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Everything posted by EliteSniper

  1. Yeah, then watch this thing take a bullet. That's like 2million dollars down the drain. To expensive for the military, chances are they'll never use it. Plus this isn't Halo or Xcom, this is Arma, a realistic military simulator. BTW do you see how much that thing cover the body? It would mean carrying less stuff + sacrificing your flak/bulletproof vest for something that makes you lift more stuff.
  2. EliteSniper

    Night is too bright after 0.55 dev

    I seem to enjoy the night. I seem to have a hard time seeing at long distances without NV(night vision). I can't use a Sniper rifle or use my binocs/range finder at all. I do agree however that it's kinda too blue. I would suggest making an option to make it either very dark or light.
  3. EliteSniper

    New Update [Questions]

    AAF could be American Armed forces(who knows) CSAT could be Canadian(but then again who knows) Although there is over a billion(yes I'm exaggerating) America vs. Russian games, it would be a shame to take out Russia. Maybe Russia will be allies with America this game, as they probably would be at this time frame. Russia and America have no hatred or fear towards one an other right now, and I don't think they ever will.
  4. EliteSniper

    A.I Sight

    They are usually at 50% or 75%, and I shouldn't need a mod to make the A.I work. Isn't this what I'm paying for? A game that works? If I wanted to use mod, I would've waiting a year before buying so I didn't spend $45 on a broken A.I.
  5. EliteSniper

    Body armour & helmet protection feature

    Cool, yet I doubt any of you have ever used a Kevlar vest or seen it take a bullet? Just read about it on wiki, correct? Ahh thought so. Maybe when you see it in use, and not in videos where they use low velocity(rounds that don't pierce armor) you'd noticed Kevlar doesn't stop most rounds. And yes FMJ is designed to pierce armor. I believe in the 1990's two bank robbers had a massive shootout with police that killed a few police officers and injured a lot more. They were using FMJ and nothing could stop the bullets, not their car, not their vests, reason they had to call in the swat team with a heavily armored car. Not hard to know if you did your research. Please take five mins before you say anything, or don't say it at all. Another thing, Dragon skin doesn't fail, and you can't get bullets stuck or able to pass between the scales. Sorry but it's been proven to work even under the most extreme conditions, unlike Kevlar and ballistics. You can tell me I don't know anything, but in the long run I have experience with these vest as I have tried out both. You just looked stuff up and judge off that. Tell me one thing, if Kevlar and these helmet are so good, then why is it that our soldiers get killed? I know why, it's because Kevlar doesn't stop a lot of bullets. Now this will be my last post on this thread, so before you respond with a HUGE paragraph explaining how I'm wrong and you're right, think about how much time you're wasting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6z7DTn-M7k Boy those steel plates really work, let me tell you. >.< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjcVGZtM8UI
  6. EliteSniper

    Body armour & helmet protection feature

    LOL, Kevlar barely works my friend. And the reason they are forcing them to use Kevlar and steel plates is because it's cheaper then the Dragon skin which is the future of body armor. Btw a bullet is at it's best in medium and long range flight. Most people who take a hit from FMJ when wearing Kevlar and steel plates die, because those get pierced. Not hard to know if you did your research before hand. You didn't? Whats this? "I don't believe that it is impossible or really that hard to make body armor work the way it should"
  7. EliteSniper

    Body armour & helmet protection feature

    You do realize that shooting at armor point blank with a FMJ round will kill a person right? The videos of Snipers shooting vests, and high caliber rifles/pistols shooting them are not using FMJ. And the military doesn't use any other rounds but FMJ (videos show bullets like low velocity), because they'd be extremely useless on the battlefield. (FMJ is: Full Metal Jacket, which means it pierces body armor) Helmets don't do really anything unless it's low velocity rounds or shrapnel. Knee guards are to protect the knee when kneeling so you don't get a rock or skin burn when firing, same with elbow pads. Unless they have armor in the game, every bullet will most likely pierce the armor.Another question. Are you a developer? No? Then how would you know that it's so easy to implement. It would be pretty tricky to master this without major bugs, and would take a while to flesh them out.
  8. How do I shoot while sitting down like in the trailer of the sniper shooting at the KA-52? 1:06 you'll see a sniper shooting while sitting.
  9. Hello, does anyone have a list of the official weapons and vehicles that will be put into the game or has Bistudio not released any information on that? Sorry if this thread has been posted before, I can't seem to find any threads asking this question. Dank, EliteSniper.
  10. I agree, most people*cough* developers, fail to relies that .50 cal weapons were designed to destroy armored vehicles and light tanks(M107, Desert Eagle, M2 sniper, etc.). I don't know why a mk82 can 1 hit someone but not a .50cal. Should be fixed in my opinion.
  11. Why do you want to go under powerlines anyways? I don't know about powerlines but when I'm near a rock and about to shoot(while having a clear shot) I hit an invisible barrier on the rock. Quite annoying to....
  12. EliteSniper

    Sitting, and shooting?

