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Everything posted by kupcho

  1. kupcho

    How do I put files into my posts?

    Thanks Macser. I'll check them out.
  2. kupcho

    How do I put files into my posts?

    Thanks for the quick reply. external file host? I'm not sure that I know what that is. Facebook?
  3. kupcho

    Local vs Global

    I'm trying to learn some basic facts about scripting. I'm probably a bit older than most folks who play with the scripting end of the editor as I've never taken a class that even touched on computer coding...so please be kind. I'd like to understand the difference in local vs global variables. What determines whether a local or global variable is to be used? Can they be used interchangeably within editor (like inside a units' init field or the on act field of a trigger)? Or can I use global variables only inside things like triggers or local variables in called scripts? Is the underscore (_) the local or global version? Any info would be helpful. As I said; I'm pretty lame when it comes to things like this (but at least I'm trying to do something about it). Thanks in advance.
  4. kupcho

    Local vs Global

    Thanks m'frend. This will help a lot. I'm trying to learn things a little at a time so I don't get lost in a jungle of new info. Now I have some new things to try out. Thank you.
  5. kupcho

    Local vs Global

    THANK YOU so very much NeoArmageddon. Would I be correct to say; The underscore prefix signifies a local variable. A local variable is one that only works within the piece of code it currently occupies...sort of like being the contents of a specific units backpack (inside the braces). And a global variable is one that works anywhere...throughout the mission file...such as the content of every backpack in a group. And... While it's possible to change either of them from, for example, within a units init field, it's best (but not required) to use local variables there and work global variables outside of it due to the possibility of multiple init fields changing the same global variable anywhere throughout the mission. That is, I can put a scope into my snipers backpack (_scope1 (local))...but not in everyone else's pack (scope1 (global)). Again, thanks for the quick and generous reply. I have a bit of experimenting to do, but I think I understand it a bit better now.
  6. kupcho

    Updated Eden guide?

