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About Tayshen

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  1. Tayshen

    Cannot complete infantry showcase

    So if that was a known bug but what fixxed how come it still happens to me? And yes, the medic won't move on but he isn't standing up and crouching he's just crouching caring for the dude but still nothing happens.
  2. Tayshen

    Cannot complete infantry showcase

    It happens every single time I play, played about 15 times now.
  3. Hey, I start the infantry showcase, move 100m and kill 3 guys (or 2), the medic starts to heal the injured man and the other 3 stand in a sort of square just beyond the rocks the medic is behind. Then nothing happens! I have waited for 10 minutes and nobody says anything, I move up and start a gunfight with people in village, if I kill them all the leader keeps telling me to regroup, so I do and nothing happens. What's wrong?