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Everything posted by Valken

  1. If I was not entering my busiest schedule, I would sit down and arrange furnishing all day! I will try to do some in my spare time. I suspect it would be easiest if there as test mission VR that had all the buildings to run this? Will check if I can drop into EDEN and see what can be done.
  2. Valken

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I am getting Cx000005 out of memory errors now with the recent DEV 1.67 update with 64 bit and cannot launch it! Using the same settings as before which was working fine. This is with and without any mods! What did you do guys? Do I need to force hugepage files?
  3. Regarding the headband issue, I think a green / red or yellow headband added into the current masks via photoshop should suffice as we're mainly interested in operational battle dress, not parade styles. Though it would be cool to see a scripted march through or rally event regions as part of intelligence gathering or news report.
  4. Valken

    Gac jsdf

    @ gachopin Arigato! Looking forward to the JGSDF LAV for so long! :D
  5. @jarrad96 Yes, I meant Syrian Arab Army and Dragonfire is correct to add maybe some Hezbollah since they are actively engaging Al Nusra Front with Russian and SAA together. There aren't any really good mods to represent these anymore without some compatibility issues though I think Project Opfor is the last one that is working. I would love to see some FARC but then we need to create the Colombian National Army to battle them. Edit -- just saw Colombian Armed Forces mod on Steam Workshop so FARC AWAY: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831775240 For Brazil, there are tons of mods already on steam but nothing for the Cartel unless we just use Apex's Syndikat OpFors. Personally I would like to see SAA and Hezbollah to represent current forces after fleshing out CAM. There are also some South African SF units that needs updating that would make a wonderful addition. I think if you focus on regions, it would easier to do just by matching up Blue and Opfor.
  6. Love your Ghost Recon mod and these factions. I really like the more unconventional units such as ANA, Iraqi SF and Peschmergas especially with the "current" crisis around the world. Maybe SAA later?
  7. Valken

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    @kremator @vengeance1 It is about right with the cpu due to the AI load. You guys can just start increasing the AA and other settings with your 1080 while keeping the same average FPS. That will give you relatively maxed out settings and performance. Nothing we can do until ARMA engine becomes better at multithreading the AI.
  8. Valken

    Nassau 1715

    As everyone had stated before, BEAUTIFUL! Any possibility of a short video sailing around Tanoa? Would love to see a Pirates type mod in ARMA for multiplay. Great work!
  9. Valken

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    @vengeance1 Is the game installed on a SSD? If not, try moving it there then running it. It should improve a bit and also what are your RAM speeds? ARMA is MOSTLY limited by CPU IPC so clock speed per core, then RAM speed (it loves high bandwidth RAM but you have quad channel so that should be really good) and then a fast SSD or RAMDISK since it streams the assets in. Everything else should scale. Try my current settings to test if you can improve: Under ARMA LAUNCHER PARAMETERS enable extra threads and select all 3 enable hyper threading enable no logs to prevent some jitter Under your video settings, try my settings first, then run the benchmark at least twice since the first time will cache the game contents: After you have ran YAAB twice, note your FPS and then while still in the mission, PRESS ESC, SETTINGS and change your video settings. I found out the OBJECT quality affects GPU a lot (weak 3D geometry engine) so I lowered that yet I still have ultra textures so everything looks sharp up close. The TERRAIN eats up GPU VRAM and some geometry as it is mainly the amount of grass and quality. I think you can up this slowly without affecting your performance. Then you can try Shadows and Skies. I would not bother with PIP on anything but low if you have textures at Ultra. It looks just as sharp and frees up performance. You can play with any shader based setting as that barely affects performance since your gpu has plenty of those. Water shader should be at high to look good. I bet you can set that at Ultra with no issues. DOF, BLUR up to your taste. Lastly, you can play with AA settings for a balance. But please try to run YAAB with my settings to compare. This was the best I can do without going lower and yet still have a good performance. I average 38 FPS with these settings in YAAB in 64 Bit Dev 1.67. In 32 bit it drops down to 36.5 FPS. With the new performance build 64 bit, I get even lower so I am sticking with the current Dev 1.67 build from Steam.
  10. Valken

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    @road runner It can be daunting but you can try the EZ OC method. It should be a one click solution. Boot into windows, don't run anything and run the AI Suite. There should be an auto test to set a basic OC. I did some tweaks and my best FPS is now 38-39 FPS with Ultra textures but everything else on low. NO MOD. 64 bit is better than 32 bit and the performance build is worse than the current DEV 1.67 build. With mods it drops down to 28 FPS! LOL. I need a new GPU I know.
  11. If only this can be a standalone mod so we can add it to any mission via spawn, that would be awesome. Keep up the great work JB!
  12. I'm reading the current changelog of the beta and sounds great. I don't us HC so may need to see a tutorial about it. I am interested in the suppression because I do use it with my squad (need to rebind it since it interferes with Launcher lock ons) and TPWCAS Suppression mod. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19467 From what you are saying usine the NEW BIS Suppression framework, we don't need TPW Suppression mod anymore? Because that mod also affects AIs (they actually get down and duck for cover instead of standing there becoming a bullet sandwich). Can someone test this and see if TPW suppression is no longer needed as well?
  13. Valken

