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10 Good

About LordMordecai

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  1. LordMordecai

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Thanks so much! I removed the medical PBOs and everything is working perfectly. Good stuff!
  2. LordMordecai

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I've run into a rather minor problem with the mod. In the Prologue, on the mission "Rising Tensions" there's a part where you encounter a wounded soldier that needs to be healed. The game tells you to do this by scrolling the mouse wheel down and selecting treat soldier. However, with AGM, it seems that this is not possible. Perhaps some sort of option can be added to the interaction menu such as "complete current objective" to make the mod more friendly with campaigns. Additionally, the mod seems to allow some units to die that weren't meant to die, maybe a "resurrect" button could be added to fix this? Or maybe some option could be added that would make the mod campaign friendly? If no consideration can be given to the campaign, well and good. The mod is fantastic as is and I can't wait to see how it develops. It definitely goes on my "must have" mod list! Even with this hiccup, it's made the game infinitely more immersive. It's really starting to feel like a simulation with AGM. :)
  3. LordMordecai

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I'm having a slight issue. Even when I'm running A3MP as my only mod, I'm not able to access several ARMA 3 Empty objects, most notably, the "Wrecks" section. All of the wrecked cars and trucks from ARMA 3 aren't showing up in the editor. Has anyone found a fix for this problem, or is this just a glitch with the mod that we can't do anything about at the moment? This link leads to a screenshot of my issue: http://s1073.photobucket.com/user/LordMordecai/media/A3%20Screenshots/2014-06-08_00001.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
  4. LordMordecai

    Arma Memes...

    I made an account just to reply to this fantastic thread. I expect to be back here many times. So I found the History Channel Guy in ARMA 3...