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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Both Koclize shotguns don't have muzzle flash proxies.


    Promet's muzzle flash is very different (but better) than other vanilla weapons' muzzle flashes.




    6 minutes ago, the_one_and_only_Venator said:

    Since the bullet drop on the Kir is absolutely insane because of it being an subsonic weapon with heavy projectiles the ranging is different. The collimator on the DMS is zeroed to 100m (in contrast to 200m on normal DMS) and the DMS itself has smaller steps (25/50m) only up to 600m.


    Hopefully it receives a new reticle too.

  2. First I'd like to say thanks for the new update! I'm very happy to be able to provide feedback for Arma 3 Contact and watch it develop. Now, for my feedback.


    The new weapons' sounds are good. Really good. Too good compared to other weapons, which makes me hope for some sort of audio upgrade. There is some level of inconsistency between them and vanilla weapons, for example the Promet GL's UGL shoot sounds compared to vanilla UGL shoot sounds.


    The Kozlice has the "sgun" cursor while the Promet SG's underbarrel shotgun has the regular "arifle" cursor.


    The MRD (Black)'s texture is incorrect and it has the wrong UI picture.



    What's the difference between the DMS / DMS Kir, and ARCO / ARCO AK? Different cursors or ranging?


    LDF, Spetsnaz, AAF, and CSAT IR strobes have no visual difference from each other.


    Will we get a UAV terminal for the Spetsnaz?


    Viper Stealth suppressors are available to the Promet.


    The RPG-42 (Green) is missing the "Alamut" part in its text.


    RPG-42 (Camo)? 🙂


    • Like 3
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  3. Just now, Grahame said:

    So DZSA should have empty buildings? Cause these buildings are ports from there where they had furniture... If you want to dev a map with a realistic environment you just have to add all those objects anyway, so where is the saving. Not only that but DS_Houses gives us all the small buildings *with* furniture so it's sort of a step backward


    DZSA doesn't have an editor afaik and isn't built around scenarios like Arma 3 is.

  4. 46 minutes ago, Grahame said:

    Okay, got Contact DLC today... just a couple of very brief thoughts after a very short look:


    (1) Not sure why all the furniture was removed from the buildings... most of that in DZSA was just from ARMA2 anyway (and pre-0.62 were ARMA compatible models), so it just means that we have to add furniture ourselves now


    I much prefer having empty houses since it lets missions designers set things up how they want to instead of having to design around default furniture. Not only that, but it improves performance because there's less draw calls and stuff to render of course.

    • Thanks 1

  5. 18 minutes ago, xxgetbuck123 said:


    I'd suggest chucking them into the recon part of your current Russian faction. I personally don't see the point in having a whole new faction just for Spetsnaz since they're just Russian SF. 


    1) Saves you from making another faction just for a small amount of units

    2) Allows mission makers to use the one Russian faction which would include SF dudes, rather than have 2 factions. 


    Also, an off topic suggestion.


    Q) Would it be possible to reskin all the vanilla NATO faction vehicles to the same tan colour as the Tanks DLC Rhino vehicle is? The inconsistency of the tan and the NATO grey doesnt look right and I reckon it would enhance your mod further. The reskinning of the CSAT to look Russian is awesome, so a texture touch up for NATO vehicles would make it stand out further. 


    I'll look into it. No promises. But I agree the Rhino's tan is a lot nicer than the ugly grey-tan we see on prior units.

  6. 3 hours ago, shadeops21 said:

    Are there going to be standard combat fatigues for the CTRG Tropic? From what I've seen, we have Arid and Tropic stealth uniforms, but only Arid conventional (non stealth) uniforms.


    And with the introduction of a "Woodland" NATO faction that appears to use a darker green/brown Multicam/MTP plate, have you given much consideration as to make a full "desert" uniform to compliment them?


    Not a request, but food for thought, y'know?



    No plans for conventional uniforms in Tropic for CTRG's forces, I'm afraid, though you can always use the urban uniforms; it's not like the arid ones blend in either. 😄


    No plans for a desert uniform either but it's still something that can change.


    1 hour ago, Callsign said:


    Seeing as like you said, Russia aren't in CSAT yet, it makes sense to have Russia + Spetznaz separate. That way it'll be canon, unless BIS change things in Contact DLC. It also adds another faction for people to use in mission making that aren't aligned to NATO or CSAT.

