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Everything posted by rakowozz

  1. rakowozz

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    Agreed! When putting this video together, I thought it would be nice to have something along the lines of CCTV cameras filming as you go through the course. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying these challenges! Will move on to the blue one now :D
  2. rakowozz

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    00:53.259 in the red course. Now, this was a tricky one, especially since it took me several hours and many attempts to realize: you're given two weapons, but you don't necessarily have to use both of them. You guys wouldn't believe how long it took me to notice that... haha, well played! Plus, there's this door that kept opening by itself, standing there, between myself and one of the last targets :icon_lol: And I wanted to continue not using the crosshair, as stubborn as I am. Well, here it is: 7uh-QidPtz0 (still uploading the video, as of now)
  3. rakowozz

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    I use Dxtory with the Lagarith Lossless codec. Give that a try, it pretty much does not affect my performance significantly. Although I lack HD space. ps: it's on, Sneakson! :cool: Haven't given red, blue and orange a try yet
  4. rakowozz

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    Is there a dev leaderboard? :D (yay, first in green! ...for now... haha)
  5. rakowozz

    The Giant Beta Media Thread

    Wanted to make a cinematic video of the new content, and coincidently I was playing a mission when an enemy chopper unexpectedly attacked our Ghosthawk. Thought it was good material for a video (though I think it ended up a bit overedited haha): vd7OcAbGJZY
  6. rakowozz

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    Couldn't that stimulate people with dubious intentions to cheat? The Arma community is different, yes, but that's what happened in every other ingame leaderboard I've seen. That and absurd times of half a second at the top.
  7. rakowozz

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    Hi, long time lurker, first time poster :) Hope it's okay to post videos out of the videos thread. This is my Green course run in 01:35.940: C2e9v-3et_M
  8. I still think we see too much underwater. I'd blur our vision a bit more.