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Everything posted by x39

  1. Help Wanted OOS currently has quite some big task going on that brings type safety into OOS to remove the currently quite significant performance overhead so i please you to help developing the EBNF and judging it so that it improoves and gets to the best EBNF possible https://github.com/X39/ObjectOrientedScripting/blob/TypeSafety/Concept/oos.ebnf greetings X39
  2. for what i hope: more people join the project its open source thus everybody can contribute so that the lang. growth with time to something even more better then now
  3. There is also the carma project but all of them share one thing in common They extend sqf Oos reforms sqf by providing a new language
  4. as long as the units have the baseclass CAManBase it should work maybe forgot to copy the ammo cache gamelogic?
  5. lets start at your execution code replace it by this here: [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "script_1.sqf"; (better to put the entire script into a function and then execute that function but thats a lil bit too much here) as alternative you also can change the call to a spawn (if you rly want to get it spawned which is not needed) secondly, your trigger will be executed for every computer on the virtual server (meaning every player/server/HC will trigger the trigger) thus you have to add some condition so that the vehicles are rly spawned just once (a simple "if(!isServer) exitWith{};" in first line should do the trick) and that should be everything just that you then have to do the calculation required by yourself which should make it in theory slower again (still it should be the prefered way of placing objects from a database for example))
  6. thanks but funny that you released V0.3.0-ALPHA before i could :P (you got the version number wrong ^^) here it comes btw: Release 0.3.0-ALPHA https://github.com/X39/ObjectOrientedScripting/releases/tag/v0.3.0-ALPHA Version 0.3.0-ALPHA |- Compiler: changed block native code from: | native <instructions> endnative | to: | startnative <instructions> endnative |- Compiler: Added "native(<instructions>)" specially for expressions | (will be merged at some point with the block native again) |- Compiler: Added SQF Call instruction: | SQF [ (<arg1>, <argN>) ] <instruction> [ (<arg1>, <argN>) ] |- Compiler: Added missing detection for | unsigned integer/double values in VALUE |- Compiler: Added missing detection for | >, >=, <, <= operations in EXPRESSION |- Compiler: Added missing LOCALVARIABLE alternative for FORLOOP |- Compiler: Fixed FORLOOP |- Compiler: PrettyPrint sqf output improved with a new kind of instruction to call SQF commands: SQF [ (<arg1>, <arg2>, <argN>) ] <instruction> [ (<arg1>, <arg2>, <argN>) ] and a change to the native command (now needs "startnative [...] endnative" or "native(...)" inside of expressions) also, we reached a point where you can start using the project "productive" (not recommended but you could do thought, there still should be plenty of bugs) here you can see how it looks like in OOS: https://github.com/X39/ObjectOrientedScripting/tree/master/TestProject for the SQF translation, please use the compiler :P the output structure looks like so: http://i.imgur.com/9QW3rOt.png (just that the config.cpp file is missing in that image)
  7. 0.2.0 ALPHA just has been released: https://github.com/X39/ObjectOrientedScripting/releases/tag/v0.2.0-ALPHA Version 0.2.0-ALPHA |v- New Parameters for Wrapper.exe ||- "sc=<FILE>" Used to check the syntax of some document ||- "dll=<FILE>" Forces given dll (ignores project settings) |\- "log[=<FILE>]" Enables LogToFile (with optional file parameter) |- Compiler: Fixed TryCatch |- Compiler: Fixed Expressions |- Compiler: Implemented class inheritance |- Compiler: Implemented public/private encapsulation |- Wrapper: Fixed ArgumentDetection (foo=bar was not detected) \- Logger: Disabled logToFile per default
  8. ALPHA RELEASE of OOS is available <3 https://github.com/X39/ObjectOrientedScripting/releases/tag/v0.1.0-ALPHA HaveFun whith testing/writing/raging using OOS
  9. Some info update: threw out pretty much the entire handmade parsing and replacing it by coco/r ... should make parsing way faster (and sooner done) for this i am also rewriting the entire EBNF file so stay tuned for updates! ---------edit--------- Parsing? Done! Transpatching? InProgress! so the first release might come out quite soon
  10. most likely you just did not saw the intel (its a small item and no large box like back in arma 2)
  11. A lot of rewrite is planned for after my exams (where i am in preparation currently which is why currently no progress archived anywhere) reduce the max units per player count and it should be fine
  12. WIKI Features When TacticalGoggles and GPS is worn a small HUD item will become visible which shows the rough direction (N, NNE, NE, ...) + the exact direction (0 - 359) AirMissions - JTACs can use the "AirMission control device" to create missions for pilots. The JTAC(only with tactical goggles and mission is in viewDistance) and the pilot(only when pilot helmet is worn and mission is assigned) are able to see the missions on their 3D HUD What is this? X39s Tactical HUD gives the player a good reason to use the tactical goggles! When worn the tactical goggles are worn in combination with a GPS they will be linked together so that the current heading is displayed How does it look? FAQ I got ideas for additional HUD elements but where to post them? You have reached the destination already pilot! Simply post them ^^ Im on the map but no HUD? Make sure your player has one of the two tactical goggles: G_Tactical_Black G_Tactical_Clear Im wearing the TacticalGoggles but still no HUD Make sure you got a GPS in your active inventory How to open the AirMissionControlUI Make sure you got the "X39_TacticalHud_AirMissionControlDevice" in your active inventory and press the key you have assigned in the modProperties dialog (while ingame, press ESCAPE) How to open the MFD for the pilots press the key you have assigned in the modProperties dialog (while ingame, press ESCAPE) while wearing a pilot helmet & sitting in