    Kudos on the great work as always. 😎


    Well the Spetsnaz aren't part of CSAT either, so it wouldn't really mess with anything canon. 😉 Also, both Russia and Spetsnaz would be OPFOR factions and they would still have minimal differences between one another beyond some equipment and visual changes; I'm planning on using some of the new gear for the regular Russian forces, vaguely inspired by this:




    5.45 mm chambered AK-12s, Gorka uniforms, the new CSAT spinoff helmets, and some sort of plate carrier, possibly the LDF's vest but reskinned. Unsure about camouflage. They are going to be usable anyway in Arma 3 but mostly designed for Livonia's locale.

    • Like 3

  7. 1 minute ago, haleks said:


    What use are they without any kind of mask to go with? rolleyes_anim.gif


    If those things were filters from the start, it's another thing to add on the failed 2035 things list...


    Who knows. Doesn't seem like BIS even knows and they're just making up things as they go. 😛 They are getting gasmasks in Contact but the lack of a CBRN suit was explained as "their suits are CBRN capable".

    • Confused 1

  8. 1 minute ago, mmm said:

    I would have welcomed ARMA modelling real modern technologies properly instead of "its 2035 cuz we tell you so" reskins. Programmable fuzed round, man in the loop NLOS missile, small loitering munitions, dismount soldier SA systems(say nett warrior, some of it could be as simple as tying certain blufor tracking difficulty setting to equipments instead), to name a few. If you want to go a bit more wild how about things like legged logistic robots for terrains unsuited for vehicles to keep up with foot soldiers? They could use the goats as starting point. Features that are genuinely new but also based on reasonable projection of near future(or even existing) technology. Instead ARMA 3's "futureness" is mostly just in appearance, others deviate way too far from real world capabilities. I mean what kind of function does the CSAT helmet HMD have? Or CSAT uniform with neck to toe coverage , protecting against only small shrapnels, what kind of 2035 body armor design is that?


    You could argue that the HMD / HUD stuff in the Combat Goggles, Tactical Shades/Glasses, CSAT Helmets, and definitely the Fighter Pilot Helmets are projecting the in-game HUD plus things like the GPS.


    Regarding CSAT's armor, my personal theory is that the top is a two-piece suit: camouflage cover and the more functional part with kevlar (?) armor, cooling tubes, wires, Air Conditioning / CBRN filter (the thing on the back, confirmed by devs), etc. The pants probably have *just* armor sewn in with the fabric, which would explain why CSAT officers have armored legs but not armored arms or torsos.

  9. 1 hour ago, Zakuaz said:

    Exams...aah that time of year, GL with all that fun stuff!


    I've joined the CSAT team in my tactical barbie ops and noticed the fatigues are a little lighter in color  -love it-  but then I saw the defender ( IIRC ) helmet and it had the lighter color then another variant that said "Arid" next to it.  Is there plans to offer up/extend that Arid color palette to the fatigues/recon fatigues?  No big deal at all, I like the colors now but options are always fun haha.


    Arid is planned for sure! I just haven't gotten around to it yet. 😛

    • Like 1

  10. Eagerly awaiting Arma 3 Contact's release! For now though, I am busy with exams and graduation. 😄


    A little progress in the mean time:

    • CTRG equipment has been scrubbed of any and all flags.

    • CSAT has a new T-shirt variant of the light fatigues (flavor content, not used by any units yet.)

    • CSAT Pacific's diver gear has been recycled for the Russians; CSAT Pacific divers will continue to use standard CSAT equipment


    I'm not entirely sure how to tackle Russian forces with the new Spetsnaz faction. Should I keep them separate (Russia & Spetsnaz), combine them (Russia), or...? Keep in mind Russia is not CSAT *yet* so I can't do CSAT (Russian) / CSAT (Woodland).

    If I combine them then the existing Spetsnaz forces will be recycled into Russia's recon units (classnames will remain unchanged).

    Any and all ideas or suggestions are welcome.

    • Like 4

  11. Some interesting things to note from Enoch:

    - Looter faction

    - M2 HMG .50 static weapon + shield, and shield for armed Offroad

    - Extraterrestrials (just CTRL+F it)

    - ARCO AK

    - Green 4-five

    - Green RPG-42

    - Camo RPG-42

    - Black Mk200

    - Forest rangers textures

    - LDF Military Police Van

    - LDF ambulance

    - DMS (Old)

    - Cargo and flatbed HEMTTs

  12. 14 minutes ago, reyhard said:

    It's not listed in hiddenSelections array by default since it was made more for some other reskin so right now it can only be accessed via mod which adds it to standard unit. I didn't add it to base model by default since I was afraid of some backward compatibility issues but I will take a look tomorrow it's safe to add it .


    Would it be possible to get a selection to hide the shemagh too?

    • Like 2

  13. It is possible to fall through the floor in a part of this building.



    Open the front doors and go forwards to the wall.