    I've never found one thing to be "noob friendly" in the editor. Most things are so cryptic, at least to folks like myself who are uneducated in coding (I'm an old fart...calculators weren't even allowed in the math classes I took and computers were just plain sci-fi), that the only way to learn something new, is to peruse the video tutorials and take craploads of notes. But, of course, those tuts too, are promptly out of date as soon as the latest patch comes along, so they may not be of much help either. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a real guide and there probably never will be (but I really hope that something does show up...just to prove me wrong). I see that your post is a bit older than a year, but if you still need some help; I can help (a bit) with some simple things like the respawn deal and/or task assignment, but, like I said...I'm not very well versed in the more arcane bits like respawn loadouts, etc..
  7. I'll preface this with the statement that, I do understand a bit about scripting, but I am in not in any way, skilled or even very familiar with code type thingies. Therefore, most of the missions I had put together were done entirely using things I could do directly from within the editor. I placed my units, gave them waypoints, set triggers and used the modules, etc...that were available. Most of my earlier missions were never too complex, so it was usually pretty easy to get something up n running that way. Just point and click stuff without a need to call any scripts. But...a while back, I did eventually start using some basic scripts I'd found in other folks work to make it a bit easier to do or to spice my stuff up a little using animations, etc... The "FILL HOUSE SCRIPT v1.5 - by SPUn / lostvar" that I found in the "Operation Dagger" mission (from oneshot) was my go to script for quick town shoot'em ups. Hell...half of my problems would disappear if I could just get THAT to work again. But since the EDEN editor was released, none of my missions work any more, and I couldn't get the old scripts to do the things they did before. So, in frustration, I gave up for quite a while (the loss of all of my missions really took the wind from my sails) and I resorted to only playing missions I found in the workshop. And...for sure, there are some really great missions there, but so many of them require mods to run. My group prefers to use the vanilla version of ARMA. Mods aren't a thing with us, so options are pretty limited as to which missions we can actually play together. And, I also really miss the ability to slap together some new quickie firefights for the Friday Night Fights. So...I've decided to give mission building another try...but I have a couple of questions; 1. Where do the folders go, that hold the short scripts I used before? The scripts I used before were kept in folders inside the main mission folder (right along side the init...briefing...etc). But those folders aren't there anymore. I can't find them ANYwhere. I tried to simply place some of the old folders inside the mission folder we get now (i.e. my folder inside the mission folder), but that didn't work either. When the script is called, I get an error or the mission simply freezes and/or dumps me. I don't understand where the scripts are kept now, so that I can call them when needed. 2. How do I determine if a variable is supposed to local or global? And which is which? Underscore is local or global? I'm trying to use the spawnGroup function from inside a trigger (on activation). The group spawns, but I can't use the addWaypoint to get them to do anything other than stand around in formation. An error comes up that I'm trying to use a local as a global (or the other way...I don't remember which right now). I tried entering the variables with and without the underscore, but it didn't make any difference. Please be kind. I've searched the tutorial vids, but most of them are for before the change. So they don't help much. And I tried digging through the forums, but unfortunately, like the video tuts, most of the posts here aren't updated so that we know what works in the latest "patch" and what does not. So I apologize if the answers are here already, but after three days of searching and trying things from posts and/or videos from years ago, with no luck...I'm at my wits end and felt that I had no choice but to ask again. Thanks for any help you can share.
  8. Although I've been playing around in the editor for awhile now, I still end up going back to the forums for help...a lot. There's one thing I've done that helps me out when I get an idea for a new mission; I've made up "SEED" map missions. One for each of the maps. These maps contain things like an in game arsenal, weapons that are attached to vehicles, units of different factions with altered loadouts...even some props. I also made a few that contained help with doing things I didn't (and probably still don't) understand. Things like how to use animations and such. I just open the seed map, use the things I want in my new mission and delete anything I don't. To be sure, these are not completed missions...just some things I use often. Anyway. My reason for this post is in hopes that someone among you elite, awesome, super groovy folks with insane scripting knowledge, could support the idea of making some simple missions that would help folks produce there own. The missions wouldn't be full blown missions. That would actually defeat the idea. And I'm not asking for your signature script. Just something to illustrate/demonstrate how something can be done; Do you know how to respawn with your favorite loadout in a multiplayer game? Make a mission that shows how it's done. How about turning off the Fatigue or sway? PLEASE...write one up and show us how you did it. Off board artillery...waypoints...settting tasks...saluting soldiers or triggers... Anything at all. I'm sure there's nothing too basic for a lot of us. My reason behind this idea, is that the constant swapping between the forum or video tutorial and the editor...copying, pasting, hoping that you get the syntax correct, hoping that the poster even knew what he was talking about...can get insane and frustrating. I figure that when these seed missions are put out for us to learn from, they will work (at least they should work. Just sayin'). The only real requirement, is that the missions must be available for others to open in their editor. So something that's published to the workshop wouldn't work (I don't know exactly how they should be shared...ideas?). This way, they have a working bit of editing/scripting that they can either study to learn something or just use it in their own missions as is. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks to any who contribute to the cause.
  9. kupcho

    New To Editing.

    I agree with boc. The best way to learn about this editor, is to go to youtube, search for Arma3 editor tutorials. Jester814...pickinthatbanjo and The SwissMaverick are some good ones to check out. Keep a notepad handy. You'll need it. Then fire up the editor and try out what you've learned. I also agree with boc in that you should get familiar with the VANILLA Arma until you're somewhat comfortable using the editor. Mods will only complicate the simple things for you.
  10. kupcho

    Respawn Problem.

