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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Nice April Fools you fuggers! :D
  2. Valken

    [Official] Launcher Feedback

    Hi Wiz, I did a check and there is something wrong with my launcher again. Under the mods list, it would show about 3xx mods subscribed. I then wanted to confirm this because it should be a tad more. So I selected the 107410 folder to be WATCHED and it now shows it has added 27xx mods...!!! Can you check if STEAM is acting up again where last year it was not syncing to the actual subscribed mods to the launcher? I believe it may be server change on their end again. For now, I have it selected to watch the folder to enable the mods temporarily. Thanks!
  3. Valken

    Struggle to get over 60fps

    I don't have GEFORCE experience installed! I only install the barebones driver and tweak each game manually. Try to disable gefore experience, reboot and then test ARMA again.
  4. Valken

    Struggle to get over 60fps

    I did a test and with a i7-4970, 2400 DDR3 RAM and 1060 GTX 3GB on 1080p, I lowered the view and draw distance to 1000, and set shadows to 100 at HIGH because the game looks weird without any shadows. I did the 3 settings in ARMA.CFG as the above video: refresh=120; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; My FPS doubled! I went from 25-30 FPS to 45-70+ FPS! All other settings at Ultra including 8xAA with CMAA! I did turn off BLUR because I hate it. It was mainly the vast AMOUNT of objects over 1000 drawn distance that killed my FPS. Setting shadows over a huge draw distance also killed my FPS so I only up that for Screenshots. Just passing my tips along.
  5. Valken


    It is possible to make this into a mod so it affects AI within your visible range? This way it can work with other SP missions.
  6. Fullscreen NVG patch for ACE3 keeping the hex grid but removing the borders.
  7. For SP players, I would like to see this expanded to AI, especially the player's AI squad.
  8. Let us know how you did. Would be great to blast some Lizard men in ARMA! :D
  9. Valken

    [Official] Launcher Feedback

    Hi Wiz, It started about 2 to 2.5 weeks ago? I thought I was seeing things. The symptons are like this: Start A3L Click on MODS Some mods are not shown - missing but in the STEAM CLIENT under WORKSHOP, it shows I have subscribed to it. About 1 to 2 minutes later, a BUNCH of MODS have been updated or downloaded. Like as if it was parsing back all the missing mods. I just saw ~ 52 mods updated. Click on the triple X to close it all. Scroll through the list and see a bunch of mods waiting to update or still download but the missing mods come back. Close A3L, restart it and it does it again. At first I thought my SSD was going bad so I scandisk it. No issues. Also, if I try to run ARMA with some of the affected mods in a profile, that means it disappears or reappears in the mod list, but is still physically on the HD, it takes a LONG time to load (same SSD). I tried to uninstall the mods via steam work shop and re-subscribe. It just sits there waiting to update. This affects the workshop mods only. The mods that are manually loaded have no issues. Not sure what to do here and don't want to reinstall gigabytes of mods again. Is there a MOVE function so it basically copies and uninstalls the mod from Steam Workshop so I won't have 2 copies? Maybe that would fix it?
  10. You know there is Bad Benson's Zetaborn Alienz which has 2 lizardman units in it. Perhaps someone can do an attachto with Ruppart and Bad Benson's Raptor mod HEADs to the body and walla... Dino with guns! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=656514091 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=332909923 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=781602313 You can PM Bad Benson and Mc Ruppart about it.
  11. Valken

    [Official] Launcher Feedback

    I have a new issue in that it seams the launcher is not showing all my STEAM mods or there is a huge delay between STEAM populating the list. Also a huge delay in updating the mods for some reason. If there is low HD space, perhaps it can note it. Anybody know if there is MOD limit it can show? Hope its not 999! :D
  12. @ TPW I wanted a bit of clarity in this line of the userconfig: tpw_air_exclude = 1; // exclusion. 0 = all aircraft, 1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded For 0, did you mean NO or NONE aircraft, and not ALL, would be excluded? That would be the logical thinking since we can turn this seting on or off, correct? TIP for ACE users would be to DISABLE TPW_BLEEDOUT and TPW_FALLING IF ACE MEDICAL has been enabled. I have tested this and it works with no conflicts for ACE. If you disable ACE MEDICAL or remove the * medical pbos and dlls then you can enable back TPW BLEEDOUT and FALLING. Maybe in the future TWP mod can determine if ACE medical has been loaded and automagically disable bleedout and falling.
  13. Try this mod It worked before with Ryan's Zombies and Demons so it "should" work with Max's awesome zombie mod as well!
  14. Valken

