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Posts posted by Thales

  1. Hello Loudmushroom!


    All craftable items are described in the notebook with one exception - Fence (5 wooden sticks + piles). And yes, room for improvement is always there and we are gathering feedback to improve our game with every update.

  2. Hello Nathan Hittle and others!


    Thanks for your feedback! We are gathering opinions, suggestions and ideas from all places and are thinking about what we can or can't add to our game or how to adjust already implemented features in the best way. If you have more ideas and want to discuss them, please feel free to do so. Some mentioned features are already present in some form in the game but we are aware we can improve a lot and with your help we can find more ways how to do so. :-)

  3. Hello 3n3rmax!


    Thanks for your feedback! We are always open and interested what our players enjoy or dislike in our games and we're working on improving the game with every update. We'll tackle mentioned points and see what our testing and balancing will show. We still want to keep the game harder than other more common titles for mobile devices so the players can learn and explore the game more every time they play it.

    • Like 1

  4. Hello Muhammed Maaz!


    As CinnabarDragoon mentioned, in case of encountering an issue while playing, please contact our support on: support@bistudio.com with a brief description of the issue. We are currently going through all the feedback from our players and are working on fixes for update.

  5. We are checking all feedback from players from last days and it gets little overwhelming for our small team but we are already working on reported bugs and testing fixes for update. If you have more feedback on a specific issue, please let our support know. This way we can also track if the issue is happening to some limited group of devices or OS versions or if it happens on a bigger level across devices or platforms.

  6. Hello Sam Gordon and CinnabarDragoon!


    If you encounter any issues while playing our games, please let us know on the mentioned email adress: support@bistudio.com and describe the issue. This way we can track different issues, update them for developers and keep in touch with users and work on solution. This way we can find new issues that are specific to some devices or other unique conditions. Thanks for your patience and help with improving the game!

  7. Hello everyone!


    Can you please send these informations to our support on: support@bistudio.com with an explanation of when exactly and how the issue occured? This way we'll track the issue in our system and our team can work on it much easier. Thank you for letting us know about the issue and your patience.

  8. Hello romulo27!


    The game supports only some versions of Android and iOS because it is tested that there are no issues and critical errors appearing. We cannot assure our players that the game works properly on other than supported versions.
