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Everything posted by 13islucky

  1. Congrats on constantly being on the Workshop front page, Toadie. After some consideration, I vote for Commonwealth weapons. I've always liked the WW2 weapons, and it'd be great to have them around. Sort of in the same way you would enjoy shooting the 1887 shotgun over an 870.
  2. 13islucky

    Boring Ragdoll System (1.24)

    Wasn't it more pronounced in 1.22? Then it got toned down after complaints to pre-update levels. Or was it on devbranch? Things move so quickly I'm a bit lost on where I'm at when things happen.
  3. 13islucky

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    You're talking about the new sway pattern in today's update I assume? It does look a bit wrong, on the other hand since the pattern is more predictable and therefore easier to counter. Now I'm by no means the type of person that wants to add difficulty where it's not needed, but this has the unfortunate side effect of making combat pace shooting a bit too easy.
  4. Interesting, seems like some of the files are related to the FAL and M14 packs which you can find here, but not on Workshop. Plus there's some stuff about MP5s. I know this sounds stupid, but are you sure that your HLC core is activated? Do the weapons animate properly? Maybe some of the problems come from the fact that you don't have the other packs? The 3 battle rifle platforms were released at the same time, so there could be some unforseen dependencies.
  5. You can find them in the editor as HLC AR15 pack in the empty->ammo. As for Zeus, I'm afraid I can't help you.
  6. Where and when did you get the packs NorX? Could it be that you don't have the newest version of them?
  7. I think they all share the same server key, so you are probably good with the key from AR15 pack or updated HLC core (as they are the newest ones).
  8. Have you tried the SPR and SOST rounds? They may not penetrate surfaces as well as the EPR rounds, but they can drop someone in a TFA H-Carrier (basically an up-armoured Carrier Rig) in two shots center mass. Unless you're using the default Arma 3 5.56 rounds, in which case I recommend you try out Toadie's proprietary rounds. They do pack a punch, plus you can get an X-15 drum!
  9. The ability to choose your arm patch in the profile settings.
  10. 13islucky

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Yea, would be nice if the sway was increased some in devbranch. Maybe trying to increase the vertical sway instead of the lateral sway. Could turn out horribly, but this is devbranch, after all.
  11. May I ask what's up with the Haley Strategic logo on the BCM carbine? Was it developed in conjunction with them? Edit: Found a picture of the real thing. Beautiful, but I'm ever more confused now. http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpa1/t51.2885-15/928598_1442820712668667_688437846_n.jpg (131 kB)
  12. 13islucky

    TMR Modular Realism

    Well, that's the thing. When you start up the TI it looks fine, but then the contrast suddenly increases drastically, making people and vehicle super easy to find. Is there a way to disable the auto contrast? Also, the fragmentation thing is great. Really adds immersion (and danger too!)
  13. Didya update HLC_Core? It's been updated with the new AR15 anims. P.S. That BAD lever is sexy as F.
  14. 13islucky


    Sometimes, a smoke grenade is a great way of telling the enemy where you AREN'T.
  15. Yea, but look at the tail lights. Kinda stretch into the CoM of the vehicle.
  16. 13islucky

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    SouthernSmoke, I believe that you may have a problem with your game, seeing as I'm reading your posts just hours after completing the mini campaign.
  17. 13islucky

    TMR Modular Realism

    Hmm... may have to disable a couple of things now. Not sure how I feel about the body armour thing (my only real issue is giving the LBV plate-level armour) but I openly welcome everything else, good release. P.S. Foxhound, you may have missed a couple of things in the changelog (notably the 8 new modules heh)
  18. 13islucky

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Yeap, uses the Half Life Creations AK pack. I'm personally a pretty big fan of these. The modfolder comes with a key and the bisign file. However, I can't confirm if they work or not, sorry again. Also, I found the link to it.
  19. 13islucky

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Well, I guess a somewhat temporary solution (until Ohally updates at the end of summer one last time) would be to find and use the AK replacement pack that uses Toadie's AKs instead (which have been updated). It's probably a couple of pages back, but I can't help you find it now. Sorry.
  20. 13islucky

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    Heh, even with extended armour I'm feeling a little bit (I'll submit that to The Understatement of the Centuryâ„¢ contest) too weak. Still get killed by some pretty silly shots.
  21. 13islucky

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    Yah, the slomo kinda starts looking pretty weird as the fatigue continues to increase. At the low-med levels of fatigue it's not so noticeable, but ideally a new animation for tired walk/run (not sure most people run when tired, but still) could be implemented.
  22. 13islucky

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    I personally didn't have too big a problem with the sway (the key is not to fight it), I kinda liked the challenge. Either way, the sway is pretty toned down in devbranch, so well, you know. Also, I approve of j4you's suggestions, they make sense.
  23. Toadie is. Post at the top of this very page (assuming my post doesn't go into the next one) says one next mid-week from July 10. I've never been good with maths so I'll let you figure that one out.
  24. 13islucky

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    I think that the fatigue is more or less pretty good as is (not to say perfect, cause I don't think anything is perfect in life). Sway, on the other hand, is a bit too much. I kind of remember being able to keep my rifle relatively steady, albeit with quite some effort. Perhaps the large sway is to make you put more effort into the shooting? Don't know if this is too good of an idea, the mouse isn't exactly a practical tool to simulate rifle handling. Oh well, I for one welcome our new Fatigue overlords. For the sway, perhaps it'll work better with the inertia that didn't make the update(hopeful question mark right about here)
  25. Yes, sad indeed, but defo understandable. Thanks for what you've done and all the best.