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About bohne

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  1. There's been an answer on reddit for my question: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/5cxf96/battleye_and_clientside_extensions/da4cnrx/ Thank you /u/otherworldlyBuffoon
  2. Hello :D I have been working on an extension-dll for my mods/missions that would need to be running on the client. Since I do not wish that everybody would need to turn off battleye for it not to block my extension, I am curious what the process and requirements would be to get it whitelisted. I already contacted battleye support, but have not gotten an answer or any reaction for quite a while :( Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you!
  3. MrCopyright, my texture is 1:1. Now if I render it to a sign, for example, it is being stretched because the sign "expects" a 2:1 texture. Now I could save it as a 2:1 texture also, but if I want to render it to several objects all "expecting" different ratios, I obviously do not want to have a separate texture for every kind of object. So I was asking if one can force setObjectTexture to render a 1:1 texture as such and not to scale it to the surface's ratio.
  4. I was trying { _tex = createSimpleObject ["a3\misc_f\Helpers\usertexture1m.p3d", [0,0,0]]; _tex setObjectTexture [0, "gfx\foo.paa"]; _tex attachTo [_x, [0,0,0]]; } forEach (synchronizedObjects this); as a workaround. But it seems to be bad to spawn plenty objects and does not work for me (me being completely new to sqf).
  5. Hello o/ Is there any way to use setObjectTexture respecting the textures aspect ratio, or scaling it, or another workaround to get a 1:1 texture to render correctly on a 2:1 eg. surface? I am trying to iterate through every synced object and assign a texture. Now the synced objects might have surfaces in different aspect ratios. That results in my texture being stretched. I don't think having a multitude of textures for every different aspect ratio there is would be a good idea, would it? { _x setObjectTexture [0, "gfx\foo.paa"]; } forEach (synchronizedObjects this); I would very much appreciate your help!
  6. The slack URL you provided seems to be broken and results for me in this: I would very much appreciate joining the slack chat, but I do not see how :(
  7. I do not know about American (YouTube) and or British (Luetin09) law, but in Germany there is a citation law (§51 UrhG), and I guess you have something alike. While Xeno is right that any derivative works of his IP (and only of his) have to respect his license, one still is independently of any license claims allowed to cite his work as long as one mentions the source of the citation. Here in Germany this is one of the basic laws allowing the so called fourth estate (the press) to work at all and it in fact does not touch whether the citation is under commercial terms. I feel well within my rights to cite anything I like to on YouTube as long as I do mention the source, do not copy as whole and do comment on it. What is your opinion on this and what do you know about suchlike laws in other countries? Thank you for your kind attention!