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About TeaDrinker

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  1. Hello, I'm attempting to create a speed bump that will effectively degrade the vehicles health if driven over at a certain speed (High speed), I've attempting adding a block of geometry to try and smash the wheel agenst it but the wheels on ArmA 3 just bounce right over it, any other way I could get a bit of damage on the car & slow the vehicle down too? Thanks
  2. Hello, I'm trying to export a model from blender via the OBJ format, but when I import it into Oxygen 2, all the faces are inverted, and I can see through the model. Any reason why it's inverting the faces when I've exported it? Thanks.
  3. Hello Alwarren, fantastic plugin dude! Are you going to add UV support? Thanks.
  4. TeaDrinker

    Imported 3DS model faces

    How would one go about solving this non-planar face issue?
  5. Hello, I'm having a little trouble with some faces on my 3D model I've imported from 3DS Max. Some of the faces have gone a bit weird and out of place almost. Picture explains it better. Thanks
  6. TeaDrinker

    Glass isn't working

    Silly me, I accidentally turned off textures when viewing in Bulldozer, problem solved. Thanks for the responses.
  7. TeaDrinker

    Glass isn't working

    I'm using the files that were included in the tutorial from ObmaR, I have no idea what they include or how they function, I just followed the steps.
  8. TeaDrinker

    Glass isn't working

    Hello, I'm currently in the process of modelling a vehicle, and am now touching up the various components, one of which is the windows. I've followed ObmaR tutorial on how to get a transparency look but for some reason, it's giving the complete opposite effect. http://i.imgur.com/lcI8OcR.jpg It's giving me a shine/reflective silver effect. Anyone had this issue before and managed to fix it? Thanks.
  9. TeaDrinker

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Definitely agree with this, was a tad disappointed.