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Everything posted by Coflash

  1. For the SP version, is there a way we could possibly modify our loadouts before we started the mission? Sometimes I will start at night and I'm equipped with an SMG with no suppressor... kind of annoying. I realise I can find an area with VAS but it would be nice to have a starting weapon that I could work with. Also, by default can we be equipped with the .45 pistol rather than nothing? Thanks!
  2. I meant the voice itself, it sounds very muffled, disinterested and not very authentic. Try this place if you want people who are professional voice actors: http://voiceacting.proboards.com/ A lot of them will do it for free, especially if it's something featured in a mod game.
  3. ^^^The addition of voices is nice, but those voices in particular don't sound very natural... at all
  4. I thought we were beta testers ^_^
  5. Is it possible to be able to set how many men are in your team? I feel like I'd be more effective with just two guys rather than ~8
  6. I don't mind the walls, I was just wondering if I broke something. What purpose do they serve though? Thanks for the other fixes - I can't wait to play it again tonight.
  7. Okay... a few things from tonight.. 1. The issue I told you about on Steam; I paid 200 points for some AT soldiers to come and take care of some tanks for me, but they had no RPGs. I watched them come into the valley and I watched them die without firing back at the armor. I inspected their corpses and both had empty RPG launchers. These were the guys if it somehow helps: http://www.coflash.com/stuff/norpgs.jpg 2. When I build things, it takes a long time for them to appear. Maybe 10 seconds? So if I build a wall... I drag it to the place I want it... then hit purchase... then wait 10 seconds... then it appears. It was instant before. 3. When I build static weapons (AT/AA launchers) they seem to destroy themselves and then respawn right on top of themselves straight away, here is a screen of what I mean: http://www.coflash.com/stuff/doublebuild.jpg 4. Did you add this long wall? I also noticed a lot of other odd things in the map that weren't there before, like giant water buoys that were washed up everywhere. Very odd. http://www.coflash.com/stuff/greatwallofaltis.jpg That's all, thanks again
  8. To me that's no better than someone saying 'make sure your computer's plugged in and switched on'... We have a game that should still be in Alpha/Beta that continuously breaks, yet every time the same suggestion turns up. Has it even worked for anyone ever, by the way? When do files randomly delete themselves? I had to disable all of my Steam mods and the issue went away, so I guess once again the Workshop is broken in one way or another. Again. For some odd reason that cannot be pinpointed.
  9. I get it and I'm not even using the Workshop. I'm playing a Whole lotta stratis (dropbox version). Whenever I die I get the content deleted error and then the screen just sits there showing the environment. It ONLY happens when I try to load a save game. It was fine yesterday.
  10. Are you able to add compatibility for these guys? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19132
  11. What's with the respawning/death system? When I normally die, I die. When I turn respawns on I can still shoot after my screen goes white and I always seem to die on the first shot I receive.
  12. Also... When I am tasked with helping a group take over a point, it says that the assault begins at a certain location (marked with green). One time I decided to just go to the town and take it. Eventually the others came, but the task would not complete itself. I'm guessing it was because I didn't go to the meeting area to begin with? Should taking the town not complete the objective?
  13. A few more (I've been playing this a lot lately...) When I build bases, sometimes I'll come back and the AI has built it's own defences in place of mine. It's pretty annoying if I've built a heap of walls for good reason, only for the AI to remove them so that they can replace the walls with a machine gun that serves no tactical purpose. I'm not sure if this is something you can fix as it's probably related more to the core game than your mod... when an attack helicopter descends on our base, some times 4+ AA missiles will hit it and it'll go down. As it goes down, it tends to take out all the ground defences. This would be fine if it had been hit once... but 4 times? Is there a way to make them explode mid air instead of when they hit the ground? I also noticed the English is a bit off, let me know if you'd like help with any of that (I added you to Steam already, my username is the same there) Thanks!
