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Everything posted by kendoka15

  1. kendoka15

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    That obviously depends on what it's used for But an overclocked i5 is quite a beast
  2. People with good systems are getting cpu bottlenecks. You have a gpu bottleneck I've got perfectly good fps and gpu usage in an empty map (60+ fps on 5760x1080) but when there's some or alot of AI, the fps massively drops (20-30 fps)
  3. Unless BIS make some huge optimizations with the engine, the AI is going to continue destroying our cpus for quite a while. Graphically, this game is easy to run (780 Ti here). Cpu wise though, not so much EDIT: To the guy above (King5ton), the thing crushing the fps in high AI count situations is the cpu, not the frames rendered ahead. That would imply the bottleneck is on the gpu
  4. kendoka15

    3 Monitor Resolution Idea

    With triple monitors (Everything but render distance maxed) I'm getting pretty good gpu usage, but with lots of AI the cpu usage prevents my gpu from being used more than 60%, so resolution isn't quite the problem It's alot easier to triple screen than BF4, Metro LL, etc