    Thanks man!:yay:
  13. EliteSniper

    Poll - Rather Modern or Futuristic?

    WW2, hell no. I get bored playing all the WW2 games out there. Yeah it's nice, but if you want that, go play Iron front. But Vietnam would be awesome. Have some napalm planes, B-52s, Hueys, Pattons, jungle invested area, ahh would be awesome.
  14. EliteSniper

    Iranian troops need to be heard!

    Israel was never a threat to NATO, seeming how NATO gave them their country after WW2, and they are one of the best allies of NATO. We wouldn't do shit? ahahaha, like we didn't do shit to Irag, Afganistan, Vietnam, Germany, Japan, North Korea and China. Guess we didn't act at all. Iran would be destroy as stated by many US presidents, if they build a nuclear bomb. End of story.
  15. All I wish for is the map of Chernobyl/Pripyat, and the M-24 sniper rifle. As Arma 3 is my first Arma game ever, I never got to experience my favorite weapon in the world, on Arma 2. Weapons I hope to see added, -Rifles- M4A1 M-24 Sniper rifle M16-A4 AK-74M M-95 sniper rifle M-107 Barret .50cal M1 Garand(just as a cool weapon to fool around with) G3A3 -SMG- MP5 MP5K Uzi AK-74U UMP-95 M1 Thompson(just to fool around with and have fun) -Pistols- Berreta M9 Berreta M93K M1911 -Explosives- C4 Semtex Semtex(Cell phone) M24 Grenade -Vehicles- HMMVVE Black Hawk Apache Cobra MI-24VP Dirt bike -Air- F-22 F-14 F-15E F-117 B-2 B-52 C-17 C-130 AC-130 A-10 Warthog SU-27 MIG-31M MIG-21BIs F-16/A F-18/C F-5 Freedom Fighter Mirage YF-23(Black Widow II) -Tanks- M1A3 M1A2 T-80U(m) T-90 T-100(made it up) T-55AMV T-34/A -Launchers- Javelin(ATGM) Javelin(AA) Stinger
  16. EliteSniper

    Poll - Rather Modern or Futuristic?

    It is for Special forces only. It was not designed for regular warfare. It is designed for night raids such as the Osama bin laden raid, that killed him.
  17. EliteSniper

    Iranian troops need to be heard!

    Iran would've been destroy by this time period. Obama already said, that as soon as they create 1 nuke we will respond with a full military invasion and knock out Iran. Iran has yet to respond, and I think they assume Obama was joking or just bluffing. = total destruction. Plus I didn't think Iran was in the game, I just hear Russian I think.
  18. EliteSniper

    Poll - Rather Modern or Futuristic?

    I really haven't thought about it that much, but now to bring it up I think more modern times are my preferred choice. I like the M-24, the M-4, and the M-16. I think they should add those weapons in just for the fans. But I don't really mind Arma 3 at all. The only thing I think they need to change is the name of the Ghost Hawk. Real life it's called the Stealth hawk, and it's only used by SEAL Team VI. It was never intended to be a main transport. They should've just sticked with the Blackhawk. Other then that, the game kicks ass, and I can't wait to see the planes.
  19. EliteSniper

    Wind feature?

    Don't know about a function, but under the mission parameters you can change the wind direction and speed.
  20. Anyways, I vote for a delay. Delay=more content and less broken stuff. I'm sure Arma 2 and mods for Arma 3 can satisfy us till December, or whenever they delay it to.
  21. EliteSniper

    Chernobyl and Pripyat map.

    Anyone else think it would be awesome to implement these real time locations? Leave your feedback.
  22. EliteSniper

    Chernobyl and Pripyat map.

    Talking about a map implemented by the developers. Bug free, lag free, and building in which you can go in. Right now that map is just eye candy. You can't actually go in most of the buildings, and most of the map is flat. Chernobyl and Pripyat are not flat.(around the outside.) Plus on top of that, the trees are bright green and living. The trees in Pripyat are dead and leafless. But it's a good map, but not meant for playing, just meant for looking.
  23. EliteSniper

    Chernobyl and Pripyat map.

    Cool! To be honest, I don't care about a mod for the game. I'm talking about a map put into the game:p I don't think anyone else has asked my question either.:bounce3:
  24. Hmm, I would think they would delay it till later November/early December due to the developers being arrested and didn't have enough time to work on the game and fix the bugs. All I hope is they add in planes before the delay so we can test those out.