    You stated that you're new to this, so I'm hoping that my help isn't considered too basic... I haven't used the "(F5)System - Multiplayer - Respawn Position" method yet, so I can't give info on how its used. I use the "(F6)Markers - Respawn - Respawn" method. Just be sure to name the Marker. It MUST be named using the syntax = "respawn_(faction)". The "faction", is the side to whom the respawn is available. example; respawn_west or respawn_east You can also place multiple respawn positions by adding something following the faction...like this; respawn_west_1 or respawn_west_kaminobase or respawn_west_kaminobasesouth The factions used are west = NATO and east = CSAT. It also works with the other factions, but I'm unsure about the acronym used. It's something like guer = IND and civ = CIV, but like I said...not sure and guessing doesn't help. Good luck.
  11. Okay, I just spent the last couple of hours searching this forum (without success) for the answer to my question, so please don't flame me for giving up and asking directly. In the not so distant past, I produced (I'd say scripted, but I'm NOT a script writer...I just use the tools available in the editor) a few missions for me and some buddies to play. Then...they released the EDEN EDITOR, and all my work is gone. I've tried to "import" my old stuff but I only get an error screen. I've never been able to open one of my old missions since the new "improved" editor was released. Am I just missing something basic or are all my missions gone for good? It's not so much that I lost all my missions, my biggest problem is that I used some scripts that I found in other folks work, that helped me do some things I wanted in my missions, but were things I didn't really understand how to write. And it would help an awful lot if I could get into some of those old missions to see (copy n paste too) how I (or they) did it before. Remember...I'm NOT a script writing guy. I truly know nothing about the stuff. And although the EDEN EDITOR does make SOME things easier...it changed enough where a LOT of the tricks I used don't work any more. THAT sucks.
  12. Thanks for the quick reply Gunter. I did take a snap of the screen (I just couldn't figure out how to add it to the reply), but all the error states is; Error when loading the scenario! ...then immediately drops me back to the editor welcome screen. I also tried to find the Rpt file, but it wasn't there. I'm am using Windows7...would that make a difference? I can tell you that the scenario I was trying to import did not have any mods attached. No maps...uniforms...weapons...game modes...etc... The only thing different than a vanilla ArmA mission, is that it had some BTC scripts I found in someone elses mission. "Operation Dagger" by Oneshot if you're inclined to check it out. I was trying to use his "fillhouse.sqf" script to spawn some bad guys using a trigger. It was the whole reason that I was trying to load the mission into the editor; It's been a while since I used it, and I needed to be sure that I was using the proper syntax. Pretty basic stuff for a lot of folks I'm sure, but I'm not a young dude, and a lot of this stuff still leaves me scratching my head.
  13. How do I set up and assign the available loadouts in the respawn screen?
  14. kupcho


    As said before...much appreciation. I'm a bit further down the line (pushing 60) and all this scripting stuff confuses the heck out of me. But I'm trying to do what I can. When you get the friend invite, I'm either P!G or KUPCHO, I don't remember which shows up. I hope that you can join me at the PIGSTY sometime (and I can show off my great scripting skills (heheh)).
  15. kupcho


    Thanks m'frend. When I copied /pasted your example, some of the lines were different; TAB'd further in and the like. I went down the line and tried to get them all lined up again, using the default TAB as my ruler...will that matter? If it IS a problem, is there a specific syntax I need to use? I tried to paste a copy of my attempt, but when I did, it was all screwed up again (in THIS display). Still, I THINK I have the gist; replace 'arifle_Mk20_plain_F' with 'arifle_MX_SW_F'...ditch 'ACE_fieldDressing' and replace with 'itemgps', etc... To reduce my dependencies (and frustration), I only try 'scripting' using vanilla ARMA files. I haven't had a chance to try anything out yet (all my gaming buddies at work y'know), but I have faith! This will work. Sorry for being so elementary, but, like I said....not so good at the scripting thing. And if I'm getting to be a pain, could you please direct me to where I could get better educated in it. Thanks again.
  16. kupcho


    Thanks for the reply bigpoppa. Just wondering though, I'm not very well versed in scripting (or reading comprehension obviously), do I place the text (as displayed in the 'loadout config example) anywhere into the description.ext file? Does it have to be before...after...between certain lines of code? I'll be giving it a try in either event, just hoping for a bit more insight from someone that already knows. Again...thanks for your help.
  17. It's a bit of work, but his is how I do it; You need to know the coordinates of where you want the unit to go first, so you need to place a unit there and then copy down its x, y and z coordinates. Place the unit where you want it to be before moving and attach a waypoint. Enter this in its onact field; this setPosATL [x,y,z]; It should look something like this; this setPosATL [14594.7,16754.9,3.72901]; In this example, as soon as the unit reaches the waypoint, it will place the unit on the SW roof section of the Main Airport Terminal in Altis. Sometimes I also like to add in its stance, direction its facing, etc... To do that, I , again, place a unit at a point I want the unit to face and, again, record the coordinates. Then use THOSE coordinates like this (again...in the waypoints onact field); this setPosATL [14594.7,16754.9,3.72901]; this setunitpos "middle"; this commandWatch [14754.9,16510,1000]; In this example, as soon as the unit reaches the waypoint, he will again be placed on the SW roof section of the Main Airport Terminal, crouching and watching the taxiway to the SW of his position. As I stated, a bit of work, but I'm not gifted in scripting. I'm pretty sure there are easier ways to do it.
  18. In some of my missions, I've used a trigger to set off an alarm in the VOICE field. I've tried using the other fields, but never have gotten any to do anything. How do I use these other fields? ANONYMOUS? ENVIRONMENT? TRIGGER? TRACK? TYPE? EFFECT? Is it possible to put my own voice acting or music into any of these fields? Last, what other CONDITIONS are there?
  19. kupcho

