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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Valken

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    Np fellas on the fix. Hope Variable and the OpTRE team can workout the classname conflicts! @ Halek - I use TPWMOD to add forest ambiance. It has sounds and other small environmental enhancements. You can check it out. Agree on the background sounds though. Should really add some "alien" sounds to the jungle and plants. I suspect you can use some Dino growls to make the world feel much more alive or even weird humming or frequency sounds... Those crystals make vibrate and give off some sounds on other worlds... :D
  2. Valken


    So awesome! I've been getting my Aliens fix with the current Aliens TC with some Brutal Doom mixed in GZDoom. Cannot wait for this. I would love it if you can modify or inherit the motion sensor radar similar to STHUD, BUT as an ATTACHMENT on the weapon like a heartbeat sensor: Not sure how hard this would be. Oh, and please add flashlights and laser attachments to the guns.
  3. Error report: The init.sqf in the mod has the wrong variables listed for the enemy and resistant CAS, CHS and Drone selection. It should be as follows adding the word ENEMY and RESIST after TPW_SKIRMISH_ : It currently uses the same variables for the FRIENDLY selection. Bug or feature 2: If you set FRIENDLY, ENEMY and RESIST to CUSTOM units (0), but do not actually add or name in any custom units into these strings: tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring = ""; // Custom string to select friendly units from config tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring = ""; // Custom string to select friendly vehicles from config tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring = ""; // Custom string to select enemy units from config tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring = ""; // Custom string to select enemy vehicles from config tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring = ""; // Custom string to select resistance units from config tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring = ""; // Custom string to select resistance vehicles from config The mod would completely mix up all the team with units and civilians for all 3 teams. It was pretty funny to see basically a huge free for all with completely mixed units on all sides. Eventually, the teams would form back with more of the "default" units as they are killed off or respawned. If I set the selection back any designated teams or add back the custom factions, then it would become normal again. This did not happen 2 versions ago for example so not sure what changed in the skirmish code.
  4. Valken

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    Confirmed on what RioD said and I found the problem. The current OpTRE mod has a new map GRIDLOCK included. If the user removes that map from the addons folder, then load up Pandora, the grass shows up. If you leave that map in the folder then load the red grass and crystals do not show up. I have a suggestion. Can you set some (not all) of the crystals to light up at night? I know ARMA will turn "on" light objects at night and its "off" during the day. It would look immensely cool on Pandora. Same for the cotton ball type plants. I believe you can just inherit or look at the lamp objects in EDEN to get an idea how the code works. Lastly, any consideration to add the purple light up flowers to any of the trees? Example would be like Orchids growing on trees: It would nice to see some colors in the trees or in the jungle. just like the Avatar movie. The bases look awesome. It needs more clutter to have that camped in look. I love playing around this map in EDEN. This, Tanoa and the Unsung jungle map are pure joy in sandbox mode.
  5. I upgraded from DDR3-1333/1600 @ 1333 CL9 to DDR3-2400 CL10 and it gave me at least 10 FPS on the bottom end. 4790K @ 4.4 GHZ all cores, DDR3-2400 CL10, SSD, AMD 6950 unlocked CFX: Altis 47 FPS Stratis 58 FPS YAAB 34-36 FPS Single AMD 6950 unlocked with DDR3-2400 CL10 Altis 37 FPS Stratis 48 FPS YAAB 29-31 FPS I am looking to upgrade to a GTX 1070 or faster (waiting on AMD Vega) then will decide. I did have a chance to pickup a 5775C for really cheap but my cooling is only a Corsair H50 (2nd version) so its pretty old. Didn't feel like spending 100 USD just to push the CPU up by 200-400 MHZ! RAM was a superbuy for 32 GB at 130 USD.
  6. Great update. I was wondering if you guys would consider working with RS to add the rain textures to your gear: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193826-rs-rain-textures/ It would be incredible for on Tropic maps like Pandora.
  7. Valken

