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Everything posted by irfanahmed1979

  1. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    I'm new to arma and I'm using the dev build of Arma 3 beta. Where should I unzip the folder to? I want to play on stratis so I've renamed the folder to SPMP_DUWSv073.stratis. I've tried unzipping it in the missions folder, the MP missions folder and the main Arma3 folder but when I open the editor and load the stratis map and then click on the load button the only thing that appears in the missions list is <new mission>.
  2. thanks. Where can I get the ASR? Is it compatible with DUWS.
  3. I've been playing the DUWS for a few days. I'm new to ARMA. I tried everywhere but I can't get the answer for this question: How do my squad members rearm? Currently I have 5 men apart from me. The autorifleman was complaining about no ammo when we were out on a mission. So I brought the team back (helicopter taxi) and even told them to enter and disembark a Marshall APC and then I saved my game by resting/waiting but the autorifleman still didn't get his supplies replenished. I have both the armory and supply drops unlocked. Could anyone tell me HOW TO REARM MY SQUAD?
  4. irfanahmed1979

    Close Air Support - Day 1

    I'm a bad pilot. Boy!! are these machines tough to fly and even more difficult to land (killed two repair specialists on my landing attempts and the turnaround service just wouldn't end).
  5. I've downloaded a small user-made mission from this forum, what do I have to do to play it?
  6. Runs smooth on my rig at ultra settings. Though the FPS is somewhere around 30 but I'm ok with that. CPU: core 17-3770K, RAM: 16GB 1600MHZ Corsair Vengeance, GPU: Gigabyte GTX-680 SOC, OS: Win 8 pro 64-bit.