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Everything posted by GuzzenVonLidl

  1. GuzzenVonLidl

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    @killzone_kid thanks, but its what @torndeco mentioned, I was using the format command which was the limiting factor
  2. GuzzenVonLidl

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    My bad, did not consider it was related to format
  3. GuzzenVonLidl

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    @killzone_kid "debug_console" callExtension (_msg + "~0000") That can only print 8184 characters and leading back to my first post I am guessing that's because your using copyToClipboard
  4. GuzzenVonLidl

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Or is there a way of extending that limit by using a extension? I know that KK's debug_console only supports 8184
  5. GuzzenVonLidl

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Will 64bit support more characters then what is currently hard-coded in 32bit v1.66 when using diag_log and copyToClipboard? currently diag_log maxlimit is 1023 and copyToClipboard is 8184
  6. no! you do not want to add a video to a mission, adding a few song and the missions is already to big (3-4MB) a video would be minimum 50MB so if your doing a multilayer mission no way in hell people are going to download and play it through the server, while talking about the server, it will take a long time to download and people playing on it will probably get red chain. But if you still want to you could try to use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_playVideo more then that I cant help you with because I never used it GuzzenVonLidl
  7. since you closed down the arma 2 thread, I am guessing that you stopped working on it and focusing only on arma 3?
  8. F3 is working perfectly fine, so you have to do something wrong. If you still haven't fixed it I will send you the code
  9. GuzzenVonLidl

    Force player to spawn prone

    WarLord554 that is incorrect, setunitpos only works for AI not players, you need to use the animation mentioned above to make it work, recommended if you are going to use the command with respawn you need to use event handlers
  10. GuzzenVonLidl

    How to create a basic TDM mission?

    Hello VioletJin this link will probobly help you, yes I know it is for arma 2 BUT most arma 2 scripts work in arma 3, http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=4772#4772 Hope it will helped you, if you have any editing questions this might help http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751 GuzzenVonLidl
  11. Hello Vegatry I am currently at work so I cant test anything, but if what you did does not work, you can download and try "F3" http://ferstaberinde.com/f3/en//index.php?title=Main_Page this is very well documented and it has the thing you are looking for, download it and please say if it helped or not there is also a version of F3 for arma 2, called F2 GuzzenVonLidl
  12. GuzzenVonLidl

    Halo Jump

    Sorry to say this but thats the only one. what you could do is use a addon that allows you walk inside that specific vehicle, but what is the problem with the script? It is made so that you cant move in the c130, that is the only way to keep the player inside the airplane
  13. So are you using a script for this or are you using manually placed AI in the editor?
  14. well I am guessing that you are using add action to the heli to activate them, and I have unfortunately no idea how to fix that since add action is made locally and not synced to the multiplayer, just search for "addaction multiplayer" and you could possibly find something, but it will probobly be for arma 3... Also I am sorry but I never used EOD so I dont have any solution tell me if you want me to upload my example GuzzenVonLidl
  15. Hello Devil I had the same problem one but what I did was a work around it, I am currently at work so things might no be 100% accurate. but what I did was I just created the green & red light at the start of the mission, then used triggers with "attach to" command to add it to the osprey, or in your case c130, If I remember it correctly I created the lights in the init.sqf so everyone spawns it when they join, and attached the light to a game-logic. Now my way is defiantly not the best way because you have to fly through a specific zone to trigger the lights. it was painful to create since the airplanes were supposed to do it every time they dropped someone off, and yes it was players flying the plane. basically the triggering was that when they enter the first trigger red light is activated, and after 30 sec it is detached and green light is attached instead and then another 30 sec and it is detached. I had to do this for multiple airframes. I am sure that there are some better way with a script, but if nobody else responds this is you last way. GuzzenVonLidl
  16. GuzzenVonLidl

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    As a gamer I think Altis is overall a great with the detail in the cites, some nice hills, performance is good. but as a mission maker I always think that large forests are the best, example Chernarus, Porgagorsk, Celle 2 theses are forest/woodland Islands in arma 2 and I believe that forests are great because it makes interesting firefights, they block the view so you cant see to far, or even better blocks the view of the AI so that they cant engage from ridicules ranges. but on Altis there is almost no forests only open field however they are covered with few trees, and rocks that make it look natural. sure it is based off a real island but still, good map but needs more forests