    Gendarmerie Re-Armed

    Nice mod. Definitely need an update for these guys. Same for the Police on Altis and Stratis. Can you add support for the ADR-97 from Steam Work Shop? I figure they could use additional PDW. Would be a good fit for them.
  8. Valken

    EricJ Release thread

    Hi Eric, I tested the new AH-96 and UH-92 in Variable's Pandora map. Love it. Is it possible to set a basic color to match the terrain? There was a mod where someone retextured (recolored) the NATO faction to match Tanoa so I was hoping for a Tropical Edition for all future maps that will use Tanoa assets. Even a Tropical Multicam, or AAF camo version would match the terrain. Also, can you make a black or dark gunmetal grey and slightly weathered version of the helis for PMC/Black Ops use? I can see it for use during night operations. Keep up the great work! Will do more testing and advise back my thoughts.
  9. Awesome. I just upgraded my ram recently and what benchmark and settings are you using to test?
  10. Valken

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    The only way to stop the war (or any war) is to get all the asshats that still want to fight, fully arm them, their families, relatives and loved ones, drop them into Syria fully surrounded by a bombardment ring that gets smaller over time and let them go at it. This includes all the backers and their support groups such as funding or materials support. No one will stop the war until those pushing the agenda are front lined with all their family and own lives at stake. Soldiers are pawns for the hidden masters.
  11. Valken

    Alien Invasion Series?

    +1 here
  12. Not even sure if this even possible via scripting: Metamap mod - ability to link multiple maps into a custom or updated grid, reposition and have it transition between the two or more maps (EG move between Stratis and Altis seamlessly as a single map in a mission, even though both are really separate assets.) +1 for scalable AI mod. Auto Headless client mod that would apply to any mission even not coded for it. It would be a MOD, not script suite, that would add HC function to existing missions - load HC mod, run 1 to X HC clients and automatically just work. Would do wonders for existing SP/COOP and MP games. HC mod should be able to define which sides and units to offload or blacklist from HC to maintain mission compatibility. Global Illumination mod - pretty sure it must be a graphics pipeline update in the game engine. Would be incredible to improve (increase) the amount of Global lighting to existing maps via a mod. Just looking at all the new GTA V visual mods made me think of this. Global Sound Reverb mod - similar to Laxmann'e Enhanced Soundscape and dynamic to actual terrain in 3D. Probably an engine addon in the future and no thanks to the death of DirectSound 3D or lack of hardware OpenAL support.
  13. Valken

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    Looks awesome but would be concerned about AI flying around that map. If the AI can navigate it without killing itself most of the time, I think it would be incredible. Even better if those floating rocks moved around slowly.
  14. Valken

    [COOP-16] Home Unlimited

    Both! The reason is that I have been playing ESCAPE missions online and the vanilla versions has a lot more users initially. Once they complete the mission, then I see more users playing with RHS and CUP mod versions. So to ensure we get as many people as possible playing together online, definitely make both if possible.
  15. Valken

    EricJ Release thread

    I love the franken-helis. Any chance for a modified Apache? I noticed the Alien's dropship used a similar cockpit to the Apache so it fit the ARMA 2035 timeline with an updated Apache. Keep up the great work.
  16. Valken

    RS - Rain Textures

    Amazing and working now with other mods now! You should open up the source or a config file so other mods can use this system such as RHS, Niarms, VSM, CUP, SMA, other weapons, gear and vehicle mods... BI should develop a universal shader system like this.
  17. Hi, I was checking and these links are completely broken?
  18. Valken

    Arcade Realism Settings?