    Turn around and start walking side to side along it, against it, etc. Around the area I shot in the above pic, it is possible to clip through the floor and take damage.


    Pic of me falling through.



    These have some weird lighting issues (the poles)




    (Same without flashlight on)


    AO from grass is going through the pole.


    • Like 1

  14. @DnA Minor issue with the Gorka / Granit Suit's textures. On the camouflage version, the camo is in the wrong area. It should be where the dark green is.




    Blue arrow shows where flat green should be.

    Red arrow shows where camouflage should be.


    Please note that the camouflage is in the wrong area across the uniform, not just on the pants.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  15. 8 minutes ago, x_DarkSpecter_x said:



    I'm not one of those complaining, but I understand it. The alien aspect of this DLC is so backward from what Arma is about, and people would rather see Arma return to its roots. Roots, mind you, that are based on military simulation. 


    I mean, yes, there's a lot of new content with this expansion, but it's still based in the awkward setting of 2035 (or somewhere around then). Look at the most popular Arma YouTubers, do any of them use any vanilla assets? No, and why? Because people want realistic contemporary and historic content, which this expansion has gone the exact opposite direction. 


    BIS isn't just going to do away with the current setting, that'd be silly to think. Also, once again - the aliens are optional and you need the DLC to play with them as far as I can tell. So - honestly, so long as you don't have the DLC or don't have the aliens part loaded, you will not encounter aliens AT ALL.

  16. For those complaining about the new expansion featuring aliens, I would appreciate if y'all actually took the time to read up on the expansion's content. As far has been officially stated by the developers, Contact will not feature alien blasters and flyable UFOs. The aliens and roadside picnic-esque anomalies are purely scripted plot devices for the campaign (which I'm sure will be a good campaign too, given that it's brought by the creators of Remnants of War and Resist) and the bulk of the expansion's content is new factions, weapons, vehicles, and gear that properly fits the Arma 3 canon setting.


    Furthermore, after doing some digging through what little config is available in cfgSoundSets, cfgFactionClasses, cfgMods, etc., it seems like there will not be an alien faction (though there are several mentions of a "Looter" faction). EDIT: In hindsight, the alien and campaign content are packaged in the optionally loaded files so aliens are still possible. THAT SAID, see below.


    Also, the alien content and campaign can be unloaded:


    I still don't understand why certain people are complaining since y'all use community mods anyways. 😉

    • Like 7

  17. 7 minutes ago, instagoat said:

    Considering that A3 was supposed to be scifi before it was rolled back to its current near future setting, maybe the story is a little more involved. That they spoiler the twist in the trailer is the disappointment, if anything. The Units seem to be kitbashes from existing meshes, but the vests look at least partially new. Making new buildings from scratch is probably out of scope for what appears to be a side operation when compared to the main studios in CzRep. So is completely new vehicles, etc, thus the sidegrades for existing ones. Such as the hardtop for the pickup, and the new textures. The russian units do not use the TCU of the persian and chinese CSAT units, apparently. The Uniforms look more like Gorkas. The Helmets are reskins though...


    I hope they read some good books (or a helpful site such as atomic rockets) before writing this. If the Aliens are there to steal our water, I am going to scream.


    The LDF uniforms are a mix of the officer and combat uniforms. Vests and helmets are new entirely.


    The Russian uniforms might be from DayZ but I'm not sure - though they do have Viper gloves now. Same with the vest. Helmets are "new" models but built off of the vanilla CSAT ones from the looks of it.

    • Like 1

  18. 39 minutes ago, DnA said:

    The camo spray paint (arid / lush) regular AK-12's and some accessories will still be Apex-licensed. The AKU-12s and RPK-12s will be Contact-licensed, as they are new model files. We've considered linking those to Apex as one 'family', but felt it would become too complicated with dependencies between products.

    Those particular reskinned props are 'placeholder' still and will be improved.

    We do hope to release as many texture templates via Arma 3 Samples as we can post-release.

    CBRN Suits are available in all NATO-spec faction camos (MTP / Tropic / Woodland / LDF / AAF / Blue / White). In our view CSAT uses more advanced infantry uniforms with their own 'air-conditioning' and some CBRN protection features built-in. They do get their own APR in 3 colors. Although what we have not created to complete this set, are hoods for said CSAT uniforms to create a better seal (not currently planned).


    Awesome! I'm super excited for everything, can't wait to redo my Russians with all of the new gear in particular. Personal request: Granit Suit with a ghillie cover like the other vanilla ghillie suits. Also, will the Spetsnaz faction receive any new ground or air assets such as quad bikes, qilins, or helis? I do recall spotting a heli pilot when digging though cfgMods. 😉
