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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Thanks for the responses guys! :) Thanks for the link, da12thMonkey, you're a star - much appreciated. Guessing it'll work with other things as well as wrecks - I'll do some testing and things and report back :D
  2. Kydoimos

    Arma 3 : Underground

    At present, the sewer objects have been included with Resist - I'm juggling a lot of projects at present, so will let the sewer system simmer in the campaign and implement any changes / fixes as they're reported. Then, at a later date, I'll probably publish this as a little addon :)
  3. Yes, noticed those - reminded me of the roots on steep inclines in Arma 2 :) Be great to see those roots extended!
  4. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Two ways - either spawn them and use the attachTo command via scripting or, quite simply, just place them in the counter in the Eden Editor (weapons have their own category in the props section) :)
  5. Hi all! Have a near-functional fire geometry on my model, but there is a small section of it which is not detecting bullets: It's odd, because part of the same section (the door) is detecting bullets. Also, when you fire at the door sideways (with the edge of the door facing you) it detects bullets perfectly. It's only from a certain angle. Any suggestions would be welcomed! Thanks chaps!
  6. Kydoimos

    Fire Geometry Issue

    I'll try this tomorrow, Pufu - thanks! Fingers crossed! :D
  7. Hi all, Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? I've sorted the Alphas, used the correct suffixes (_co / _ca) but I'm getting transparent objects with AO turned on... you can see this chap's feet through the model.
  8. Kydoimos

    Transparent Texture with Glass_ca.paa

    Thanks so much, Redstone! You're a star! Dev input is gold dust! :D
  9. Kydoimos

    Fire Geometry Issue

    Still suffering from this issue - tried absolutely everything I can think of. Swapped the fire geometry with the resolution LOD to see if I can spot anything going wrong - but it looks fine! Just seems there's blind spots in the geometry... the strange thing is, I've got another object and it works perfectly; but there's just no obvious differences between the objects. Totally stumped!
  10. Kydoimos

    Memory could not read...

    Can confirm, I'm also having a few issues in this department :)
  11. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Bedside cabinets, to go with the bunk beds;
  12. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    You guys have some new PSD files too, for the counter and paperback models - they'll be in the subscription folder :)
  13. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    And here's an in-game screenshot:
  14. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    The latest addition to the mod - a new counter - where you can display some of Arma 3's lovely new weaponry!
  15. Kydoimos

    Suggestion: Female character as the next DLC???

    You've got my vote, mate :) Yeah, it's a big community scorer on the community wishlist!
  16. Kydoimos

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    I'm open to suggestions :) From everyone - it's your thread :P Edit: I will compile all the data into a nice chart at some point. Thanks for the feedback; how do you feel this translates into what makes a good Arma campaign? I suppose in essence, you're advocating that it must be challenging? How high would you place this aspect in comparison to other aspects? Sorry, just trying to get a clear idea of what means most to you in relation to campaign content.
  17. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Lol, you know, I have no idea! But - I've found a way to fix it. Basically, I'm using the glass components of the model as proxies.
  18. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    I'm very pleased to announce that, after several months, I have finally secured a fix for the ambient occlusion bug. No long will ambient occlusion effects be visible through objects like the tactical screen - huzzah. I'll bundle that fix in with the next update :)
  19. Kydoimos

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    Lol, yup, we'll be looking out for those :P Just seen you're very new to the forums, Tom - so, big welcome!
  20. Months and months of pain and toil - and finally, I discover this post! :D Yes, having the same issue - currently sending everything to Proxy-land and will try again :D
  21. Kydoimos

    Transparent Texture with Glass_ca.paa

    Coming close to sorting this - basically, I've worked out it seems to do with the number of transparent faces in the model! Found that much out in another thread, and it seems to hold true. Edit: Going to try to use proxies! (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/182170-ambient-occlusion-and-light-rays-of-other-objects-seen-through-some-of-my-model/).
  22. Kydoimos

    Transparent Texture with Glass_ca.paa

    I've tried the Counter_co.paa texture on its own, and no anomalies. Must be something to do with the Glass_ca.paa.
  23. Kydoimos

    Transparent Texture with Glass_ca.paa

    Separate textures - there's a Counter_co.paa and a Glass_ca.paa :)
  24. Kydoimos

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    Interestingly, I suppose this leads to another point in what makes 'A Good Arma Campaign'; custom animations. Tricky when most of us don't have access to MOCAP equipment. Perhaps we should pool our resources and hire out a motion capture studio together :P
  25. Kydoimos

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    Hi mate! I think a well-crafted story, written around Arma 3's canon, is a very good move. I have the feeling that one of the big reasons the campaigns and overall Armaverse narrative is so nebulous, is because it allows mission-makers the scope and freedom to create stories of their own. If you're wondering about exploring different roles, I personally prefer seeing events through the lens of a single character (others will not feel the same, no doubt). But then, a 'Jack of all trades' approach, wherein the protagonist can drive a tank, fly a tank, and conduct infantry operations might feel a bit far-fetched. One workaround is to concentrate on two roles, rather than three or four (land / air / sea / ground). Any member of the armed forces will have a degree of basic training, meaning, they can fight on the ground; so, scenarios featuring ground operations are easy enough to include (a pilot is shot down, story then focuses on guerrilla warfare group / a tank driver loses their tank, has to join infantry assault etc.). Perhaps then, choose between a character with piloting skills, or a character with combat vehicle skills and write your story around that. Anyhow, I'm guessing from your post, you like your Arma campaigns to be strong on the narrative side of things, with authenticity and cinematic immersion? :) Good luck on your campaign! Edit: As IndeedPete says, this approach works too - there's no right or wrong way. And as for breaking with Arma lore, this can work too - and really, really opens the door for differing play styles and experiences.