  14. Even if you got 1 point for killing something, it would still feel better than nothing. The point that I was trying to make was that it's harder to kill a number of tanks and APCs over a base that only has men inside
  15. Hello again, a few more issues after playing a 5hr straight game (with no lag, it's getting better) Sometimes when I take a zone or help others when it's under attack, it tells me I succeeded but then the enemy immediately owns that zone. I then have to take it again. That doesn't seem right. Why is it that I don't get any prestige for kills? In one area just now, I killed 3 tanks, 3 APCs and maybe a dozen men, yet I got nothing. Though if I take a small base within a few minutes I get 200 points. This seems a little odd. My team mates keep telling me they're out of ammo. It's usually when they have rifles with grenade launchers, yet they have no grenades. Also, if you add the mods you suggest, one of them adds an AT4 launcher. Whenever my guys are equipped with these they never have AT4 rockets. It's annoying because when I go to their bodies I expect to be able to take their launcher/rockets yet there's only ever a launcher. My AI seems to get stuck a lot. Usually after healing or repairing something, it's quite common (so I have to remove them in 0 - 0) That's all, thanks again
  16. Hello How are you supposed to hold bases you've already captured? If I capture one, I defend the hell out of it. I have multiple AA/AT launchers in every direction, patrols, vehicles etc. The base seems to do fine so long as I stay there, though when I move to take another it always goes to shit and they're lost. What's the trick to holding them for good? How can you *possibly* hold 80% when the AI can't even hold one? Other than that it's great as always, thanks
  17. Hello I've played Operation Flashpoint/ARMA since the beginning and I've never really been into the MP side of it. The performance is never great and I hate it when people are hell bent on going off by themselves. As there's no campaign, what are you guys doing in SP to get the most out of your game until one is released? I can create basic missions but it's a bit boring as I know how they all work. I've tried a LOT of single player missions from ARMAholic + the Steam workshop but many of them are average. What I like most are mods/missions like 'A Whole Lotta Stratis/Altis', but they tend to start off where my frame rate is fine and after an hour or so I'm in the single digits (running GTX780s in SLI I might add...). The best part about them is they use the entire map and you can build/defend bases, it's great. It'd be nice if something official were made in the same sort of way. Anyway, are there any missions that are similar? I saw the dynamic battlefield one but it didn't seem very polished the last I played. TL;DR: Are there any really big SP missions or mods I can sink hours/days/weeks/months into?
  18. You're lucky -_- Which brings me to another point; Wasteland/DayZ like crap flooding the server list, it's rare I can get any of the older game types, rarer still that I live in Australia. Anyway, I won't be going back to MP any time soon.
  19. Can you link me to the one you're using or post the name of it? I took a look but couldn't see what you were referring to
  20. Will do, thanks Since the alpha was released up until this day, I have spent 102hrs in single player doing exactly that + playing whatever other good missions I can find. There's only so much you can play until the good stuff runs dry :/ At least with campaigns you can play them differently a couple of times before they get really boring. I really hope there will be more randomly generated campaigns/large missions. Yeah... it's that other mode that isn't hampered by performance and doesn't get ruined by people obsessed with kill/death ratios...
  21. I have dual GTX780s and an overclocked 2600k, I too get FPS in the single digits after a while. It's a shame because this is the best mission out there, but performance is the biggest problem now
  22. But... on the other hand, for me the difficulty is fine. I can't say I've ever experienced what Kommiekat explains and I've been playing this since the beginning. If I have a problem with a base being taken, I use all the mines/explosives available to me and some team mates in good positions to defend it. Put a few mines that are spaced out on every road leading up to the base. Put anti-personnel mines near the entrances. There's no excuse to lose them tbh, you have all these free weapons and explosives to assist you. You also have a team mate with rockets, and you can grab one yourself. You can also easily send a few soldiers to take care of the mortars while you hold the base for a while. You could also do the reverse and capture the mortars for yourself, then bomb surrounding enemies with it. Or what about clearing all surrounding bases/enemies before taking that base? It would be a shame if you made it too easy, especially when you clearly have the means to keep a base free of the enemy. I'm sorry, but ARMA is about using tactics, not being handed everything for free. This is what's so good about this mod.
  23. Hello... so far I have played the Alpha/Beta for around 60hrs (only single player). I am running GTX780s in SLI with a 2600K at 4.4ghz yet my frame rate is very choppy. I am running a fresh install of Windows 8 with the latest drivers for everything. I also have my OS on an SSD, and another SSD for my games. The games one is a Crucial 256GB. I have tried overclocking to no avail. This system only exists because of ARMA3, but it has allowed me to max out such games as Metro LL and Crysis 3. Here are my settings: http://www.coflash.com/stuff/options01.jpg http://www.coflash.com/stuff/options02.jpg http://www.coflash.com/stuff/options03.jpg (I have since disabled SSAO and a few other things... no difference) I came from a single GTX580 and performance hasn't improved at all (apart from the fact I can run at 1440p as opposed to 1080p now). This seems VERY odd. Even if SLI isn't utilised, it seems poor for a single card like the GTX780. I know "it's a Beta", but I also know it's a BI game (I've been playing since OFP, A2 still runs poorly as well) and that will probably have horrible performance well into its launch. I feel like the "It's an Alpha/Beta" etc excuse is going to be used until the "They'll patch it!" excuse becomes valid, so I was wondering if we could get some proper answers. There are times I run into single digit FPS. This sort of performance shouldn't even make it to the Beta stage. I will mention it does seem fine when I am by myself or with a few squad mates... it's smooth as; as soon as you introduce some enemy AI or a helicopter then it goes to hell. At the end of the day I'm just wondering what I can do to make the experience a little more fluid. It seems that no matter what I disable it still runs like crap. I am by no means an expert in all of these graphics options so any help is appreciated. Thanks
  24. Via Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/coflash/screenshots/?appid=107410&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall All 1440p (the ones snapped with the camera tool anyway)