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Posts posted by HitmanTwoActual

  1. Hey! Glad to see more commercial ships popping up in the modding scene. As with the other projects, I'll offer some help where I can, although it is entirely just information I can offer. I've been on a few ships, but I have a good friend that just got off of the M/V Ocean Freedom who can give some insight. Any particular reason you chose this specific ship? Good luck! 

  2. 2 hours ago, ArmaFiend said:

    I tried to capture the diesel-electric "spirit" with the engines not running to the props but to a generator unit. I put in 2 engines looking at the size of what I had and wanting the engine to span 2 levels(with the cat walk). This was to have an interesting fighting space for CQB that was engine room "like" and not restrictive with Arma. I am working on a ship 2 so consider this me letting you know. The ship will be about half this size to get better detail. If you have photos of just a generic section on metal paint that would help. From my research "rust kills ships" and "paint everything" means there are multiple layers of the "same" paint. That would give me an idea of a texture I am looking for on parts of the ship.


    Without cluttering up the forums too much, I have attached three of the many photos I have from my most recent ship. The main machinery space can be seen containing two main diesel generators. These generators attach to the main transformers, mechanical power is turned to electrical and is distributed to the main switchboards seen in the engine control room picture. There is more in-between that but it would take a few pages for me to explain haha. I should note, that on the ship, there were two of each space, so there would be two machinery spaces, two engine control rooms, etc.. they are separated by the centerline of the ship and sliding watertight doors connect them. The generators are typically a few decks above the propulsion motors attached to the main shafts. They are connected via the complicated system of electrical wiring/transformers. vUDVBeSkeVADxwmso854uyKTHdpxBRPg5zpb4npPAOGTjxPswjev7kWo9rKBHTSq9zyCWSnVOWKwxvTnPEurTGT5qJI4EfJNcccz1ytnvTgqPzbG0-A38MQc

    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, YanYatCheng said:

    there's a few important parts missing:


    -Main mast

    -engine control room

    also, most merchant ships have 1 engine only, rooms are also too small.

    there also shouldn't be any access under main deck to the bulk carrier's cargo hold.

    and yes, that guy was right, textures are bad. you can see through walls and doors.


    Actually, most modern-built ships are diesel-electric type propulsion which means the engine room will typically have four main diesel generators, a multitude of transformers and breakers panels, and two propulsion motors connected to the shafts. While the now-aging slow speed diesels were a single-engine, they are becoming less attractive and not as likely to build due to the new 2020 maritime emission law. 


    @ArmaFiend If you want any photos or help designing the ships let me know. I've spent a little too much of my time on them.

    • Like 1

  4. I think what is most enjoyable about this thread is that we can tell you are enjoying the work you are doing. It's a fresh breath into ArmA and honestly I think it's really awesome that you are taking the time to animate all the rigging, coming from a maritime school in the states, I love every bit of this. Cheers!

    • Like 2

  5. 1 hour ago, zeealex said:

    It would be nice to have some official ladies, but it would put me out of a job doing the thing I love most especially when I'm so close to nailing the formula, and to be frank, the last time they looked to a mod of mine for 'inspiration' they didn't even say thank you to myself nor the original concept artist. Yeah I'm still salty about that, not saying i invented the concept of women in games or anything, just that y'know, kicking me to the kurb after helping to bridge the gap for so long would kinda feel like a betrayal, and besides, why pay them for DLC if you can have a mod for free? I know my work quality isn't fantastic, but it's something, right? 

    I'm about as anti-feminist as they come, and i'm doing this mod for the reasons you state, because it just feels weird having all men around and as a woman its nice to play as a woman when I get the opportunity, I mean, shit, yelling SEXIST and demanding BI do something about it probably would've been easier for me, but where's the fun in that!? I wouldn't have seen the necessity to learn how to do it myself, I wouldn't have picked up max otherwise, so in ways I credit arma's lack of ladies for my growth as a person and an artist. 



    Real talk. But your work quality is fantastic and I think I can safely say the community has enjoyed your mods ever since you released your first one. I can also respect learning a new trade and putting it to use instead of complaining to BI. You have a lot of supporters within the community Zee, and I hope to see you expand and grow even more as an artist. You do you.

    • Like 6

  6. 19 minutes ago, DJankovic said:

    Get over it it is a game,people can do whatever they want in it.


    It's a bit more than that for people who serve in the U.S. We don't like to be portrayed as those who beat prisoners and commit war crimes for fun. Warlord put it perfect when he said it isn't what SOCOM stands for, they're professionals not thugs. It may be a game but I guarantee most of the community would have a fit if someone was positively posting pictures of SS murdering civilians in the 40's, so why is this any different?

    • Like 5

  7. Do you think it's possible later down the line to add interior? Don't get me wrong I love this addition but I think even a bit more interior would help a variety of different situations. A hanger and the rest of the tower would go a long way for the community. Either way, love the carrier, just thought I would throw in my two cents.

    • Like 1

  8. 4 hours ago, war_lord said:

    On top of what Road Runner said, not everything has to be artificially "balanced" around gameplay you know. It's not like this is intended for use in any kind of tournament play. I don't really worry about my loadout being optimal, it comes down to 1. what's realistic and 2. what looks cool.



    Always my friend. Always.

    • Like 5

  9. 3 hours ago, colonelhartigan said:

    Sounds like you're looking for unitCapture and unitPlay regarding the formations - no matter what the author is capable of, ArmA is never going to give you that kind of cinematic precision simply from waypoints or some other relatively generic means. You can mess with flyInHeight and speeds in the waypoints, however unitCapture seems like your panacea.


    About the trim: from a realism standpoint, if you take your hands off the cyclic on a teetering rotorhead helicopter not equipped with at least a two axis autopilot, your life expectancy decreases roughly as an inverse square proportion to time.


    You've mentioned the "Sling Load DLC;" I reckon you mean the helicopters pack. I have not purchased this pack, but Sling Load works fine for me, I believe in keeping with Bohemia's philosophy of releasing features (eg weapon resting from the Marksmen DLC) for free and content (the fancy rifles) as paid. No worries here, I think, but a valid concern for me as well.


    Have you heard of "DCS Huey?" Right up your alley ostensibly.

    I understood 80% of those words

  10. 1 hour ago, kklownboy said:

    Well what Special Forces are in RHS? I hope they do some Green Beret. Would seem like the next US Army group to do.


    But with that said, m3maaws is now being issued to ICBTs this year, RHS team might just add them next update being as this is in the scope of the mod now.


    But now the "Special" folk use m4maaws, shorter with extras.


    I think they'll add what they want, it's their roller coaster, we're just along for the ride.

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