an air vehicle Requirements XLib Downloads XTacticalHud v1.1.2 XTacticalHud v1.1.0 XTacticalHud v1.0.0 Changelog 1.1.2 Fixed Added Removed |- userconfig file (all can now be configured ingame using the modProperties dialog) \- unused functions Changed |- Changelog layout |- init code \- updated to latest XLib version 1.1.1 Fixed \- incorrect depency on XMedSys Added Removed Changed 1.1.0 Fixed Added |v- AirMissionSystem - Used to assign air units special targets on ground which they then can see (JTAC) |\- item 'X39_TacticalHud_AirMissionControlDevice' |- current grid coordinates \- userconfig file to set the keys for the airMission feature + enable/disable some hud elements Removed Changed |- enlarged HUD text |- rscText elements are now centered \- Way to get current heading, before used "direction" now using "eyeDirection" 1.0.0 -|RELEASE|- Future Vision (green = will come/is worked on, yellow = could come at some time, red = not that likely to come, grey + striked = already implemented) # Grid location # Height over sea level # Current time # something that 'marks' the position of enemies # Waypoint/Task info # Facebook status # Distance to currentLookTarget when using the AlienHelmet of CSAT # every group have a symbol over the head indicating what kind of it is (Heli, tracked) # IN COMBINATION WITH 3: Using UAVs to get intel about enemy movements # Creating FireMissions for pilots which those can see if they are in an airVehicle (airVehicle should have CDU onboard but could also be in first versions that its not required and working in all airVehicles)
  13. the resupply module is highly experimental and non-functional currently thus nop for 1. its a BI issue and nothing i can adress (the AI already sees you as hostile thus nothing i could fix) for 2 well you got the land vehicles and thats everything inside of the mission currently to service any vehicle
  14. The respawn position is picked randomly Increasing the respawn time should help on such issues
  15. Release 1.2 Stratis Altis Version 1.2 Fixed |- Intel spawning inside of buildings was not working (thx TDC-Insane https://github.com/X39/XInsurgency/pull/2) |- ALTIS: Enemy friendly with Bluefor (https://github.com/X39/XInsurgency/issues/3) |- ALTIS: Vehicle position in base (https://github.com/X39/XInsurgency/issues/4) |- Save Inventory & auto-load inventory after death |- AmmoCaches cant be destroyed (THANKS ARMA ... rename some more classnames please!), also made it possible that they are being destroyed now with normal explosive charges \- Script issue when all AmmoBoxes got destroyed Added |- Multiple options to change the behaviour of the mission to missions parameters \- non-optional GarbageCollector Removed Changed was not released yet (thus just on github)
  16. it was never planned to disable the respawn add a feature request and thats it
  17. theres a nice wiki telling you all you need to know about the insurgency module http://wiki.unitedtacticalforces.de/index.php/X39_GM_Insurgency_Module (it is a module ^^ just without the UI :) ) for vehicle spawning the code would have to be altered quite a lot (unless you want to have quite stationary vehicles inside of buildings) which is not in scope for current developement phase for the code ... yeah checked the wrong version (yep ^^ "VERSION" ... got 3 on my computer and moved to the non-git based one ... still it should not affect your experience unless you set exactly that variable) maybe i will throw the respawn module out ... its your decision here anyway due to the fact that its "just" the basic base that is provided quick note: will release update tomorrow which fixes quite a lot: Version 1.2 Fixed |- Intel spawning inside of buildings was not working (thx TDC-Insane https://github.com/X39/XInsurgency/pull/2) |- ALTIS: Enemy friendly with Bluefor (https://github.com/X39/XInsurgency/issues/3) |- ALTIS: Vehicle position in base (https://github.com/X39/XInsurgency/issues/4) |- Save Inventory & auto-load inventory after death |- AmmoCaches cant be destroyed (THANKS ARMA ... rename some more classnames please!), also made it possible that they are being destroyed now with normal explosive charges \- Script issue when all AmmoBoxes got destroyed Added \- non-optional GarbageCollector Removed Changed currently just thinking about how i can put as much as possible into the mission parameters without chaning whole lot of code
  18. puhh ... dats a lot of stuff lemme try to answer: yeah ... forgot that, could you raise a bug on the github page if you find stuff like this? ty ^^ blame BI ^^ its using the normal respawn module that sometimes bugs deadly for some reason see 1 no script introduced yet to do that thus nop, no idea whats wrong on your scripts you use You can change it in the Insurgency game logic you skiped this one not yet, just sync them to the insurgency module not as simple as you would think though A bug ... should be destroyable with a normal satchel, will check it asap They dynamically spawn and despawn thus something either moves wrong with an addon youre using or youve been in a spawn zone of em with ton of em spawned
  19. ehhhh what? Its an issue with the name & rank display script of mine ... its gonna be fixed in next version (but you can ignore it safely) yup ... feel free to add one and create a pull request on github :P the respawn_west is for the generic respawn position whilst the second/third/... marker is for the respawn templates spawn position selection hope i could help X39
  20. whoops path was incorrect thus nobody could download it fixed
  21. the arma respawn system is a respawnTemplate thus yeah you simply have to remove it out of the description.ext the mission itself is just a base where you can build your Insurgency version ontop feel free to do that (by forking for example) might even start linking some variants here too
  22. problem lays in the arma AI system normally they all get spawned in a single group (one group per unit wont work due to the fact that arma has a group limit of ~130) so that they receive all AI calculation putting them in a null group will not cast every calculation on that given unit thus they do what they do then