    My settings are little different from that but I see your point. My FOV is ~100 in first person and more in 3rd person. I must have edited my profile during the beta! In RL, you have ~ 170 degrees of FOV. Only the things right in front of you is between 90-100. The other 70-80 degrees on either side is missing on your monitor unless you go wider than 16:9 ratio. The 3rd person view shows much more peripheral vision. A compromise could be to adjust the 3rd person camera to only behind the shoulders a bit while widening the FOV. Here is a mod that pretty much addresses the issue of 3rd person for first person players: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169730-The-Fourth-Wall Check it out. I believe it is the best compromise for now for competitive gaming. For SP and Coop, it is a totally different story with an average squad of 4 to 8 vs hundreds!
  19. @ Kju - correct. I have not played IF at all. :D
  20. In Harvest Red, you started in squad and the AI basically covered you while you blew up the target then exfil with an AI In subsequent missions, the enemy AI increased and forced the user to be much more tactical than run to the target, set the det charge then leave. So in a coop mission, the first few objectives must be winnable within reason to encourage the user to go on, and as time progresses or as objectives are accomplished the number of enemies increase and so does their accuracy. This forces the user to slowly but eventually slow down and become much more team oriented and tactical. Example - playing coop Escape Tanoa online (no addons required), the enemy AI increases as they call in reinforcements after the initial escape. If the team took TOO long in one area, the AI calls in tanks, apc and CAS on the teams location. It keeps the game moving and forces the team to take guerrilla tactics or very good coordinated strikes on targets to keep loss at minimal and to not allow the AI to call in further backup. It was a really good way to play coop and allow new users to work as support for the existing team. Eventually, they can actually scout and do their own parts on their own (become medics, fix vehicles on their own, watch out and offer support fire, etc...). For the campaign itself, if it is broken down into a bunch of missions, then yes, the later missions should be relatively tougher based on number of players. The reason is that you do not want the user to just rush through the campaign and force them to coop. This way you train the users to become more tactical. They can win if they coop. If they Rambo it, then well good luck! :P Also, there should be a selection to set at least regular and veteran difficulty online by default. There are some clans or pub servers that focus on getting better players to participate and they love a harder, not impossible challenge. Elite is crazy hard for even most squads so Veteran level difficulty is a really good balance. If they add ACE + Veteran, that is a good play level to train users into. That's my opinion and I can say I did not play IF yet. So even for me, I would like to ease into the first few missions to understand the weapon mechanics, limits and see how the game plays differently from A2CO and A3. Then eventually, I want it to be "challenging" with a good squad or risk getting bored with God like AI or too easy missions. Balance is difficult in COOP, more so than SP or TvT but is really rewarding to win together with like minds on well planned and balanced missions.
  21. Valken

    co10 Escape

    I was looking at the first page and there isn't really explicit instructions on how to port the mission to another map. Is there a tutorial or wiki on how to do this?
  22. Great idea and the best way to get users to support IF Full or Lite. I suggest you actually scale the difficulty of the campaign. Similar to the A2 Harvest Red campaign. Revive - yes Respawn - depends if it is JIP like in the Escape mission (where new users can drop into the game and spawn at current the squad leader position then yes). No to unlimited respawns from death as users would just mow through the missions and not care about tactics. The squad should understand the risk of losing with run and guns tactics. The above revive mode at the very least should apply to the first 2 or 3 missions to get users started. Other missions can be scaled to hardcore but all should be server options. You will need a newbie server, and at least veteran settings selectable by the server admin. From there they could make ACE type servers if the community supports it. Look at all the coop servers out there. Users drop out if they cannot rejoin the squad and usually end of as fodder unless they actually form a second squad and take a 2nd or 3rd objective. If this can be tested under IFlite then even better as more users can join in to test.
  23. Would be great to see Raccoon City and Silent Hill in ARMA but I am unsure if it is possible to have tunnels in ARMA. The AI can't navigate underground I believe.
  24. Valken

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    I started playing the SP Escape Ravage mission after completing Escape Tanoa Coop online yesterday. Brilliant. To add more variety, would you consider porting this to the Unsung Mod? Imagine the GIs escaping both VC overruns and Zombies while working with "mercenaries" to get out?
  25. I had a few questions about the difference between the lite and full version. It said the textures and the missions were different? Did you mean the terrain, house objects or players, weapons and vehicles? If we buy the full version, can we just import or copy the textures pbo over to the lite folder? Also are there any coop missions? If there are no single player missions, coop would be a good way to get into the game for me.