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About blazin419

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  1. blazin419

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    I'm actually quite happy with the current helicopter model. It's significantly better than ARMA 2's flight model and it's not hard for new players to grasp. I've never played Take on Helicopters so I don't know the type of flight model that it had, but if it took a lot of my CPU power I definitely think it wouldn't have been worth it. I see too many people crash and burn already to have more people crash and burn. I spent the last half hour in the editor of the development build flying all the new helicopters and I think they're good. The acceleration is quite high as it should be once the helicopter gets moving (almost kind of feels like a jet with some of the more faster helicopters) and it's very easy to go back to hovering speeds by simply banking and doing a sharp 180 turn. Also, the Ghosthawk is now my new favourite helicopter. The thing looks so slick and its max speed is like 450km/h!
  2. blazin419

    Ghillie suits aren't too noticeable

    I understand what you mean, but I don't think you understand me correctly. The problem I'm having with ghillie suits right now is the fact that there is no specific environment in which it camouflages well in. I spent an hour or so with a friend of mine comparing the visibility between the ghillie suit and a standard uniform (we played hide and seek :))and I can tell you right now the ghillie suit is not effective in any specific environment, at least on Stratis. I don't know the topography of Altis, but no terrain fits correctly with the color scheme of the ghillie suit on Stratis. In ARMA 2, the ghillie suit was extremely effective in hiding prone in the grass or under the pine trees, which was basically 90% of Chernarus. You could literally hide from someone in plain sight if you were prone on the grass and facing the right direction. The ARMA 3 ghillie suit however, stands out as much as a standard uniform regardless of where you're at. It doesn't help to be wearing NV goggles (which I consider essential equipment) as it's colored in desert camo and sticks out like a foot from your face.
  3. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but there are significant color differences between the Ghillie suit and the terrain of Stratis. Whether it's on grass, the ground, or anywhere, the ghillie doesn't really give any sort of advantage. ARMA 2's ghillie did an amazing job hiding you from enemies when you were on grass, but it seems like ARMA 3's ghillie isn't useful regardless of where you are hiding. I think the ghillie needs some work. Edit : typo in the title it should be "are" not "aren't"