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Everything posted by Kydoimos
@Alex150201 - No ETA as yet, but I could always PBO what I've got so far and post a link? :)
Ooh, that's a good idea :D Quick thinking! I guess that would be an issue - though there's probably a way around it! I hasten to add though, I feel a bit intimidated by that kind of functionality - not sure I could deliver on that! But - this will be an open source project - so, if anyone's feeling brave, there's no reason it can't be done!
@Alex150201 - No probs! :D In response to your questions; Unfortunately not. You could, however, attach the medals to the body with the attachTo and SetVectorDirAndUp commands, but that's at a push. Wearable medals is a little outside the remit of this project - well, at least, for me to accomplish! The ribbon is part of the medal model; but if you mean the ribbons worn on the uniform, I might add them to the dialog image (2D) but not to the actual model. That's a fantastic idea! Might make a rounded medal variation for that!
@Alex150201 - Hiya matey! Well so far, we have the following: NATO Medals Cross of Honor / Cross of Honor P3D Model (based on Medal of Honor) Silver Heart / Silver Heart P3D Model (based on Purple Heart) Marksmen's Medal / Marksmen's Medal P3D Model Silver Star / Star Medal P3D Model (based on Silver Star) Bronze Star / Star Medal P3D Model (based on Bronze Star) Altis & Stratis Campaign Medal / Rounded Medal P3D Model Leadership Medal / Rounded Medal P3D Model Pilot's Medal / Rounded Medal P3D Model Medic's Medal / Rounded Medal P3D Model And one animated medal case. The names of some of the above might change, but you get the gist. These are all I have 100% finished so far. Each medal consists of the model, a PSD file, an RVMAT with CO, NOHQ and SMDI textures and a dialog, render image. It's just a start, but with a touch of good scripting, it should make for an interesting addon!
@Nytech - thanks matey! :D I'll include all the P3Ds I used to make the medals - should prove helpful if you need a template or anything. As soon as I'm finished with Resist, I'll begin work in earnest with releasing this!
@heartbroken - well, the good news is, I'll be releasing a bunch of PSD files, along with the models themselves, to allow you to edit and create your own :) If I have the time, I'll also add a few additional medals for foreign countries too. I aim to do a series of BLUFOR medals, OPFOR medals, and INDEP medals; though I've got a lot on my plate at the moment! :D Might take me a bit of time - but it's on my radar!
Cannot Find Buildings in Editor (Resolved, You're Not Supposed to Find Them)
Kydoimos replied to narrowsoul's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
I do indeed :) The createVehicle command will be your friend here. If you feel a bit intimidated by the layout of the config in the editor, check out the Arma 3 Assets library online (you'll find all the building classnames there). Then, add something like a game logic and enter this in its init. box: _building = "enter the classname of building here, between these speech marks" createVehicle(position this); That should do the trick (pretty sure the syntax is right, off the top of my head). If you need to change the direction of the building, or its height, you can modify it by using other commands, such as _building setDir 45 etc. Hope that helps! -
Cannot Find Buildings in Editor (Resolved, You're Not Supposed to Find Them)
Kydoimos replied to narrowsoul's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Alternatively, you can use the config to find the building classnames and then spawn them. By default, buildings are not listed in the editor (not sure about 3den, yet?) -
@xxgetbuck123 - cheers for the ideas, I'll certainly look into Farcry 3. This was actually something I've given a lot of thought towards. Basically, I wanted to create a WW2 Japanese submarine wreck. The only thing stopping me is reservations regarding my modelling skills. Going to build up to that, I think :D Starting out small and working up to more complicated things!
Lol - I think my wife might ban me from buying it though :P
@FR-Helios - Final campaign release will have full translation in every language! Every user action, editor object, marker, and line of dialogue will be translated. No doubt, there will be some mistakes (not many, I hope! 95% has been professionally translated), It's been a long haul with the language barrier, but I think it'll be the first Mod project (that I'm aware of!) to be fully translated into all the available A3 languages. Man, I can't wait to show you guys the stringtable - it's truly epic! The localization team, headed by Alan Orman, have really, really worked hard to accomplish it!
