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Posts posted by aefak1989

  1. I found a Bug with the new SPz1 variants:

    The "Squad Leader(MG)" seat cannot be occupied by AI with the get in waypoint. I placed a SPz1 in the editor with crew but without Infrantry in the back. Then I placed 6 Infantry units and gave them a GET IN waypoint. Played the Scenario with the following result. 5 men will enter 1 will stand right next to the Spz1.

  2. Really nice mod.

    This really looks good for Units behind the front lines where no HighTec equipment is needed (e.g.: national guards in the home regions of CSAT) . Really like the sweaters.

    Is there any plan to reskin (reequip) the Urban CSAT faction.  Would also look good as a decent navy uniform for CSAT troops.  So a Blue or Grey sweatter would fit good to the Camo.
