flee. The opposing force is Independent's who start on the airbase with helicopters and vehicles to chase down the newly shot down crew. All my triggers and markers are working fine, the endings work fine, my only problem seems to be the respawn, here's whats going on: If both the pilot and WSO die at the same time, the ending trigger (!alive pilot && !alive WSO) ends properly, but if either one dies and the other still lives, the one who dies respawns on the marker in the Independent base named "respawn_guerilla". I've also spelled it "guerilla" and "guerrilla". Independent respawn normally. My main question is how can I get BLUFOR to die and not respawn or as a fixed spectator, so when both finally die the trigger ends in victory for Independent? I have tried all of the suggestions on here http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn and every resource I could google. I've used just respawn = "base", respawn = 3; I've used respawn templates to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated, somehow I think it's going to be something simple.
  8. R0t0rh34d

    More Respawn Questions...

    Maybe a bit ambitious, but is there a way to give an individual spawn protection for say the first 30 seconds he's alive? The guys who spawn in the jet are sometimes killed before they can eject, I would like to make sure they get out and down so they can evade. Much appreciated.
  9. R0t0rh34d

    More Respawn Questions...

    Larrow, that worked perfectly, thanks for the input. Iceman, I feel bad because you spent the time to make that long reply, I am going to try it to see if it works for me as well. But I do appreciate both replies, without them I would probably still be trying to figure it out!!!! Thanks again to you both.
  10. R0t0rh34d

    More Respawn Questions...

    Thanks for the quick replies Iceman and Larrow. I will try them out as soon as I can and see how they work, will let you know. Iceman, sorry for the narrative before the actual point, I've read so much on these forums trying to find the answer and have seen so many people say "tell me more of what you are trying to do, not just the specific thing that's wrong", so I tried to explain more to get to the point. No offense taken at all, I just appreciate the feedback as I'm not a scripter at all. And yes, you got it right, it's a TvT where one team is the chaser and the other are the aircrew trying to evade. Larrow, I did not try that combination, but if I did, I think I set it to zero and that might have been why it didn't work, I'll give that one a shot again, as it seems the quicker fix. Thanks again for both the replies.
  11. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    I can't speak for DAP, but I don't think this was designed as a SP Mission.
  12. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    Predator, The VIP's I've seen are usually travelling with 2 or more Technicals and the VIP's are in a hatchback. I've found one near the salt flats and the other on the way to Kavala somewhere. Using the Darters has been very helpful.
  13. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    @kgino1045 - How do I set the time to unlimited? I didn't see an option for that, although it did look like there was no longer a time limit. The helicopter lift worked for me, got in Ghosthawk, hovered over the un-armed Hunter and picked it right up, no problem. Thanks again DAP.
  14. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    Awesome update, THANKS!!!!! One of our guys came up with an interesting idea..... Since AMRA 3 now allows us to do underwater missions, his suggestion was to have a group underwater and maybe the cache on a wreck or small island protected by divers. This way you would have to suit up with underwater gear and attack that way. What do you think? ---------- Post added at 04:30 ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 ---------- PS, were you able to get rid of the time limit, or are you planning on that?
  15. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    DAP, All of your solutions sound great, please let me know and I'll update on our server. The only other problem is the time limit on the mission, I don't know if you put that on there intentionally , but running the mission on our server we've found the mission only runs for 12 hours and then resets. Some of the people who play on the server, myself included, would like to come back the next day and be able to continue and finish what we've started, but with the time limit, we start anew every day. I would like it not to restart unless the mission is completed. I did find the convoys with the officers, those took us by surprise while flying back to base after securing a cache, what a welcome addition! What about IED's, are there any like there were on Stratis? As far as lifting, can't wait for that, can the Mohawk lift a HEMTT? I know it can lift the Tanks and Armor, or at least in the other mission, haven't tried the HEMTT. Thanks again for a great mission and all your hard work!!!!
  16. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    @DAP, just as with the Stratis version, this is an absolutely awesome mission, we have put it on the {BdG}Tactical server as our default mission, LOVE IT, THANKS!!!! Now for the comments/suggestions, as you get many....... First, Altis is soooo big, is it possible to start with a quadrant, or square or hint to begin the mission? Second, your Stratis mission had a Hummingbird, can you add one or two to this mission? Third, the Invade and Annex mission has a script for using helicopters to lift trucks and such, could you possibly put that on here so we could lift trucks out to investigate areas? Maybe add the heavy lift helicopter for that as well. I think the Humminbird could lift a quad, the Hawk could lift quad and truck, the larger helo could lift all. Makes for an awesome team game. Fourth, instead of the rally point, or in addition to the rally point, one of the domination missions had a script to use your Hunter as a command truck, it could serve as a mobile virtual ammo box as well as a mobile spawn point, would love to see that. Again, your mission is awesome now, if you could add any of the others, it would be more awesome!!!! Thanks for what you've done, and in advance. ---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:55 ---------- ....oh, and the mission works fine for me, all the VAS scripts work fine. The original Virtual Ammo Box was highlighted in RED on the drop down menu, your says something like Loadout Manager in white and blends in, maybe people just don't see it, as they may be used to the RED "Virtual Ammo Box".
  17. R0t0rh34d

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    First, DAP, great mission! I'm having trouble using your mission and ACRE, is that something you plan on integrating? Second, I'm getting a DAP_BF_TIMER_SECONDS error in game, here is the actual script: '...INUTES; _5 = DAP_BF_TIMER_SECONDS; if (|#|DAP_BF_MAPSTATE==1) then { ((HUDDisplay...' Error Undefined variable in expression: dap_bf_mapstate File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\Scripts\UI\TimeCounter.sqf, line 26 Any help you could give me would be appreciated.