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10 Good

About Kaszub

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  1. Will the COOP version get some love too? :)
  2. I've noticed, that when I have grenades in my inventory, after death, I can't throw them. The only solution for that is to put them out, and grab them again, then they work as they should. I'm not sure if it change anything SaOk, but could you make it, that you can load your vehicles and units settings before start of the mission? It's really weird, when you play with RHS and you can see Strider, or other units from Vanilla. Oh and another thing, is it possible to change the startup units to regular ones. I mean, I don't want to see Hardy, Northgate and others, just regular "rifleman", "medic" etc. so again with RHS, they will have modern weapons, not the futuristic ones. It's my favorite SP mission and recently I started to play it with my friends and they also love it. Thanks SaOk, keep up the good work! :)
  3. And what about Whole Lotta Altis mission, massi? Is it compatible with it too?
  4. I would like to start playing this awsome mission on chernarus, and because there is no woodland camo for "future NATO" units, I installed RHS mod. My question is, how should I setup the green army units? Is there any mod adding Chernarus Defence Forces, or something like that which will well play with the mission and the mod?