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About Dudbomb

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  1. Hi, Sorry but i don't think so, there is an addon for ArmA 2 that lets players in-game swap "editing controls" over to one another, but it doesn't allow two to do it at the same time. Maybe when ArmA 3 comes out someone may make something similar but having a mission being written from two sources at once with edits being seamless and without creating bugs or glitches would be rather..difficult to say the least i'm afraid.
  2. Dudbomb

    Equipments creating

    Currently the only items you can spawn that i'm aware of in the editor are crates with weapons, launchers, ordnance, empty backpacks, and ammo. You can't spawn in say a crate of tactical helmets or MTV's.
  3. Dudbomb

    Need Help Making a Mil-Sim Mission

    ArmaHolic is a website where you can get base templates, scripts, addons etc for the ArmA series. Wasteland is a popular gametype where a few different missions randomly start every 10-20 minutes, 404wasteland is a popular wasteland "base" to start with and in the readme file the mod author even states that they like to promote custom user made edits to the wasteland mod. Try taking a butchers at wasteland, you can learn the scripting functions for mission generating by taking a look at the mission files with notepad++, I don't know if ArmA 3 currently has a 3D Editor but ArmA 2 does and that's often used for making base templates which users can easily copy and paste into any mission they want, i've noticed the ArmA 3 editor has a Merge feature which i can only assume is for merging a mission template into another mission to slipstream the laborious process of opening one mission, selecting and copying units/objects/markers/triggers/modules and then pasting them into another mission. There is also a scripted addon called 'R3F Artillery and Logistics' which lets you enter the game and move base related objects around, so in real-time anyone in the mission can build a base with fortifications and then they can proceed to "lock" objects so if another player wishes to steal fortifications, they must expose themselves as they start the long and grueling timed process of unlocking a single object which they can't cancel the animation/process for.
  4. Dudbomb

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    Don't press and hold the free look key? problem solved.
  5. Dudbomb

    Chopper Pilot PROS

    I practiced with choppers in the armory and editor, once you get the hang of troop transport and evac you pick up attack pilot skills easy. It's just i think default aircraft controls are really bad so i remap wasd for thrust adjustment and rudders and the mouse is for nose and banking, i also set E to nose up and Q to nose down which helps for hard maneuvers like low altitude barrel rolls. I enjoy getting in a littlebird and following the terrain while maintaining a 30 meter altitude limit - it's good practice and it's a good way to learn how to stay off enemy air/aa radar. Also setting some basic aircraft controls to extra keys is a good way to do adjustments while you use free look to judge a landing. I have a Logitech 3D Pro joystick but i never use it for ArmA because the joystick doesn't have force feedback and it twists which i find annoying, the thrust lever doesn't have a neutral position so you're always applying a little bit of thrust or deceleration. I only ever use third person to get to grips with new vehicles because too many times have i poorly judged my speed and altitude then crashed or ended up climbing way too high and losing all my speed then being shot down by a enemy pilot, getting to know your instrument panel is key to being a good pilot tbh.
  6. ArmA series = CPU intensive, BF3/BF4 = GPU intensive, GTA series = poorly optimised console ports. I recommend Intel i5/i7 "unlocked" (k series) CPU's like the 2500k, and nvidia GTX series GPU's like the 580, 680, 780, 8GB of good low latency high frequency DDR3 ram (Corsair are my favourite so i highly recommend them), and a 500mb read/300mb write (or higher!) Solid State Drive for your favourite and most demanding games. If you know nothing about building computers, bottlenecks, etc, you should go do some research into it because there's an old saying which im fond of. A fool and his money are easily parted. And the last thing you want to do is drop 1.5k on a custom computer which has no technical service warranty, if something dies you'll have to get it fixed yourself and if you've never built a pc before then you're more than likely going to do more harm than good by opening up the case and playing around with sensitive electronic hardware. And you don't want to buy incompatible hardware or any combo of hardware which will create a performance bottleneck because bottlenecks can make a grown man cry.
  7. Dudbomb

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    If BIS ignore the little things like working bipods and passengers being able to shoot, leave it to the modding community to sort that out. And since we're going through the development stages it would be a massive disappointment if BIS rushed the release and ignored features that players really want which they later add in.
  8. Dudbomb

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    All i want from ArmA 3 is better graphics, proper optimisation, better audio, less clunky animations, and an editor which isn't so difficult to use (ArmA 2's 3d editor is fun to use to build bases but everytime you save your mission, things move about) especially when doing simple things like making a chopper stand-by for your call for evacuation or CAS. I think the new inventory system is kind of cool because you have different slots for more equipment, and it's also a nightmare to manage!
  9. Dudbomb

    FPS stuck around 18 on every setting.

    Multiplayer servers have their own settings, also the amount of objects spawned/ai spawned in a mission effect your fps, if you can't get playable fps on mp servers then don't play MP because your computer isn't powerful enough to handle it (i'm not saying that to be mean, just pointing out the fact.) The ArmA series are very CPU heavy so for a performance boost you can overclock your CPU if you know how to. The settings which nuke my fps are shadows, ssao, and post processing effects, try playing with every setting, you should even try openign task manager and kill some processes which you don't need because every bit of CPU power can give you that extra fps which you need to get a stable 60.