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Everything posted by bull_a

  1. That is not the issue ;) The content from the URL will load into the RscHTML control that was created. I am unable to return the content from the RscHTML control into a string, as per the question, is there a way to do this?
  2. I believe that safezone is calculated base on aspect ratio, whereas pixel grid will be calculated on the pixel resolution of the application window therefore is good for making GUI's fixed widths across multiple devices
  3. bull_a

    Need help arma 3 life

    Nowhere in that forum section does it specify that someone needs to complete a "whole thing", it simply states if you are hoping to find or offer editing services. (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185269-arma-3-editing-find-or-offer-editing/)
  4. bull_a

    Need help arma 3 life

    I am all for helping, but I think that you should do some research yourself! If you are just going to ask people to do your work for you, please post in this forum:https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/200-arma-3-find-or-offer-editing/ This is the list of all scripting commands, use CTRL+F to search for common phrases e.g. to find if a player is alive, search for alive. There is a scripting command for it.
  5. Ctrl+F is very usefull: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allGroups
  6. _unit = _this param [0,objnull,[objnull]]; if (isNull _unit) exitWith {grpNull;}; _playerGroup = grpNull; _allGroups = allGroups; { if (_unit in (units _x)) exitWith { _playerGroup = _x; }; } foreach _allGroups; // return - can return a "null" value _playerGroup; (code not tested) Regards, Bull
  7. Just wanted to say. A very well written modification (one of a very few). A very good UI. All around, a fantastic modification :)
  8. Not without an IDC. Im hoping that the command allControls will be extended in the future to except a RscControlsGroup control. I did experiment with ctrlParent, but that will still only return the display (not the RscControlsGroup)
  9. When creating the configuration classes, each control (as you go down the page) will be layered on top of each other. Example: class RscDisplayTest { idd = -1; class Controls { class Title : RscText { text = "This is my title"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 4 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class Icon : RscText { text = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 2 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; }; }; }; The picture control will be displayed on top of the title control. I do not understand the question I am assuming you are using a RscListbox control to do this. Its simple enough through the use of UI event handlers. In the display definition class, put the following line into the Listbox control class: onLBSelChanged = "_nul = _this execVM ""rscListBoxEnhancedSelection.sqf"";"; RscListBoxEnhancedSelection.sqf: _this params [ ["_listboxCtrl",controlNull,[controlnull]], ["_selection",-1,[0]] ]; _prevSelection = _listboxCtrl getVariable ["CurSelection",-1]; if (_prevSelection == _selection) then { // you have selected an already selected item - deselect instead _listboxCtrl lbSetCurSel -1; } else { _listboxCtrl setVariable ["CurSelection",_selection]; }; (Code not tested) Hope that helps, Bull
  10. This sounds like an issue with the server, are you sure the server is running with the mods running? There is no way to enable mod in the same instance of the game (i.e. you need to restart so that the configuration classes can be processed).
  11. Most of the bushes and trees do not have an class listed in CfgVehicles, they are what I refer to as LandscapeObjects rather than Vehicles. There are mods out there such as CJTF101 that add these objects into placeable objects in the editor, but I do not believe there is a way to create these objects via a script
  12. bull_a

    (Permanently Erased)

    Or, disabled for a purpose, possibly as a precaution due to the recent security breach! [amended]
  13. bull_a

    (Permanently Erased)

    Seeing as we are talking about standardization, I hope to offer a little input into UI scripting and configuration. I've read a few times that it is best to define the UI event handlers in the config (some performance increase, and some security increase - depending on where and when these handlers are initialized of course). Obviously there are some instances where handlers will still need to be defined in the function/script files (best example of this is when attempting to execute the serverCommand command as it can only be called inside an eventHandler for security reasons). I find it better to have all the functions/script commands to be in one script so that there is less to find, but it is still important to structure your code so that others can make sense of it! I have never tried this method with more than 20 switch cases, so I dont know what the performance of that would be like, but I think that if you need 20 different cases, the task you are attempting to complete needs to be restructured as having a small interface that can do 20 things at once starts verging on becoming complicated. For interfaces that take use actions I found that the best set-up is the following: Example of interface: class RscdisplaySomeDisplay { idd = 100; onLoad = "_nul = [""onLoad"",_this] execVM ""RscDisplaySomeDisplay.sqf"";"; onUnLoad = "_nul = [""onUnLoad"",_this] execVM ""RscDisplaySomeDisplay.sqf"";"; class Controls { class ButtonConfirm : RscButton { idc = 1000; text = "Close"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.02; h = 0.01; onButtonClick = "_nul = [""buttonClose"",_this] execVM ""RscDisplaySomeDisplay.sqf"";"; }; }; }; RscDisplaySomeDisplay.sqf if !(hasInterface) exitWith { false; }; // does nothing -- returns false disableSerialization; _this params [ ["_mode","",[""]], ["_params",[],[]] ]; switch (_mode) do { case "onLaod" : { // code to run on load event _display = _params [0,displayNull,[displayNull]; }; case "onUnLoad" : { // code to run on unload event _params params [ ["_dislpay",displayNull,[displayNull]], ["_exitCode",-1,[0]] ]; }; case "buttonClose" : { // closes display - uses exitCode 1 _btnCloseCtrl = _params param [0,controlNull,[controlNull]]; _display = ctrlParent _btnCloseCtrl; _display closeDisplay 1; }; default { /* - insert default code into this scope. - code in here is usualy an error message based on the mode that was attempted to be run */ }; }; You could even better the situation by setting these scripts as compiled functions and either spawning or calling them! I hope this is a useful contribution, Bull
  14. The scripting command processing speed is determined by the parameters passed and the number of commands the engine has to complete to return a value for the script command. I dont understand what you mean by this Theres a performance hit after each thread is spawned, whether it is noticable is another mater.
  15. No sure what you mean. The Inventory is just view (GUI) display. Do you mean you want to create a new control (UI element) inside the Inventory display? If so, please look at this command, ctrlCreate.
  16. I think that the name described above is an Arma hud element. You can disable parts of the hud using showHud. As for showing player names do you mean like in CSE/ACE/AGM and other mods? If so here is some code: ["PlayerNameIcons","onEachFrame",{ _allPlayers = allPlayers; { drawIcon3D [ ([_x,"texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams), [1,1,1,0.7], 1, 1, 0, (name _x), 1, 0.06, "Roboto", "right", false ]; } forEach _allPlayers; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; Code not tested Hope this is a pointer in the right direction, Bull
  17. bull_a


