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About IsrTGMahalGroup

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  1. A group of friendly international players who are also members of Israeli Tactical Gaming has just started up! We put emphasis on realistic, organised gaming in strategy games such as Arma 2 and Arma 3 (and many more). We are going to collaborate for fun, and regularly. We're recruiting for more international members to play Arma 2. No specific mods are required at this time but we mostly play with basic ACE/ACRE modulations of Arma 2. However we also play many other games, and yes, including DAYZ! Links to our Steam Group and Clan Email: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/IsrTGMahal# (just started up) Clan Email: [email protected] And teamspeak address: (Freeplay Nine for Mahal players/recruits. Just look for BorderCoyote. He's the staffmember who deals with Mahal recruits) I look forward to you guys coming along!
  2. IsrTGMahalGroup

    Arma 3 too heavy for your computer?

    I've seen a lot of arma 2 players fall out of love with Arma 3 simply because for the little graphical detail you receive: it slows even the most medium-sized computer with good processing speed and graphics card. It's a very heavy game, even just in the alpha. Has anyone else found gameplay difficult for arma 3? I feel that lowering the settings on Arma 3 makes it look even worse than on low in Arma 2. Very odd observation since you'd expect it to be a lot better, even on low. Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading your replies! :D
  3. Looking forward to it!!