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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Valken

    co10 Escape

    Sure go here: Server name: Escape from Hell - edited escape co-op missions Address: Server version: 192145639 Required game version: 1.92.0 Map: Tanoa Mission: Escape Tanoa Not Very Vanilla 0.12 Players: 3/10 Server name: Inferno Escape | Zombie Tanoa | Attempts:2190+ | Successes:74 Address: Server version: 192145639 Required game version: 1.92.0 Map: Tanoa Mission: Escape Zombie Tanoa 1.9 Players: 1/10 Both are online right now. Both are running Tanoa but would like to play these modified Escape missions on other maps. Its a LOT harder than normal escape FYI.
  2. Valken

    co10 Escape

    Was playing on both the hell and zombie escape servers and wonder if Escape was ever ported to Namalsk: and Napf: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1425442364&searchtext=napf I could not find any premade escape missions.
  3. Valken

    Contact Starters

    First Contact should be with Super AI model with Robot body and humans watching / managing from the background. The AI would have the most active intelligence than any human group, combined and the ability to decipher or understand and react accordingly quicker... Hopefully establishing a meaningful bond or as at least accurate understanding. Also it would be programmed ahead to not create a situation to cause extinction to humans, unlike humans with their lack of intelligence or emotions. I believe this would be the safest methods, unless the aliens are hostile then by all means, send all the politicians first to their "glory".
  4. @ Tpw... no worries on updating Skirmish. I was probably exploiting a bug in the previous builds when I did not load a listed mod and it just skipped to the next listed mod. Don't waste bandwidth on this due to my laziness as I didn't want to edit twp_config.hpp each time I was testing mods. I just dumped a bunch of mods in there and added/dropped via the Arma 3 Launcher when I felt like it. Regarding the zombies, I mean twp_zombies was spawning ravage zombies in the pre-tank supported builds so long as I had loaded that mod. I don't mean for skirmish to load it. You should keep the zomb blacklist in skirmish as is. You can update twp_zombies to have any kind of zombs... Previous builds were successfully testing with Max Zombies, Ravage, Zombies and Demons and SMZombs... yes each one had different zombies which was nice for the variety but it does not work like that anymore.
  5. Valken


    What about using VR cubes for UFOs? It would look a bit TRON like...
  6. @ tpw - I found the problem with skirmish! If I set custom units and list out multiple mods such as ("a*", "b*", "c*") for any sides in twp_config, but DO NOT actually load any one or more of the mods, example - only load a and b, but not c, then when tpw_mod is spawning and does not find c, it will then load the "default" units for that side during that spawn cycle. Nato for Blufor, CSAT for redfor and AAF for Greenfor. If I set the custom units explicitly and load them, to match, then it works perfectly!!! This is crazy because in the previous versions before the tank unit support, it would SKIP the unloaded or missing mod strings and just goto the next one or cycle back to only listed mod strings a, then b and c. I hope you can use this to fix it or at least we know now how to minimize the unwanted effects. A side effect of this: In previous versions before tank skirmish support, if I also enabled zombies and loaded Max Zombies and ANY OTHER ZOMBIE mod such as RAVAGE, and so long as the units match the zombie string, it would load other zombie units automatically for the next spawn, slightly randomly. Now, if I make skirmish explicit and load all listed mods, it DOES NOT spawn ravage zombies and only max zombies even if I have ravage actually loaded. So can you add support for ravage zombies as well or just allow the *zombie* string or make it user configurable whitelist, and check it to cycle to the next zombie if one of the strings do not match or was not loaded, to get ahead of the load "default" unit if string not found bug? Also, it seems zombies still focus on player even set to 2, target anyone with skirmish on. I've seen all the zombies bunch up on me, while I was spectating. Good thing I put my civilian player onto the top of the house in the editor while I was testing the spawning. Lastly, during the airstrikes called in by the AI, I saw a bunch of very slow moving missiles flying BACKWARDS (flames towards the target with missile head facing the back). Its kinda cool to see the missiles but should orient it correctly so the missile is facing the targets. Lastly lastly... any possibility of a random NUKE or MOAB during called in airstrikes? maybe a very low probability? You can use Aliascartoons nuke effect... would be randomly "woah wtf cool"... :D
  7. @ tpw... Skirmish is working ... kinda... Long story: I have set all 3 factions to custom factions only I have set all 3 factions to spawn between 1 to 3 mods each (a*,b*,c*) I goto editor, select Altis, place a civilian and then play the game. tpw_config is set to spawn skirmish in 30 seconds but it takes about 6x seconds to spawn it. animals spawn in ~ 30 seconds. Blufor mixes custom + Nato Redfor mixes custom + Csat Greenfor either spawns custom or does not (spawns AAF). Good thing is that it spawns custom vehicles including tanks!!! Now lets see it do the same for custom air and heli units! It kinda works but the effect was not what I had intended. The April builds did work before for squads... Maybe I am using TOO many mods?! I will try to drop my mods further to see if matters such as blastcore but it never affected the game.
  8. @ tpw - tried the new build and now nothing is spawning for skirmish...
  9. Valken

    co10 Escape

    Hi Escape Team, Will you guys make a new mission for the Contact DLC?
  10. Valken


