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Everything posted by Valken

  1. I would not blame Tonic but congratulate him for keeping Arma 3 multiplayer alive. Seriously, he has done so much for this game, despite a lack of good multiplayer campaign out of the box. Maybe with all the money that has been from life players (it can actually track total users to life servers vs everything else), BIS will make a military multiplayer campaign for the "rest of us" (TM - Apple Corp). Oh wait they do but is called DayZ... Haha... Now I REALLY wish BIS would go back to the future soldiers 2035 + aliens + rail and energy weapons of the original design.
  2. Valken

    [WIP] A3WarMod - a WarMod for Arma3

    Great work. Will you consider making this to be AGM compatible? I've been testing AGM in single player and it really has a lot of the good old ACE mod feel to it (AI medic). With Advanced Ballistics and TPW bleeding mods, AGM feels fairly good, but not as good as CoWarModAce + Ace of course. Still much better than Vanilla A3. Lastly, is there anyway for you to include the blown/burnt up corpse mod from CoWarMod? That is probably one of the top 5 feature mods missing from A3.
  3. That Predator video cracked me up! Great job DC!
  4. I had the same ORB problem with Blastcore Tracers and GL5 FX. I am using BD_Tracers from Gunter's COWARMOD2 pack and it is nearly perfect. I get 3 tracer colors instead of 2 also! :D
  5. Valken

    [SP] Afghan Entrapment (RWO)

    Awesome. Can you update the RWO thread to include it there?
  6. Valken

    Santa Security Force

    Awesome but needs the Tactical Beard mod to be complete :D
  7. I want to join but its like 2 am where I am! I want to see a live stream or video of the game session though. Bravo on the release!
  8. Fantastic but need a replacement config for use with AiA to replay those old missions! :D
  9. Valken

    Blood pool removed?

    ArmA is a war simulator and having gore and blood should be there. Its not Gore PORN, but a simulation to show the seriousness of war and soldiering. I don't anyone makes light of this even when playing it. I think BIS can assume its audience is mature enough to handle it and make a game for that specific crowd.
  10. Awesome mod. Love the idea for a more tactical Half Life universe.
  11. Valken

    High-End Desktop, low fps

    OC your to the max. The AI runs on 1 thread/core so it will a cpu core to run as fast as possible for Single player or in Dayz (where it shifts the zombie AI over to the player within x range). For multiplayer, its the server cpu due to the AI load that is slowing you down. You end up waiting for the server to send data. Nothing you can do about that other than to contact the server owner and see if they can OC the server cpu for more processing power.
  12. Valken

    ATLAS: Sci-Fi Mod

    Great work! Can't wait to try these out against conventional troops. I wonder would it be hard to create energy based weapons? I guess the energy effects can be very pretty tracers with shader effects and use ballistics to give it that real damage feel.
  13. I'm still playing A2/CO and would like to see this updated to the current steam beta 116.523 as well.
  14. Valken

    ATLAS: Sci-Fi Mod

    AO looks better. Must more detailed! In some twisted way, I can see these as the Elite Cobra Vipers Commando units from the second GI Joe movie (not cartoons). That is a complement!
  15. Valken

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Will you add the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Iraqi Army and male Kurd forces? It would be good for a config option to use RHS weapons also if possible. I believe based on current world situation, all would be BluFor.
  16. Valken

    Ghost Recon in A3 Experience

    Sounds awesome.
  17. Valken

    AlienZ Mod

    Bad Benson is working on the Jurassic Arma mod so is busy but I did message him about it. If you make a working config, please share but let him know about it. He may be motivate to push out an update.
  18. .kju, Drongo released an updated Middle East Conflict mod that actually replaces the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah unit pack. Would you use that to update the AiA HQ Units pack? Also, are there plans to incorporate CUP so we can trim down the AiA SA pack?
  19. Probably my favorite A2 map from you! Simply cannot wait for it!
  20. Both versions AIA merged and AIA Standalone still works with either A2 or A3 models, but not at the same time. Use the instructions I've listed above. I switch back and forth from both to play A2 missions. But I use AiA merged to play with A2 units, and AiA SA for A3 units. You can also use the @ascz_a2_map_fixes with AiA merged to improve A2 map lighting.
  21. Valken

    [WIP] A3WarMod - a WarMod for Arma3

    I love your A2/CO Warmod. It killed my old cpu Core I5-760 @ 4.2 GHZ and I HAD to remove some of the PBOs to keep performance up. :D I still use it with every A2 game. Agree on leaving the AI mod out as I've removed the ASR AI files myself and modified it wiht other AI. But you can include the AI in optional folders since most are small and it is a pain for user find, download and then start testing AI. At least with your package, its there and the user can swap AI mods for testing. I'm testing VCOM, GroupLink 5 FX for AI myself.
  22. It would great to have all the future warrior stuff back into the game. Arma Purist CAN disable it on the server and in missions for classic game play while others can enable it. By not having it is a let down for other half. I hope the Rail Gun is made available again. It would an awesome Ghost Recon type scenario to procure it or take it out.