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    @ beako - can you goto your nvidia control panel and force SLI to ARMA_x64.exe? Looks like its off in 64 bits. @TheEvan59 I want to know your settings too because I don't get that kind of boost with 2x AMD 6590 unlocked!!! I know AMD drivers are not as good as Nvidias but your boost is impressive!
  14. Valken

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    @ Road Runner Hardcore way is to go into your BIOS, then set the settings there. Easy and temporary way is the use your AI Suite software in windows and set it there. Once your system reboots, it resets itself. I now use software way because I work too much to keep cpu pegged at maximum settings. The easy way would to run the AI Suite (I assume you have an ASUS Motherboard), and set ALL the cores to the same clock speed as the MAXIMUM your cpu will turbo to. For me, my 4790k turbos to 4.4 GHZ (for like 1 core). I set it all cores. Check your manual, then run YAAB. If it is stable you can then UP the CPU multiplier. For me its 44 x 100 MHZ (bus speed). So I set the cpu multiplier to 45 for 4.5 GHZ (45 x 100). Then test again. By this point if you want to push further, you need to start increasing voltages (slowly) and maybe get a better cooling than stock (I have a low end water cooler). You need to watch your temperatures and I would pick a stable OC for ARMA. You SHOULD notice the biggest difference just by setting ALL cores to the same speed when at TURBO ~ 4.2 to 4.5 GHZ depending on your cpu default settings because ARMA will use the other cores at full speed as well, plus your GPU will use the other cores for basic driver work. IF you push it further, you will start to see the difference at lower settings (max FPS) or highest settings (the minimum should be raised). For me, It was not worth spending more money or time just to squeeze and extra 100 or 200 MHZ out of my cpu. 4.5 GHZ on all cores is a good daily balance for me.
  15. @ TPW - that is awesome. Finally can see some females around. Would be nice to add and integrate Zeealex's Femal3 mod: since the head are swappable for more variety. But a great start in either case!
  16. Valken

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    @ creep nice. OC the CPU and see if you can go further.
  17. Valken

    Escape from Tarkov

    Game looks stunning and the majority of online newbs are mostly spamming and PvP play. No teamwork or coop at all, even in ARMA on COOP specific missions. But I would not make blanket statements about any nationality. I had some of my best times playing with Russian coop players. Just pick smaller servers to play with. Anytime a large group gets together, its just like football... hooligans and all! :P
  18. Valken

    Arma 3 being upgrade to 64 bit

    Yes... there has been dropping of support for any games from 32 bit access once 64 bit becomes available. Maybe in 3-4 years time all games will be 64 bit but not yet.
  19. Agree on updates on this as I still use it and it works so far.
  20. Valken

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I don't have flashing trees but my models do LOD switching since I have objects on standard or low. If you have a modern GPU with lots of VRAM 4 GB or more, set it to ultra and increase your view distance. It should improve.
  21. Hi TPW, Merry Christmas and wanted to report a potential conflict or just incompatibility. I was playing this mission with your mod and these settings: AIR on ANIMALS ON Fireflies ON LIGHTS ON RAIN ON FOG ON HUD ON RADIO ON Everything else was off and ~ 5-6 seconds after the mission loaded, it would slow down then crash out in the DEV 1.67 build with the newer performance binaries. I unloaded TPW_MOD and then it would work. I thought it was the rain and fog conflicting with the in game snow script, but even with RAIN and FOG OFF, it would still crash. I am not sure if it is just TPW_MOD and the map itself at this point (CUP Chernarus with Chernarus Winter textures loaded). I will do some more testing with the current DEV 1.67 BETA build and see if improves.
  22. Valken

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I am definitely crashing now with the NEWER 64 bit performance build. I double checked and windows has set a dynamic swap file on my C: SSD drive. With windows booted up fresh, the swap file was very low ~ 400-500 MB. It grew to 2 GB with ARMA 64 running then crashed out. I can mitigate this by removing some mods... such as TPW_MOD. Noticed TPW_MOD for some reason would crash out earlier in ARMA 64 and when removed would only delay it. Note that air, civs, parked cars, cars and skirmish were OFF at the time of testing. I thought it was weather conflict related - TPW rain and fog were on while playing this snow mission: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823710566&searchtext=santa But as I progressed after engaging the first 5-6 OpFor, the game crashed out with a memory error. This with BOTH HUGEPAGE enabled and disabled. I have 32 GB of ram... for God's sake, let the game use it or maybe Windows 7 64 is just an idiot OS and has security issues from the old Windows 3.11 days with low RAM. I will try to go back to the current 1.67 DEV exe and dlls since I have those backed up and see if it repeats itself.
  23. This is really a Merry Christmas with this map, new Icebreaker map and Dynasound/Enhanced Soundscape!
  24. Thank you for this fantastic Christmas gift! Let the slaying begin! :P