    Vortorsk Terrain

    Thank you for the hard work on this.
  15. OB is right. The issue is that the amount and complexity of Tanoa (APEX DLC) 3D models FAR exceeds the complexity of ALTIS or MALDEN maps. The map requirements can be compensated for with a FAST GPU. I am running a 1060 GTX now. Good for 1080p. A 1070 or 980 Ti would be better up to 1440p. The rest is mainly CPU such as the AI and the game logic. I found good servers which run multiple headclients helps but on SP, you need the fastest cpu you can buy and or run a local dedicated server (for the AI and game logic) then connect to it as a client to run some slightly larger missions. It helps splitting up the work load and so far it works well enough my quad core. Client set to use 2 CPU cores, and server set to use 2 cores with HT on.
  16. Hi I was pointed to this mod as I was looking for RHS AAF type units and gear. Would you be also working on making some more BIS AAF camo type RHS vehicles as well similar to cup: Hope to see some RHS vehicles updated in this manner.
  17. Valken

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    This is EXCELLENT. I tested this against both LEFT SHOULDER WEAPONS script and DOUBLE WEAPONS mod and it works with TPW_MODS where the two would throw up errors. FFV compatibility is great! Just need more vehicles with FFV options! It also works great with TACTICAL WEAPON SWAP going through a kill house type scenario. Swap from primary to second primary to pistol with no reloading all the way thru was exhilarating. One option I would like to see would be ACE INTERACTION in the future like double weapons has and to speed switch between the two primaries but I get that its to simulate the weight and handling of the weapons. And yes, it does affect the TAKE function so the hand does not show up when looking at a weapon on the ground, but its a good enough tradeoff to cycle 2 primaries to clear an area and circle back to upgrade weapons later.
  18. I am looking for it but cannot find it so if someone can help me. Is there an AAF digital reskin texture faction pack using the RHS assets similar to the CUP AAF faction? That is ADD RHS assets into the BIS AAF faction so it would use the RHS content but with the AAF digital camo? If someone can point me the way, that would be great.
  19. You can checkout this video on a custom action figure of a Tele-Viper's digital goggle display: Would be awesome to see something like this one day in ARMA or heck, any FPS engine ! Going OT but I wonder if someone made a MASK inspired mod, can it be done with the AttachTo command? Just use any car pack and attach a bunch of guns to it in MASK mode. It could be something like the RDS Civilian Pack so it blends in with the ARMAverse... Not sure if there is an 80's carpack but that would be incredibly wonderful. Those MASK helmets are cool though so I would still like to see it one day. I guess I better learn some 3D modeling to help out! :D
  20. Those Televipers did have that weird robotic voice and even weirder and cooler digital scrolling goggles! I can see a mod to the CSAT helmets but unsure how someone would animate and light up the goggles. Would need a 4K texture to hold all that detail!!! Perfect to have a TFAR or ACRE modded backpack as well since they are comms officers! Man, I love the 80's and all the innovation from that period... Next thing we know someone will work on a M.A.S.K type mod!!! I will review the cartoons and see if I can find a B.A.T. clip. Can't get caught watching it at work so will see if I can do it between commutes and lunch.
  21. Yes I was referring to your sig! Thank you! I think for B.A.T. they need some kind of audio... its not like they are completely silent as they need to communicate back positions and observations back to Cobra forces anyways... Would creep out recon crews and prevent them from walking into a BAT ambush there even some 80s beeps and boop sounds. ACRE has that scramble channel that sounds pretty cool just for them.
  22. Kinda OT but any chance you can make your banner a larger 16:9 resolution (1920x1080) desktop wallpaper? It would make the wait easier... ;) Agree on the BAT as low level cannon fodder a la primitive Terminator types. I think breaking it down into segments would work. Just make the helmet, ARMs as part of a skin with the helmet? and the chest piece as a vest. Backpack would be obvious. I wonder if you can use the ACRE mod "scramble" voice as it sounds robotic? That would be 80% there already.
  23. I'm looking for a HEADLESS CLIENT MOD or TUTORIAL FOR SP or COOP. That means a player hosts the server via LAN or INTERNET, and other users connect to him including the headless. I can play SP or COOP mods with a few AI on my i7-4790K @ 4.4 GHZ but when I add an AI mod, it bogs down due to the single core usage. If there is a way to let me drop a HC script into a SP or COOP mission ,then connect a HC to myself hosting the server, that would work. Or a mod that would do it automagically. I do use ACE 3 but cannot figure how to enable the built in HC with ACEX without multiple doctorate degrees due to its complicated documentation... Edit - I kinda figured it out how to at least use a dedicated server for SP use. Just need to hammer on the HC and it is already a much smoother experience with lots of AI units for SP gaming!
  24. Valken

    Maverics Proving Grounds

    Did anyone see this trailer from other websites: Engine looks pretty good and appears to a next gen Battle Royale type game. I hope ARMA 4 would be at this level of fidelity!
  25. Valken

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This was exactly the first thing that crossed my mind when I read the update report and I loved the older "Real Armor" mod. It is really one of the best set of functions especially for anti-tank platoons or soldiers to understand the weakness and strengths and makes each encounter or victory more enjoyable. Noted on the decorations and we are patient for when everything eventually becomes normalized across vanilla and modded ARMA 3.