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About Jay1990

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  1. You can call your function in the init of your unit. this addAction["GUI",{_handle = createDialog "test";call fnc_init_open;}] Don't know why it doesn't work with the onload.
  2. Jay1990

    No shadow on the object itself

    Thank you for your help Gnat. It was a problem with the material. I removed it and now it worked. I also saved the textures as *.tga.
  3. Jay1990

    No shadow on the object itself

    I created the texture in photoshop and saved it as *.png and then i create the *.paa with TexView2. Do i have to choose another image format ?
  4. Hello, i have build some objects with cinema 4D an exported them to oxygen. My problem is that there are no shadows on the object itself and inside the buildings it looks as if its fullbright. Here are some pictures of the objects. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 I've already search for similar threads but i found nothing in the forums. Thank you for your help.
  5. Maybe missing addons or its a mission from the alpha that doesn't work anymore.