@[EVO] Dan - stick with it, matey! You'll get there! Your modelling's good - you could always team up with someone! Here's some renders for Richie, for his Isla de Spero mod - I've tried to keep it as close as possible to the Altis road signs for continuity's sake, but can always chop and change if a different vibe is needed :D
@Kilroy95 - thanks man! Yeah, it's pretty much there! Just got to do some renders for the UI and then hand it over to some scripting bod (or IndeedPete, if he isn't too busy! :D). I might release it as just the objects, PSD files, and UI images, so people can do what they want with it. Not sure really - the models and textures are all there - it's just how to implement them! :P Anything's possible in Arma!
Considering the Pacific setting, I think personally, it'd be a great move to play Australian special forces - as far as I'm aware, it hasn't been done before! Everyone knows the Ozzie's have a reputation for being double-hard :P
Hiya Matey, I noticed the corruption when I made the switch from stable to development branch - must have been something in the transition, I guess - really odd. I still have the faulty file somewhere, and it still doesn't work - fortunately, I had a back-up version which I swapped it with :)
The 'EPE manager release' led me to the cause - somehow I got a corrupted mission file! Issue resolved!
No speaker given for - RPT / config issue
Kydoimos posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Hi there, Does anyone know what might be causing this to spam in the RPT? Can only guess it's something to do with custom faces / identities. Any thoughts? -
No speaker given for - RPT / config issue
Kydoimos replied to Kydoimos's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
@Haleks - thanks for the suggestion, mate :) My cfgIdentities are pretty standard: Still getting lots of speaker errors though! 'Male01Eng' seems to be valid as far as I can tell - really weird... -
Also, not sure if it's relevant, but getting spammed with 'planning mode' and 'side !!! / side 63' in the RPT:
Hiya guys, thanks for the speedy responses! I hope you don't mind the long post - if you want me to condense it or remove it, please just let me know! :) here's my Init.sqf (it might not be well optimised, but it's been working): I'm also getting a message 'Cannot Load Mission'. At present, it seems to be linked to the init.sqf and it's preprocess files - though I need to do some further tests. There's plenty of objects that exist (for instance, everything under // vehicles etc.), and there are some spawned bits in the preprocess SQFs, which seem to be causing problems. I'm positive it's not because anything in the arrays doesn't exist, because it all works perfectly on Stable Branch. One important part to add, this mission is the second in the campaign - I haven't had problems with the first mission yet, which has a similar layout. I'm going to run some tests today, and see if the errors occur in the editor, when I preview the mission on its own, outside the campaign structure. I did notice a whole bunch of error messages once the second mission was actually in progress, but I need to check to see if these were because items in the init.sqf had not completed properly, or did not spawn. EDIT: Just tried the mission in the 2D editor - no scripting errors - seems it's definitely confined to the campaign structure. It's almost as if the init.sqf, and the preprcoess SQFS, are running before anything on the map exists. EDIT: Created a ticket, and added links to my RPT and all the mission scripts: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26427 Deleted this long post as problem was a corrupted mission file.
Hiya, Getting masses of errors with my campaign in Dev Branch and lots of my scripts have stopped working - though it's all running fine on Stable(!). Here's a snippet from my RPT - has some scripting changed or did I miss something? Seems to be expression related...
A2C - Arma 2 Cutscene Animations in Arma 3
Kydoimos replied to IndeedPete's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
:D Good to see more animations there! I'm happy to lend a hand too, if you like - soon as I got a free minute! -
Animating Consistent Moving Parts on Model
Kydoimos replied to Kydoimos's topic in ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)
@da12thMonkey - thanks matey, that's grand! I'll be able to add some cool new features to future models with that! Cheers :) -
Hi all, After seeing this truly awesome model in a video posted by Killzone Kid, I feel compelled to ask, how one might go about creating a constantly moving part on a model? I've got the hang of single animations (such as doors linked to actions) but I'm curious to know how you would do something like the spinning internal fan on the model in the video? Does anyone have a config example? Or a link to a tutorial? Thanks as always!
Awesome idea! I'm going to do a little research! If anyone has any reference images, please post them!