    Please read this documentation page: addAction As you can see, addAction is a local command. It will only add an action item to the player on the machine where the command is executed. If you are struggling with the concept of locality, please have a look here: Locality in Multiplayer If executing this command on the server, I recommend you try the following snippet: // Server-side code {player addAction ["Chopper Reinforcement","chopperreinforcement.sqf"];} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", 0]; // calls above code on all clients Code not tested Here is the link to the remoteExec documentation. Hope that helps, Bull
  18. Im having a problem with displaying some text inside a RscStructuredText control. Here are my configuration classes: Defines.hpp class _RscStructuredText { access = 0; type = 13; idc = -1; style = 0; x = 0; y = 0; h = 0; w = 0; text = ""; tooltip = ""; font = GUI_FONT_NORMAL; sizeEx = GUI_GRID_CENTER_H; shadow = 0; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; class Attributes { font = "PuristaMedium"; color = "#ffffff"; colorLink = "#D09B43"; align = "left"; shadow = 1; size = 1; }; }; RscDisplayDefine: class RscDisplayTest { idd = -1; onLoad = "_nul = [""onLoad"",_this] execVM ""scripts\ui\gui\RscDisplayTrainingManual.sqf"";"; onUnLoad = ""; class Controls { class Group_ChapterArea: _RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars { idc = 230; x = 17 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 5.4 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 12.5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 14.8 * GUI_GRID_H; class controls { class ChapterContent: _RscStructuredText { idc = 110; x = 0 * GUI_GRID_W; y = 0 * GUI_GRID_H; w = 12.5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 14.8 * GUI_GRID_H; }; }; }; }; }; And this is the code I am executing to display the text (there are no syntax errors when testing): _display = findDisplay 178000; (_display displayCtrl 110) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _text; Can you see what I've missed? Bull
  19. bull_a

    FSM Editor Shortcut Keys

    Is there any configuration file / log files that I can look into? It seems that this issue has started only with the latest updates. I can still use the shortcuts on the older versions of the editor
  20. if you have it defined try setting the style to ST_NO_RECT (0x200) class ControlName { ... style = ST_NO_RECT + ST_MULTI; // style = 0x200; ... }; Hope that works, Bull
  21. What markers are you trying to update? What are the parameters you are trying to update? Why do you need to update markers? When are you going to be updating these markers? Who (server/client) is going to be updating the markers? Are you using mods? If so, which ones are you using? Can you reference their ReadMe files? Please provide more information Bull
  22. Not sure if I have misread this, but I think some more information is required. However, here is a litle reading for you: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/147352-how-to-use-the-strategic-map-function/ Also, look at the module description in the mission editor to see how the modules should be set up and how to best implement them into a mission https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/File:A3_modules_info.jpg Hope this helps, Bull
  23. addAction, removeAction and removeAllActions are local commands. I would recommend executing your script this way (not the conventional way, but should work...) // FNC_ObjectActions _this params [ ["_object",objnull,[objnull]], ["_mode","",[""]], ["_args",[],[]] ]; if (isnull _object) exitWith {}; switch (toUpper _mode) do { case "ADD" : { _id = _object addAction _args; _object setVariable [(format ["ObjectAction_%1",(_args select 0)]),_id]; }; case "REMOVE" : { _actionId = _object getVariable [(format ["ObjectAction_%1",(_args select 0)]),-1]; _object removeAction _actionId; }; case "REMOVE_ALL" : { removeAllActions _object }; }; true; // return // Example to add action - either execute on client or server (server is recommended) [table,"Add",["Open Table","openTable.sqf"]] remoteExec [0,"FNC_ObjectActions"]; [table,"Remove_All"] remoteExec [0,"FNC_ObjectActions"]; [table,"Remove",["Open Table"]] remoteExec [0,"FNC_ObjectActions"]; (Code not tested) Although BIS_fnc_MP is/was backward compatible I would not use it anymore. IMO it is now best practice to use 'remoteExec' as BIS_fnc_MP has been known to cause minor errors with recent updates (**insert link to post here - Im too lazy to find it again) I hope this helps, or at least points you in the right direction Bull
  24. Woops, posted old code! Original post updated!