    U know, if you pull this off, I rather give you and other modders the DLC money instead. Seriously... since it is not a too big of an ask from the community who enjoys the SciFi genre.
  11. I think those are DayZ standalone buildings... or looks like it and when I played the free weekend, you could not enter those as well. Would be amazing if this DLC had the same buildings but opened up!
  12. @TPW - great updates as always but I found a problem in skirmish. In a few previous builds, I don't remember due to all the updates but maybe 3 or more ago, (EDIT - I think before the EASTER releases in May, last build I used was from April but I deleted it and cannot find it a few pages back.) if I set any of the sides of SKIRMISH to more than 1 custom unit, it will usually cycle through and spawn subsequent squads with other mods: EG Spawn X squads of A, then if x-1 squads of A die off, it will spawn a squad of B for that side. This worked before but with the newest build, It will keep spawning only team A for either sides. Example: tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {"mbg_u_alien*","sab_ext*","zeta*","armst_*"}; Can you look into this for custom units?
  13. +1 to .kju's request. That would help get people to actually promote and buy the DLC!
  14. Valken

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    I have to agree with Halek's here. I don't need "humanoid" aliens with weird heads to be the opposition. They could be nano-bio-machine hybrids or some weird insane never thought of life form. I think back to the ORIGINAL Bureau X-Com Declassified aliens: Or the similar aliens from Prey 2017 (not Prey 2).... Can't wait to find at least one server close to me to Squad up against these lifeforms...
  15. Valken

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    It appears I would be in the minority but I've been hoping for near future Sci Fi in ARMA 3 since its Alpha for the original story! Love the preview video already... so much like a smart version of X-Files with Contact movie and hopefully a bit of X-Com style Aliens! Going to scrutinize this even more for the actual content but know that BIS provides engine and basic improvements to the game system via each official DLC so even if all the old hard core war gamers won't buy this, at least you still get to play with and enjoy any engine enhancements. Map looks tasty, just like Apex when it was first shown which I bought just for the map and cool Viper gear so this is more my style of DLC. I would consider the collectors edition but I already have ARMA 3. Wonder can I gift the base game with APEX to someone else while I keep the extra content and DLC?
  16. Valken

    MBG Aliens Ground Forces

    YES! More the better! Zetaborn vs EXT vs this with the new Contact DLC! Finally the ARMA 3 that should have been!!!
  17. This is just awesome to see on cargo ships!
  18. Valken

    Zee Identity Pack

    Vote for backwards compatibility for old missions, but do keep it or offer a new model in its place. Hate to break older missions.
  19. Disclaimer: Have not played any of the A3 SP missions or campaigns, but I was wondering for the folks who owns both Apex DLC and this, is the map just as good? I bought Apex for the viper gear and map to play in sandbox and MP mode. Totally worth it. Is the map of the same caliber and quality?
  20. Valken

    GF ALIAS Anomaly Spawner Script

    Let me try to pack the mission for you to look at
  21. Valken

    GF ALIAS Anomaly Spawner Script

    Hi GF, I tried your original mission in Stratis, SP and it works. But I copy all the scripts to an MP Tanoa mission folder, it would hang at loading. I tried to load it in SP and it loads into the Tanoa map, but no anomalies show up on the map. So is it because the mission.sqm needs to add the anomalies and the set it to MP? Can it be set to randomize the anomalies zone, between x - y distance, except for water, then set to spawn when any active player or AI, but not ambient animals comes within A or B to the zone to save on performance?
  22. Valken

    GF ALIAS Anomaly Spawner Script

    Hi George, I am a mission newbie. So do I just open an existing mission, and copy and paste all the contents from your Description.ext initServer.sqf initplayerlocal.sqf into the existing mission pbo files of the same name? Then add the anonomly scripts and sounds folder into the same directory as the above files like: Description.ext initServer.sqf initplayerlocal.sqf AL_swarmer folder AL_burper folder Sounds Or do I need to move all the files from AL_xxx folders into scripts? There is also an init.sqf so do I merge the custom code from initserver.sqf into init.sqf instead? Please advise. I want to edit an escape mission to test this. Thank you!
  23. Wondering about the above with the new weapons?
  24. Valken

    co10 Escape

    So I was playing an edited version of Escape on Tanoa HELL edition with a giant robot, volcanoes and crazy whining bombers and was wondering if anyone made an Escape with Aliens or Terminators using Max's mods? I think adding Ravage, Aliascartoon scripts and the above mods would be pretty awesome. Picture a small group of survivors trying to Escape LV-426 or Skynet...
  25. I was firing up A2/OA again just for fun and wanted to ask if anyone knew of any campaign remakes for A3 from A2/OA? I'm mainly looking for the Red Harvest, and DLC BAF, PMC, and ACR addons main campaigns... Playing those again in A2/OA feels clunky with the older animation system, even though we had cool mods like COSLX to make it more interesting.