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About Berke

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  1. 40 fps.At very high settings.and its beta.Ä° think original version will be better.Thank you bohemia :)
  2. Mate .Ä° bought a whole new pc.From the beginning.Normal driver, SSD driver, and i had to change my motherboard cause i couldnt find what i wanted.i changed it to Z77A G43. intel core i5-3570k. gtx 660 ti, and 8b ram and 700w thermaltake. they are putting it together right(the shop i bought the pc) now.Ä°m gona take it and test it after 8:00 pm or somethink i bought the arma 3 beta today.i hope it Works.then congrats i have a new pc..
  3. Hi.Ä°m Buying myself a new pc. And i want to know that can i play arma 3 at ultra settings?.Here's the system on my mind; ASUS GTX660 Ti DirectCU II GDDR5 2GB 192Bit Nvidia GeForce DX11 Graphic Card GIGABYTE Z77X-D3H Intel Z77 Soket 1155 DDR3 2400MHz SATA 3.0 USB 3.0 DVI&HDMI Motherboard Intel Core i5 3570K 3.4 GHz 6MB 1155p HD4000 VGA CORSAIR 8GB Vengeance LowProfile DDR3 1600MHz CL10 Siyah SoÄŸutuculu Ram Thanks for the help...