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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Nah - didn't work unfortunately
  2. I've noticed in the first mission of the first campaign in ArmA3, that music comes out of the stereo in the HEMTT. Can anyone replicate a script for that? I know how to add music etc., just wondered how you can set it to play and stop playing when you enter or leave the vehicle. Thanks in advance!
  3. Kydoimos

    setUnitPos Not Working?

    Hi, cl-claw, thanks for the suggestion, but no help, sorry! That's fine for stopping units and keeping them in place, however.
  4. Kydoimos

    setUnitPos Not Working?

    Hi tryteyker, I've just tried disableAI "FSM" command but didn't have any luck. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  5. Kydoimos

    setUnitPos Not Working?

    Hi mate, I'm sure I've tried that, but I'll try again! Thanks,
  6. Hi! DisableAI "MOVE" doesn't work. And ForceSpeed 0 doesn't work. And AllowFleeing 0 doesn't work, lol!
  7. Tried allowfleeing - but maybe forcespeed will work? I'll try tonight!
  8. Just tried both suggestions - but no joy, I'm afraid! Thank you for your responses, though!
  9. Kydoimos

    Stop Unit after UnitPlay

    Got it - this flyInHeight 0 worked. Yeah, setFuel 0 sort of worked, but the Helicopter still had enough power to fly away a bit...
  10. Hi all - I need some help! Basically, I want to land a helicopter on top of a building, and then have it stay there until a unit enters it. Now, I have recorded a unit's movement and have successfully landed the helicopter on a building. The trouble is, as soon as the recorded movement script is over, the helicopter flies away. I've tried everything I can think of: setFuel, DoStop, disableAI "ANIM"/"MOVE", engineOn false, etc., etc. but I can't get it to stay still! Even when I set the fuel to 0 it manages to take off a few feet and crashes. EnableSimulation is no good because I don't want to stop the rotor blades instantly. Any ideas?
  11. Kydoimos

    Stop Unit after UnitPlay

    Hi Kerc, thanks for the response - no joy, though. Helicopter still takes off.
  12. Hi all, just a quick question regarding waypoints. Is there a way to fine tune them? I mean, AI don't always seem to go exactly where you tell them. Also, is there a way to make AI advance while firing, rather than just stopping in the middle of an open space, and firing off shots? Shame there's no unitCapture for AI infantry...
  13. Hello, A quick question I was hoping somebody could clarify - for the single-player category, if we include an intro, can it contain shots of add-on material, if we have permission from the creator?
  14. Hi Aphec, any chance you could share the event handler? I'm interested at getting an example of the passed array!
  15. Hey all - does anybody know of a way to convert, say, an MKV file to OGG? I've found an online converter but I lose some of the quality. Can it even be done in HD format? Open to any suggestions. I assume Arma3 doesn't play anything other than OGG?
  16. Kydoimos

    High Definition OGG

    Thanks mate! You're a star!
  17. Ah nice one guys - the old invisible man trick! Good thinking!
  18. Kydoimos

    High Definition OGG

    Thanks for the responses chaps! Fusion13 - do you know if you can get HD quality on Vegas when converting to OGG? and is it very expensive?
  19. Kydoimos

    High Definition OGG

    Don't suppose anyone out there has any software they could recommend for the job?
  20. Hiya - I'd also like to know how to do this. Couldn't see anything in the config file...
  21. Hi all - totally confused with this - hence the rather garbled title for this thread. I like the supports that appear in the new campaign and I would like to try and do something similar. Essentially, what I want to do, is to add a support item. You know how the little exclamation mark or other similar icon pops up? I'd like to achieve that and then when I select the support from the menu, I'd like it to fire a script and make the icon disappear again. I have found this: class CfgCommunicationMenu { class myArtillery { text = "Artillery Strike"; [color=#0000FF][i]// Text displayed in the menu and in a notification[/i][/color] submenu = ""; [color=#0000FF][i]// Submenu opened upon activation (expression is ignored when submenu is not empty.)[/i][/color] expression = "player setVariable ['BIS_SUPP_request', ['Artillery', _pos]];"; [color=#0000FF][i]// Code executed upon activation[/i][/color] icon = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\artillery_ca.paa"; [color=#0000FF][i]// Icon displayed permanently next to the command menu[/i][/color] cursor = "\a3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\iconCursorSupport_ca.paa"; [color=#0000FF][i]// Custom cursor displayed when the item is selected[/i][/color] enable = "1"; [color=#0000FF][i]// Simple expression condition for enabling the item[/i][/color] removeAfterExpressionCall = 1; [color=#0000FF][i]// 1 to remove the item after calling[/i][/color] }; }; So, I can add it to the description.ext ok. But I'm a bit muddled on how I call it or how I use it to call a script from the command menu. Sorry - I just need this explained to me in simple terms. I'm no pro with scripting and I'm still struggling to find my feet! Thanks for any help! ---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ---------- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168296-Help-creating-Custom-Communication-menu Thanks IndeedPete - you covered it here already! However, I'd be interested to know how the InstructorFigure function works..?
  22. Hello all, I understand from what I've read in other posts that there are some issues with creating a campaign using the Arma 2 method. I was wondering if anyone can give me a break down on how to create a fully functional campaign for Arma 3? I just want a linear campaign, without hubs or optional missions - a straight link between a series of missions, with overview images and text. From what I've heard, the Arma 2 method reproduces the campaign twice in the campaign tree or something? I've had a look at BIS' campaign folder but the 'Xtra' functions seem quite confusing and complicated! Have BIS commented on the new campaign setup anywhere? Thanks in advance to anyone who might shed some light on this one!
  23. Is there a way to disable the radio commands? Basically, I want to get rid of the voice that gives commands, but at the same time enable the player to participate in KB conversations on the radio. I don't want the default voice clashing with the custom voice! So, getting rid of the radio won't do the trick. Any ideas out there? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. If there's no solution: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16884
  24. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16884
  25. Hi all - does anybody know of a way to change the faction name (Bluefor/Opfor/Independent) on the direct chat? I simply wanted to change Independent to AAF. Any ideas? Or is it hardcoded?