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Posts posted by migueldarius

  1. On 6/9/2022 at 12:41 AM, Vdauphin said:



    The Hearts and Minds mission 1.22.4 hotfix is here!

    Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only.


    Changelog :

    • Mission.sqm/Param.hpp not changed.
    • FIX: Taxi syntax error (@Vdauphin).
    • FIX: Remove non latin characters from tag string (@Vdauphin).
    • FIX: Updating french translation (@Omega974).


    Have fun!!!

    Its possible add the Proyect OPFOR and the factions in your version please?

  2. On 7/12/2019 at 12:22 AM, oldbear said:


    In order to give an idea of what you can get on a budget build I have done some YAAB runs on my bench rig




    Standard settings in Arma3 are using 1800 m overall visibility, as previously said Ultra settings goes for 3800m.

    Let's remember that Overall Visibility in video settings is not a graphic card setting, it's a 100% processor parameter due to the way Arma3 RealVirtuality Engine works.

    So as I said previously you will have to choose between Visibility and FPS.


    So what was in the basket ?

    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Wraith Stealth Edition 137€

    Ventirad AMD Wraith Prism rev.A 26€



    Corsair Vengeance LPX 16Go (2x8Go) DDR4 3200MHz 100€

    Samsung SSD 970 EVO NVMe M.2 500 Go 110€


    Then... I would wish me FPS.

  3. Hello everyone, someone can help me to fix my script please. I am a beginer in this, somebody can tell my why my script doesn't work? I want that OPFOR have 0% skills and BLUFOR complete 100%. :down:

    if NOT(isServer) exitWith {};
    [] spawn 
    while {true} do
    	sleep 10;
    		if ((side _x) == East) then {
    			_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["courage", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.1];
    			_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.1];
    		sleep 2;
    		if ((side _x) == West) then {
    			_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["spottime", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["courage", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 1];
    			_x setSkill ["commanding", 1];
    	forEach allUnits;




    Creada por Darius







    09 de Septiembre de 2032 a las 18:54 horas


    Misión en Español


    El General Akhanteros de la FAA perdió su helicóptero que le iba a llevar a Altis, gracias al bombardeo de esta tarde la OTAN ha destruido casi todas las aeronaves de la FAA. Ahora él se ha escondido en su base militar al este de Agia Marina, vamos a asaltar esa base militar, acabar con los refuerzos y volver al campamento.




    • Destruir los refuerzos
    • Matar el general de la FAA (Objetivo principal)
    • Escapar de la zona




    La operación se basa en una táctica de "golpe de mano"  (entrar, cumplir objetivo y salir muy rápido).


    1.  Alfa, se encarga de colocar cargas explosivas y emboscar los refuerzos que vienen por la carretera de la base aérea, la carretera que viene del Campamento Rogain y la otra carretera que viene desde Mike-26. ¡Destruyan todo lo que pase por esas carreteras!
    2. Los equipos Bravo y Charlie asaltarán la base militar.
    3.  Salir de ahí e ir a un lugar seguro.








    Operación Ardilla en Steam

  5. The colour changes based on your side, I assume you are on opfor in that picture?

    Also if you send me your translated version I can setup localization and add it to the main version.


    aaaaaaaaaaaaaam true, true, Im in OPFOR, nice, nice lol. Ok all right, thanks for your script, I like it so much.

    ---------- Post added at 10:32 ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 ----------

    The colour changes based on your side, I assume you are on opfor in that picture?

    Also if you send me your translated version I can setup localization and add it to the main version.


    squadGUI Spanish

  6. In that case, let's have a little experiment:

    bis_arsenalLoad = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    someScriptWaitingForArsenalToLoad = [] spawn 
    waitUntil {scriptDone bis_arsenalLoad};
    [this,["B_UAV_01_backpack_F","I_UAV_01_backpack_F","O_UAV _01_backpack_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo;

    not work, :(

  7. BIS_fnc_arenal is spawned, that's why, try:

    null = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; 
    [this,["B_UAV_01_backpack_F","I_UAV_01_backpack_F","O_UAV _01_backpack_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo;

    Nope, don't work :confused:

    http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/29602236286914392/2547446275AF7A14ACD0BC01E43921E9AB7D9F43/ (110 kB)

    http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/29602236287054913/9F39D63B9F1AEF7DC2C1568F846504A833F6E05C/ (182 kB)

  8. Hmm, weird....

    Assuming your not on development build, try BIS_fnc_arsenal without the third parameter (condition check), it may not make a difference:

    ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    [this,["B_UAV_01_backpack_F","I_UAV_01_backpack_F","O _UAV _01_backpack_F"],true] BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo;

    EDIT: There is actually a similar issue brought up in this thread, though it's about VA removing weapons, not backpacks, but it should be the same thing (FYI, there aren't any responses).

    Not accept bye game :/

  9. this is the group's leader, not the car he's in.

    deletevehicle (vehicle this) might work.

    But what happens to the driver if his car disappears? I don't know.

    awww yeah work, thanks ^^

    null = [logic1, logic2, number] execVM "generate_traffic.sqf";
    _start = _this select 0;
    _end = _this select 1;
    _number = _this select 2;
    _carList = [
    _manList = [
    for "_i" from 1 to _number do{
    	_civil = createGroup Civilian;
    	_randomCar = (_carList select (random (count _carList))); 
    	_spawnCar = createVehicle [_randomCar, (getpos _start), [], 2, "NONE"];
    	_spawnCar setDir (getDir _start);
    	_spawnCar setfuel 0.5 + (random 0.5);
    	_randomMan = (_manList select (random (count _manList)));
    	_driver = _civil createUnit [_randomMan, (getpos _start), [], 2, "FORM"];
    	_driver moveInDriver _spawnCar;
    	_driver setBehaviour "SAFE";
    	_grp = group _driver;
    	_waypointCar = _grp addWaypoint [(getPosASL _end), 0];
    	_waypointCar setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this); deleteVehicle this"];
    	sleep 5;

    ---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 ----------

    this is my full script working, this make a traffic vehicles from logic point one to other logic point where you want put in the editor. So you should do is create two logics points names what ever you want and choose a numbers of car you want to see road. :o

    null = [logic1, logic2, number] execVM "generate_traffic.sqf";
    _start = _this select 0;
    _end = _this select 1;
    _number = _this select 2;
    _carList = [
    _manList = [
    while {true} do {
    trafficDone = false;
    _number = _number + (random _number);
    	for "_i" from 1 to _number do {
    		_civil = createGroup Civilian;
    		_randomCar = (_carList select (random (count _carList))); 
    		_spawnCar = createVehicle [_randomCar, (getpos _start), [], 2, "NONE"];
    		_spawnCar setDir (getDir _start);
    		_spawnCar setfuel 0.5 + (random 0.5);
    		sleep 0.1;
    		_randomMan = (_manList select (random (count _manList)));
    		_driver = _civil createUnit [_randomMan, (getpos _start), [], 2, "FORM"];
    		_driver moveInDriver _spawnCar;
    		_driver setBehaviour "SAFE";
    		_grp = group _driver;
    		_waypointCar = _grp addWaypoint [(getPosASL _end), 0];
    		_waypointCar setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this); deleteVehicle this; trafficDone = true"];
    		sleep 5 + (random 5);
    waitUntil {trafficDone};
