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About Lord_Jereth

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  1. @panther42, Here is my x_reload.sqf private ["_config","_count","_i","_magazines","_object","_type","_type_name"]; _object = _this select 0; _type = typeof _object; if (_object isKindOf "ParachuteBase") exitWith {}; //if (!local _object) exitWith {}; if (!alive _object) exitWith {}; _object setFuel 0; _object setVehicleAmmo 1; // Reload turrets / drivers magazine _type_name = typeOf _object; _object vehicleChat format ["Servicing %1... Please stand by...", _type]; _magazines = getArray(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "magazines"); if (count _magazines > 0) then { _removed = []; { if (!(_x in _removed)) then { _object removeMagazines _x; _removed = _removed + [_x]; }; } forEach _magazines; { _object vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x]; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) exitWith {}; _object addMagazine _x; } forEach _magazines; }; _count = count (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets"); if (_count > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (_count - 1) do { scopeName "xx_reload2_xx"; _config = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets") select _i; _magazines = getArray(_config >> "magazines"); _removed = []; { if (!(_x in _removed)) then { _object removeMagazines _x; _removed = _removed + [_x]; }; } forEach _magazines; { _object vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x]; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"}; _object addMagazine _x; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"}; } forEach _magazines; // check if the main turret has other turrets _count_other = count (_config >> "Turrets"); if (_count_other > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (_count_other - 1) do { _config2 = (_config >> "Turrets") select _i; _magazines = getArray(_config2 >> "magazines"); _removed = []; { if (!(_x in _removed)) then { _object removeMagazines _x; _removed = _removed + [_x]; }; } forEach _magazines; { _object vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x]; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"}; _object addMagazine _x; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"}; } forEach _magazines; }; }; }; }; _object setVehicleAmmo 1; // Reload turrets / drivers magazine sleep 4; if (!alive _object) exitWith {}; _object vehicleChat "Repairing..."; _object setDamage 0; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) exitWith {}; _object vehicleChat "Refueling..."; while {fuel _object < 0.99} do { //_object setFuel ((fuel _vehicle + 0.1) min 1); _object setFuel 1; sleep 0.01; }; sleep 4; if (!alive _object) exitWith {}; _object vehicleChat format ["%1 is ready...", _type_name]; if (true) exitWith {}; In my trigger: Condition: ((thisList select 0) isKindOf 'Air' && (getPos (thisList select 0) select 2) < 1) && (speed (thislist select 0) < 10) onAct. _xhandle= [(thislist select 0)] execVM "x_reload.sqf"; The trigger is set for "Anybody", and "Repeatedly". At the moment, the trigger is 400x20 and covering the entire airstrip, although I had it at 20x20 at first with the same problems. ------ I love the way that x_reload.sql works, but since the trigger is so unreliable, I was tinkering with the idea of making it a radio trigger, but couldn't get it to work. Maybe you'll have more luck? - LJ
  2. @ sudslv - If you'll follow the link I posted, you will see that this is an actual downloadable script we're talking about that only works only intermittently in multiplayer. I believe it was a ported script from Warfare, but for use in any game type. I was asking if anyone had any insights as to why the script doesn't work reliably in MP since it's been around for about 4 years, and if they could post any fixes they had found in the intervening years. - LJ ---------- Post added at 01:18 ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 ---------- Thanks, panther42. It does help to know that I am not the only one who is having problems. Sadly, I don't know how to script well enough to be able to figure out your method. Care to share? - LJ
  3. Ok, I have tried several scripts to rearm/repair/refuel and all of them have the same problem: they don't work on all aircraft, specifically helicopters. I am presently using the script by Xeno (or a derivation, thereof by cobra4v320) from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?86154-Repair-and-service-script&p=1434570&viewfull=1#post1434570 I know it's been a lot of years since anyone's probably messed with this script in any kind of way, but I have been having a little trouble with it. I have a mission with several choppers, land vehicles and fixed wing aircraft sitting at an airport. The problem I have with the script is that certain choppers never seem to trip the script, no matter what I do. The problem seems to be most acute in MP when on a dedicated server, although it's happened locally, through preview in the mission editor, also. Land vehicles work reliably, as do the fixed wing aircraft. Sadly, it is the choppers that sometimes work, sometimes don't. I seem to have the most problems specifically with one of the iterations of the Little Bird, but have had the problem with some Cobras, also. I land them on the trigger, yet nothing happens no matter how big or how small that trigger is. I then hop in a different chopper and do the same, then it works fine. I have made the trigger as small as 20m, and as big as the entire runway of the airport. I have also tried several iterations of the script from all over the net, but they all have the same problem. I know that this is ancient history for most of you, but is there any way of tweaking this to make it a bit more reliable for choppers of all types? I am beginning to wonder if the script, itself, isn't being messed with by any of the other scripts I have going on the map. I have respawn scripts for all of the vehicles and ammo boxes, and I also run a script on the PMC SUV with the minigun to make it go up and down. If it would help, I could send my mission for testing, if anyone feels so inclined. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, - LJ
  4. Lord_Jereth

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Greetings, I'm running an ArmA 2 CO dedicated server and am trying to implement the @JTD mod. While playing a mission through the server I end up with an error message and I was wondering if someone could help me with it: Script JTD_FireAndSmoke\Scripts\BirdsUp.sqf not found Everything is updated on the server as well as my local machine with Play WithSIX and the JTD_FireAndSmoke_config.hpp, as well as the JTD_fireandsmoke.pbo files seem to be in the correct folders. @CBA is installed and running at the top of my mods chain on the server but I am wondering if I am missing something else. Any help you could lend would be much appreciated. I am sure it's just something silly that I have missed or forgotten. Thank you in advance, :cool: LJ