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Everything posted by austin_medic

  1. austin_medic

    Target System [Beta]

    I know you can make the game show where damage was taken on a body part of a unit... not sure of how to do it atm, need to look it up... i'll try to get you something...
  2. austin_medic

    [SCRIPT] Explosive-To-Vehicle

    err... couldn't you just do deletevehicle urbomb; like 20 seconds after it goes boom?
  3. austin_medic

    is this sound idea possible?

    You would just put that in the conditions box (since its basically like an if statement in a script..)
  4. austin_medic

    spawn BIS_fnc_MP stops working

    err... you REALLY wanna show that on a public forum where a script kiddie can easily just see this and go tell his little butt buddies?
  5. austin_medic

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Apparently BIS never knew the function was broken.... LOL... I made a post about it in another thread and a dev told me he was never aware of a problem with it... Made a feedback tracker post about it: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11703
  6. austin_medic

    spawn BIS_fnc_MP stops working

    thats just one thing that uses BIS_fnc_MP... LOADS of other scripts in his mission are dependant on it (as he's built lots of the systems in it around BIS_fnc_MP... hes also stated in his mission thread that he's a bit ticked that it just stops working somewhat randomly)
  7. austin_medic

    spawn BIS_fnc_MP stops working

    lol... how long do you play missions?
  8. austin_medic

    spawn BIS_fnc_MP stops working

    From what I've seen, it stops working after about half and hour/hour and a half (only sometimes it seems, time before it breaks is kinda random, also possibly depends on what your using it for...) this kinda screws up longer missions like Stratis-RP:Ultimate because the vehicle spawning uses BIS_fnc_MP and eventually it just stops sending anything over the network... Which then leads to players being stuck on the debug island. There is also a theory floating around that a script kiddie can do something to break this function as well... Heres the buy vehicle scripts from his mission: BuyVehicleServer.sqf: /* [[_nearVehicle,_pos,_dir,_player],"fn_BuyVehicleServer",isServer,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; */ buyVehicle_ToClient = objNull; buyVehicle_ToServer = []; fn_BuyVehicleServer = { _nearVehicle = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _dir = _this select 2; _player = _this select 3; _masterArrayInfo = _nearVehicle getVariable 'masterArrayInfo'; _nearVehicle setPos [0,0,-50]; hideObjectVar = [_nearVehicle,240]; publicVariable 'hideObjectVar'; [_nearVehicle,240] spawn fn_HideObject; waitUntil {_nearVehicle distance _pos > 50}; _veh = createVehicle [(typeOf _nearVehicle),vehicleSpawnLogic, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _veh setPos [position vehicleSpawnLogic select 0, position vehicleSpawnLogic select 1, 5000 + random 500]; _veh allowDamage false; _policeVeh = _nearVehicle getVariable ['policeVeh',false]; _color = _nearVehicle getVariable ['color',nil]; _veh setVariable ['masterArrayInfo',_masterArrayInfo,true]; _veh setVariable ['policeVeh',_policeVeh,true]; if(_policeVeh) then { _veh setVariable ["lightPattern",0,true]; if(!isNil "_color") then {[_veh,_color] call fn_PoliceTruck;}; }; _veh setVariable ['licensePlate',call fn_LicenseGen,true]; _veh setVariable ['playRadio',0,true]; _player allowDamage false; _player moveInDriver _veh; _veh disableCollisionWith _nearVehicle; sleep 3.5; _veh setVelocity [0,0,0]; _veh setDir _dir; _veh setPosATL [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) + 0.2]; _veh setVariable ['owner',getPlayerUID _player,true]; _veh allowDamage false; _player allowDamage false; _veh setDamage 0; buyVehicle_ToClient = _veh; (owner _player) publicVariableClient "buyVehicle_ToClient"; //[[_veh],"fn_BuyVehicleReturn",_player,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; "buyVehicle_ToServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn fn_BuyVehicleServer;}; buyVehicleServerSideReady = 1; BuyVehicle.sqf: buyVehicle_ToClient = objNull; buyVehicle_ToServer = []; fn_BuyVehicle = { _nearVehicles = nearestObjects [player,['AllVehicles'],5]; if(count _nearVehicles == 0) exitWith { closeDialog 0; hintSilent 'No vehicle nearby'; playSound 'error'; }; { if((!((typeOf _x) in vehicleClassMaster))) then {_nearVehicles = _nearVehicles - [_x];} } forEach _nearVehicles; if(count _nearVehicles == 0) exitWith { closeDialog 0; hintSilent 'No vehicle nearby'; playSound 'error'; }; {if(_x getVariable 'hidden' == 1) then {_nearVehicles = _nearVehicles - [_x];};} forEach _nearVehicles; if(count _nearVehicles == 0) exitWith { closeDialog 0; hintSilent 'No vehicle nearby'; playSound 'error'; }; _nearVehicle = _nearVehicles select 0; _forSale = _nearVehicle getVariable ['masterArrayInfo',nil]; if(isNil '_forSale') exitWith { closeDialog 0; hintSilent 'No vehicle nearby'; playSound 'error'; }; _cost = [_nearVehicle,1] call fn_Cost; _purchase = [_cost,(_nearVehicle getVariable 'masterArrayInfo')] call fn_Purchase; if(_purchase select 0) then { titleText ['','BLACK OUT',0.8]; _masterArrayInfo = _nearVehicle getVariable 'masterArrayInfo'; sleep 1; player setPos (position playerAwayLogic); playSound 'carDoor'; _pos = position _nearVehicle; _dir = direction _nearVehicle; buyVehicle_ToServer = [_nearVehicle,_pos,_dir,player]; publicVariableServer "buyVehicle_ToServer"; //[[_nearVehicle,_pos,_dir,player],"fn_BuyVehicleServer",isServer,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; fn_BuyVehicleReturn = { _veh = _this select 0; player moveInDriver _veh; _policeVeh = _veh getVariable ['policeVeh',false]; _color = _veh getVariable ['color',nil]; if(_policeVeh) then { if(!isNil "_color") then {[_veh,_color] call fn_PoliceTruck;}; }; _veh setVariable ["trunk",[],true]; _veh allowDamage true; player allowDamage true; sleep 0.1; titleText ['','BLACK IN',0.8]; if(_veh getVariable ["policeVeh",false]) then { [_veh] spawn fn_PoliceRadioLoop; }; _veh setVariable ["coOwners",[],true]; }; "buyVehicle_ToClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[(_this select 1)] spawn fn_BuyVehicleReturn}; buyVehReady = 1;
  9. austin_medic