    RESPAWN Modules

    Thanks guys, it works great! Just what I needed. As a further experiment, I tried this line to add a GPS unit. _this select 0 lock 0; if (bob == _this select 0) then {bob addBackpackCargoGlobal ["B_Respawn_TentDome_F",1]; bob addItemCargoGlobal ["itemgps",1]} It also worked, but just so I'm clear, could I keep adding things in this manner? I just want to make sure that I'm getting the syntax correct. Again... THANK YOU for the help. :)
  20. kupcho

    RESPAWN Modules

    I tried the script you suggested, but I couldn't get it to work. I assumed that the "bla" was a place holder for the item I wanted to put into the vehicle (B_Respawn_TentDome_F), but even so, I tried typing in the "bla" too. One thing I did figure out was that I was using addItemCargo where I should be using addBackpackCargo. Also, I guess that you may have misunderstood my intentions, I want the tent in a specific truck, not in every one. And I only want one or two of the backpacks in the vehicle anyway. Would I be wrong to assume the addItemCargoGlobal would put it into every vehicle synced to the module? Or every Offroad (the vehicle I'm trying to use...going camping y'know...) I have on the map? Sorry if the questions are too basic, but like I said...I'm really not very well versed in scripting. In any event, I appreciate your time and suggestion.
  21. This is a HOW TO post that tries to explain how to set up and use the SUPPORT MODULE. CATEGORY = SUPPORTS NAME - I'm unsure, but this may be something that could be called within a script. It is NOT REQUIRED to use the module. INITIALIZATION - I don't understand this. It is NOT REQUIRED to use the module.. DESCRIPTION - I don't understand this. It is NOT REQUIRED to use the module. PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE (slider) - This is to create a randomness to the mission. Maybe the module will be there, maybe not. The higher the probability, the greater chance for it to show up in the mission. Moving the slider to the right increases the probability. CONDITION OF PRESENCE - I'm unsure, but I believe that this MUST be TRUE for this module to EVER be placed. PLACEMENT RADIUS - This has no effect on this module. CUSTOM HQ - I'm unsure of how this is used. This is NOT REQUIRED for the support to be available. ARTILLERY LIMIT - This sets a limit (if desired) to the total number of ARTILLERY FIRE MISSIONS. (-1 = unlimited) CAS BOMBING - This sets a limit (if desired) to the total number of FIXED WING AIRCRAFT BOMBING/STRAFING RUNS. (-1 = unlimited) CAS HELICOPTER - This sets a limit (if desired) to the total number of HELICOPTER ATTACKS. (-1 = unlimited) SUPPLY DROP - This sets a limit (if desired) to the total number of SUPPLY DROPS. (-1 = unlimited) HELICOPTER TRANSPORT - This sets a limit (if desired) to the total number of HELICOPTER TRANSPORT REQUESTS. (-1 = unlimited) UAV RECON - This sets a limit (if desired) to the total number of UAV RECON REQUESTS. (-1 = unlimited) MODULE = SUPPORT REQUESTER (REQUIRED) This must be SYNCED to any PLAYER unit that is allowed to call for the support. It must also be SYNCED the specific PROVIDER MODULE. MODULE = SUPPORT PROVIDER (REQUIRED) This must be SYNCED to the SUPPORT REQUESTER MODULE. It must also be SYNCED to the UNIT(S) providing the support mission. (If you are using VIRTUAL SUPPORT, then it can NOT be SYNCED to a PROVIDER unit.) SUMMARY 1. Place a PLAYER UNIT. 2. Place a PROVIDER UNIT(S) (Helicopter, Jet, Mortar, etc...). 3. Place a SUPPORT REQUESTER module. 4. Place a SUPPORT PROVIDER module. 5. SYNC the PLAYER to the REQUESTER module. 6. SYNC the REQUESTER module to the PROVIDER module. 7. SYNC the PROVIDER module to the UNIT(S) that will be providing the support mission. (This is NOT required if you are using a VIRTUAL support provider) This is an example of how to use the support module using Artillery support. Once you've started the mission, you should hear that there are support assets available. When you wish to call the mission, open your map and place the cursor over the area you want to hit. You can point at it with your weapon or binoculars, but the map tends to be more precise. Type 0 (zero) and choose the SUPPORTS option (8). Choose the Artillery support unit you wish to use. (This could be one of many depending on how many units you've placed and synced to the support module.) Choose the type of shells you want to hit the target with. Choose how many rounds you want the unit to fire. The fire mission is complete. You can move to another position or stay and watch the rounds hit. Your part is done. If I've made errors in this post, be sure to reply and tell me where I screwed up. If you have any questions, please ask, and I'll do my best to get back with you and answer as best as I can.
  22. kupcho

