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Everything posted by bennettonn

  1. bennettonn

    Mcc 4

    can someone explain to me how I do for two person have access to mission maker MCC 4. I play with my friend with the MCC mod 4 but only I can log in, but my friend can not, can someone explain to me how to do my friend also have access.
  2. Hi Folks can someone explain to me how I do for two person have access to mission maker from MCC 4. I play with my friend with the MCC 4 but only I can log in, but not my friend, can someone explain to me how to do my friend also have access, for example: my friend logs in mission maker only if I logout yet when it tries to call a CAS appears to him denied access. how do I get it and I use the MCC usually.
  3. HI folks how to make a BLUFOR unit in a helicopter chasing a car OPFOR unit
  4. bennettonn

    how to make a chase

    I have to face going crazy with it nothing works someone help me please ---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ---------- I have to face going crazy with it nothing works someone help me please here is the exact codes I used in doFollow.sqf: private ["_unit" "_follower" "_offset"]; _unit = _this select 0; _follower = _this select 1; _offset = _this select 2; while {canMove _unit canMove _follower && do {} _follower setDestination [_unit modelToWorld _offset, "FormationPlanned", true]; sleep 1; }; and I used the trigger: nul = [chaseCar, chaseHelo [3, -10, 0]] execVM "doFollow.sqf"; ---------- Post added at 22:48 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ---------- not started editing missions and am already going crazy someone help me here is the exact codes I used in doFollow.sqf: private ["_unit" "_follower" "_offset"]; _unit = _this select 0; _follower = _this select 1; _offset = _this select 2; while {canMove _unit canMove _follower && do {} _follower setDestination [_unit modelToWorld _offset, "FormationPlanned", true]; sleep 1; }; and I used the trigger: nul = [chaseCar, chaseHelo [3, -10, 0]] execVM "doFollow.sqf";
  5. bennettonn

    how to make a chase

    did not work:( I create a file with the name doFollow.sqf and put your code then I create a trigger with the command nul = [Car, Helicopter, [3, -10.0]] execVM "doFollow.sqf"; and use the trigger however nothing happens
  6. bennettonn

    how to make a chase

    Dude you could make a simple demo mission and I have no idea how to use it :confused::confused:
  7. bennettonn

    how to make a chase

    guy excuse me for not having explained before but I am very new to edit in arma 3 I did not know anything could you explain me better
  8. Hi guys. I'm with a problem to finish a mission, I want to make a mission where I'll sneak in one place and want the OPFOR identify me as a friend, there's the difficulty, I want OPFOR identify me as if I'm the enemy with a specific weapon for example, if I'm with a katiba they consider me friend but if I'm with a MXM he consider me enemy. if you can help me thank.
  9. bennettonn

    Help me pls

    dude sorry but I forgot another thing I want him to identify me as a friend if I'm with a specific outfit also
  10. Thank you helped me a lot. POST CLOSED
  11. well i have a problem to finish editing my mission arrives in a part that I want to do is I want to create a task that will be completed only when a radio is caught by the player most do not know how to do it and and now that I ask your help for me to finish this mission
  12. he should get the radio for the mission to be completed
  13. hello and here's one more question I'm racking my brain for something that might be simple I noticed that in a showcase misssion SCUBA, appears order to get a rocket launcher and so this whole goal when this rocket launcher in your inventory. I want to know how to do it to meet a goal so when certain item in your inventory
  14. Excuse the noob question but how do I install this mod? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20080
  15. Excuse the noob question ;) but how do I install this mod? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20080
  16. There is this command BIS_fnc_UnitCapture experienced editors should already know that and he used to capture movements and BIS_fnc_UnitPlay and command to start the recorded movements but now that my difficulty is I want it to capture the shots but he also capitura only the movements, as I do for it captures the shots??
  17. bennettonn

    Masks version 2

    Excuse the question but how do I install this mod?
  18. hi guys :) was somehow trying to make a trigger activated by radio, invisible and then another trigger makes it visible, for example has a trigger activated by radio it has the name trig1, and another with the name of trig2 so I pass the trig2 want trig1 visible, I want trig1 be visible in the list of radios. can someone help me?
  19. Excuse the question, but how do I use this code?
  20. Hi guys ;) I'm racking my brain in a little codes to the helicopter extraction code would be ((! alive Player1) OR (player1 in HELI)) AND ((! alive Player2) OR (Player2 in HELI)), I am working on a co-op mission to at most 5 more players can be played with fewer players, so that has a put and al that the problem appears when you play the mission for example with 3 friends, remaining two players say player1 and Player2 when it comes time of extraction the helicopter lands and enters all but the helicopter does not go to the next waypoint because the player1 and Player2 are not dead and are not within the helicopter. then and there that I weigh help, how can I fix it or use a script or code something