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Everything posted by rtek

  1. Ill test out your mission later when im home. Yeah I double checked all spelling and all the triggers fire. Ill need to tripple check later.
  2. I am going to try this. Does this work with Dive Goggles too? Soldiers in the wetsuits look weird without the mask and goggles. Would have been nice had they added them around the neck when not worn or something instead of just disappearing.
  3. I know how to remove nightvision from single units and from all units. However, I can't get nightvision removed from A.I. that spawn at a site. The script below was posted in another thread. It works on all units that did not spawn from a site. So it doesn't help me much. Someone suggested putting in a delay so it can affect the delayed spawn of site A.I., however I have no idea how to that. All I want, is to remove night vision from ALL OpFor on the entire map. A.I. I put down and the A.I. that spawn from Sites. I have the map completely populated with sites, and the opfor having nightvision ruins all night time gameplay, so I have to get rid of them. Also, I've tried to put in the unassignitem and removeitem stuff into the site's init, but there's no room to put it all in. It's just one line and not a box like when you place down a soldier or vehicle. I hope they change this so we can just put in script into the site's init and have it actually work without having to mess with the init.sqf Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. "Something like this on mission start via init.sqf PHP Code: { if(side _x == east) then { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles"; }; } foreach (allUnits); Change east to whatever side it is."
  4. Someone mentioned an issue that human players in the coop mission paradrop with no chute and just freefall. Not sure if they are on a dedi server or a human host. Anyone else experience this?
  5. I didnt know thermal didnt work through the helicopter glass.
  6. rtek

    Server blocked

    First, cancel your vilayer account. They suck. Switch to someone else. Second, it sounds like your server pbo is missing the prefix, or theres something wrong with your mission pbo. vilayer is garbage. dont waste more money with them
  7. When I put a coop mission I made onto my dedicated server, it begins with all the tasks completed. However, when I host it myself it plays normally. What am I doing wrong, and how can I fix this?
  8. Im curious how to set a trigger to fire when one unit is present. Say that unit is named s1. how would I setup the trigger?
  9. I'm trying to start some of my missions with the weapon lasers turned on. I can get enemy AI to have their flashlights on no problem, and I can get my team to start with NVGs on. Here's what I've tried so far. this enableIRLasers true; this action ["IRLaserOn", this]; I've tried one or the other and both in the soldier's init. Neither is working.
  10. I tried to put it into a test mission in Arma 3, but there's no functions manager. I see a simulations manager, tried that, but didnt work. edit: Nevermind, I had to change the munitions in the addaction to a type in Arma 3, and that simulations manager synced to the logic worked.
  11. Like Grimes said, dig through some missions and see how they're put together. Definitely put them into the editor and have a look at how all the triggers and tasks are synced. I've modified a lot of missions i've downloaded to suit my play style.
  12. I learned how to make basic missions watching tutorials on youtube. Jester and Swiss Maverick both make some great videos. Watch their tutorials and follow their examples. Then take what you've learned and start making your first mission. basics are easy.
  13. I want to have a team plant a satchel at a building, pull back to safe spot, then detonate the charge. I assume the commands would be in the waypoints. As far as getting them to attack a building, I assume the building's ID would be needed right?
  14. I downloaded the 1stSFGUniforms mod. I've extracted all the uniform textures into a Camo folder in my mission. Currently I am using one of the woodland camo on my team with this in their init..... this setObjectTexture [0, "camo\cloth_wood1.paa"]; This 1stSFGUniforms mod also had textures for vests as well as equipment. How can I add those textures as well in a soldier's init? Do I just do another line of this setObjectTexture [0, "camo\vests_wood1.paa"]; and another line for this setObjectTexture [0, "camo\equip_wood1.paa"]; Reason I'm asking is I want to have the textures in my missions without having to require subscribers to have to go download the mod to use those textures. thanks in advance.
  15. Unlimited ammo vehicles possible with unitname addEventHandler ["fired",{(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}] ? I want to make a few arcade like heli attack run missions with a heavy metal song as the timer length, like Crusade by Trivium. Kill as many AI before the song ends, but I need the vehicle to have unlimited ammo.
  16. Yeah I was asking. Saw it in an old A2OA thread, wondering if it still works in A3. Getting on the game now to try it out. Thanks Grimes for the answer.
  17. s1 allowDamage false;s2 allowDamage false;s3 allowDamage false;s4 allowDamage false;s5 allowDamage false;s6 allowDamage false;this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1,(getpos this select 2) +20]; this flyinheight 20; this setvelocity [0,0,0] they stay alive if I use this in a trigger at their drop area, then use s1 allowDamage true;s2 allowDamage true;s3 allowDamage true;s4 allowDamage true;s5 allowDamage true;s6 allowDamage true outside the safezone. Found that in an old helocasting template on armaholic. had to edit the opfor heli with the current name so I could open in editor. But it works. So I"m going to test this out in my mission with the halo script. Just tried it and it fixes my issue. Also removed the set velocity on the helo so it's not moving so fast.
  18. IgiLoad Script is kickass. I saw the SwissMaverick video today showing it off. Cant wait to add it to my missions. Just tested the basics on it, and it's a great script. It's great to be able to load up a zodiak onto a mohawk and paradrop it, or load it into the back of a transport truck and unload it on the beach.
  19. awesome, I was wondering about this today while I was a work. Great post, thanks. Also, if you have a custom loadout in the init field that has removeallassigneditems this; make sure you put this action ["nvGoggles", this] at the bottom of the loadout so it'll work.
  20. id like this to be a feature in game. Makes sense, steal enemy clothes, blend in.
  21. Maybe duplicate all the tasks. sync one set to commander and other set to team lead. then commander can at least tell team lead what to do and as they complete, the commander should see it reflect on his task view. if that makes any sense. havent tried it, but worth a shot.
  22. Cobra, thanks again for the help. Partyhead, thank you for the example mission with the use of a trigger. Both methods work great. Thanks again. ---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ---------- Cobra, I have a question regarding your HALO script. My team dies on landing from the parajump that uses the trigger to eject the team. It doesnt happen all the time, but the AI don't flare up just before landing. I have them jumping out at 200m. Is that too low, is the helo moving too fast, or is it just an issue with A3 AI? Is there any way to make the AI invulnerable on landing so they don't die?
  23. I read on the tutorial videos on youtube comments that the support tablet is button #20? what is button #20? Why is it not tied to the action menu? Would make it easier to use for newer Alive users. I read through the whole user manual, and it didnt even say what button it was.