    Eden Feature Requests

    Offhand, I can only think of two things that I'd like to have added to the editor (2D or 3D); First, a new group " formation " that I'll call "scattered", where the units will dispe rse, move and fight in a random pattern, within a predefined distance of the leader. Second, a "kamakazi" waypoint that forces a unit to advance regardless of enemy fire. The unit should use moving fire as it advances, and only use aimed fire and/or cover after an enemy unit is within a definable distance from the assaulting unit. And I'll agree with others who posted above me in that we should have access to buildings and other large structures as well. One last request; PLEASE, include a manual for the less skilled mission editors like me. A lot of folks that enjoy coming up with new missions, aren't computer experts that know all the commands or undrerstand the proper syntax to use them. We are not a script writers Some of the MODULES, as an example, are still a mystery to me. That is; I can use most of them, but only in the most basic way. Constantly searching the forums for help can be time consuming and frustrating. While a lot of the folks do help...some seem to take pride in putting down anyone less gifted. And the wiki can be damn cryptic for some of us... So again...PLEASE...give us something to help us properly use the tools you gave to us.
  23. kupcho


    Thanks folks. Ranwer, this is what I get when I export vehicles from the Virtual Armory; _veh = createVehicle ["C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["digital",1], [ "AddCargoHook_COver", 0 ] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; Can you tell me where the "Texture path" is in the text please. And, is it possible to place actual coordinates where it says position player in the script above? Larrow, after reading through a bit of the info in the wiki, I typed this into the init field of the placed unit: [this, "Digital", nil] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; and it did work...to an extent... It only works on the M-900. It doesn't do anything to the military helicopters. ...any suggestions as to how to include the armed vehicles (be nice...I'm fragile y'know)? For any others looking to do this (for civilian helos anyway), you can substitute any of the following "colors" for the "Digital" I used in my example... Blue, BlueLine, Digital, Elliptical, Furious, Graywatcher, ION, Jeans, Light, Red, Shadow, Sheriff, Speedy, Sunset, Vrana, Wasp or Wave.
  24. I'm trying to set the paint job on some helicopters. I tried using the Virtual Arsenal, but it doesn't seem to work for vehicles like it does for persons. That is, when I export a persons loadout, it gives me something I can put into the init field so that that individual spawns with the load I specified. But when I try to do the same thing with helicopters, it makes some kind of script that spawns a helo next to the player. I need to be able to set the paint job for several different helos so that they are painted according to the side that they belong to. To be specific, I'd like to make little birds that belong to the military side show up in the "digital" paintjob, and the geurilla little birds come in with the "ION" paint. I'm no scripter by anyones interpretation, so please, keep it simple. Ideally, it should be something that I could put in the init field similar to how it's done for the troops. Thanks in advance.
  25. The title says it all. I could have sworn that I saw this before, but...I searched and couldn't find it. Sorry if I missed it somehow. I'm trying to force one of the AI units to behave as he is scouting an area from a tower. I can place him where I like, but I can't get him to use his binocs... I'd also like him to be able to use his rifle when he comes under attack if possible. Thanks in advance folks. PS - will your solution also work with sidearms?