I'm just having a bit of difficulty at the moment trying to insert into the "init" field for this script.
veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "init field here"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"
Only issue is the code I want to insert is the following:
this addAction["Insert Smoke","smoke.sqf"];
Basically when the MH9 respawns, I want it to continue to have the option to drop smoke but this is causing me issues, if you just straight put that addaction between the two quotation marks, it just doesn't work. Missing [. Can someone please tell me how to code these two together or let me know if the addaction function just cannot be inserted there?
NINJA EDIT Also is there a way to retain the name of vehicles? I have markers set on my vehicles but obviously when destroyed, they lose all that information and thus also the markers.