    spawn BIS_fnc_MP stops working

    Well, you probably have way too much going on in your mission. The fact that you made it a big mess doesn't help the situation either... as you can now see... ALWAYS ORGANIZE YOUR SCRIPTS!!!!! The second issue is the fact that BIS_fnc_MP is flawed... its been broken for a while now and BIS has completely ignored it. Probably because they are rushing to meet a deadline for 3rd quarter...
  10. Do you want a notification like the new task ones? if so, here you go...: ["???",[text,"more text"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; where you see ??? I'm not 100% positive what goes there....... soooo.... yeah....
  11. austin_medic

    All team crash game

    err..... NOT... ENOUGH... INFO.... nobody is gonna really be able to help you unless you clarify on what you mean. Try to be VERY descriptive. The smallest thing can be the problem...
  12. austin_medic

    Equipments creating

    Do you want it on the ground? if so, check out my random weapon spawner script, it uses weapon holders to spawn stuff on the ground... then you can pick the things up off the ground like you would with anything inside an ammobox... EDIT: you could also just do in an ammo box's init box: clearweaponcargo this; clearmagazinecargo this; this addweaponcargo ["urgunclassname",amountofthing]; or: this addbackpackcargo ["backpakcclassname",amount]; or: this additemcargo ["itemclassname",amount]; or: this addmagazinecargo ["magazineclassname",amount];
  13. austin_medic

    Ejecting in Arma 3

    Why wouldn't you just put it into a script? eject.sqf: while {true} do { if (vehicle player != player) then { player addAction ["Eject",{player action [ "eject", vehicle player]},[],1,false,true,"","_this in _target"]; sleep 3; }; put in init.sqf: execVM "eject.sqf"; tested and it works fine.... just don't use it without a parachute... or while going really fast... or you go flying all over the place....
  14. austin_medic

    Random Weapon Spawning Script

    Well, 9 times out of 10 if your script is decent somebody is just gonna steal it and claim its their anyways.... But if you share it usually you don't care if somebody steals it (which I don't) Thanks for linking that site anyways, I might sign up for a tag... EDIT: :/ kind of going off track now...