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Von Quest

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Everything posted by Von Quest

  1. Von Quest

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    There is a great mix of all ages here. Love it! Can not stand playing on the juvenile hold-your-hand-treat-me-like-I'm-14 console systems anymore. Too many great things about ArmA to list here. More mature and sophisticated group of awesome people all helping each other. It's a hobby all onto itself. I design, build, and tinker more than I actually play I think. Just turned 39 this year. Addictive at any age!
  2. Von Quest

    In Depth Damage Effects

    Makes sense. I had it backwards. Sorry. Still used to the whole 'hitpoints' thing.
  3. Von Quest

    In Depth Damage Effects

    Don't you mean it would stop if you go above 0.7? You stated below. How much does the First Aid Kit repair vs the Medkit? Sounds cool. Will have to check this out. Thanks.
  4. Respawn? What is that? This is NOT Xbox! Just kidding. :p I play fairly hardcore. I never have respawn. WAY more immersive knowing that you only have just the 1 life.
  5. In a Editor Create a NEW file. Name it attachbackpack.sqf Copy & Paste haloed = true; hintSilent "Click on the map where you'd like to HALO."; onMapSingleClick "player setPos [(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1), 3000]; haloed = false;hint 'Close the map and dont forget to open your chute!'"; waitUntil{!haloed}; onMapSingleClick ""; if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; _pack = unitBackpack player; player addBackpack "B_Parachute"; //freefall: _pack attachTo [player,[0,-0.13,0],"Pelvis"]; _pack setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]; _nil = [player,_pack] spawn { _unit = _this select 0; _pack = _this select 1; waitUntil {animationState _unit == "para_pilot"}; //wait for parachute open //animation still weird, can't seem to attach while in parachute animation...so bury temporarily _pack setPos [(getPos _unit) select 0,(getPos _unit) select 1,-50]; //bury nearby... waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit || (getPosASL _unit) select 2 < 0.1};//wait for landing if(surfaceIsWater [getPos _unit select 0,getPos _unit select 1]) then { waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit}; //will trigger offshore, bag will float then detach _pack; _pack setPosASL [getposASL _unit select 0, getposASL _unit select 1,-0.28]; } else { detach _pack; _pack setPosATL [getposATL _unit select 0,getposATL _unit select 1,-0.13]; }; _pack setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,-1,0]]; _pack addAction ["Take Bag",{(_this select 1) action ["TakeBag",_this select 0];},"",6,true,true,"","true"]; }; Make sure this File is now in your Mission Folder. You can find that mission that your are making in your: Documents >> Arma 3 - Other Profiles >> YourProfileName >> missions >> MissionFolderName.Stratis Just put that SQF file INSIDE the Mission Folder, where you see the mission.sqm File. This is ONLY to get the HALO/JUMP part of the script to be available. To use start IN THE AIR, by setting the Altitude of each unit at 11111m (in altitude box), or you can place: this addAction ["HALO Insertion","attachbackpack.sqf"]; into the initialization field box in any object to activate from the ground. I believe this specific example you have to START from the ground to work as-is. (?) As I stated, mine is based off dr_strangepete's if you read the entire thread. I start in the AIR at over 36,000ft in full HALO Gear System + Full Combat Gear screaming toward the earth at 120mph and -60 below zero. Hooyah! For the Custom Loadout, you will need to ALSO put ALL of YOUR GEAR Code into the initialization field box of each of your soldier units. For Custom Loadout Gear, do a search on the Forums or YouTube for the correct syntax. I setup txt files on my Desktop for different senarios/missions. Then I just have to Copy & Paste as the situation dictates off the plain txt files. Recommend you try the ATM Airdrop - Click Here system. Comes with instructions plus you can activate a Chemlight on your shoulder when parachuting in for a cool effect.
  6. The tool to make the best is... you! That's part of what makes ArmA the greatest game! You get to customize the entire experience. Most will likely recommend you Mix & Match what you what. Try them all. I use both UPS and AI Spawn for my massive Map. For me, I use UPS for random vehicle patrols. Works amazing for Heli's and Land Vehicles, and (mostly) Boats. Haven't tried the latest version, but you have to use a separate Marker for each non-vehicle Unit/Group or they will be in 'alert' mode. This system works great to have 100% of the Map being patrolled. No area is safe! Very organic. Downside is you have to pre-place all Units which will eat into your 144 limit. If you want realism, you'll want a setup so there is always a small chance of you being spotted or run into some random sentry patrol squad. As the "dungen-master" you do NOT want to KNOW how to manipulate your design and cheat yourself, either consciously or sub-consciously. To get more congested areas populated like Camps, Town, etc., in concert with the UPS system, I set-up and use the AI Spawn system. Set your triggers so they spawn-in when you're far out (so you down see them blink-in) and you have a bustling beehive of activity everywhere and whenever you want. You can then have thousands of enemy around and stay under the max limit of 144. My Maps are about 70% - 80% full of Max. Then the remaining 20% is done on the actual mission-types itself. Then I merge the two. 1 Standard Map + 1 Mission type. Two versions of the Standard map. One for Day. One for night (10% - 20% of Max). To polish it to a fine point, finish with specific Units and patrols for that truly 'real' feel! Set patrols and Units where they would be logical. Guarding high-value areas, routine jobs, etc. Patrolling X,Y, and Z ONLY. And so-on. Don't forget to make good use of random spawn-in, radius, etc. It takes time but it will be something you yourself can play and use over and over. Realistic, unpredictable and dynamic! I could not get EOS to work the first time I tried. Did not try the others as I stopped when I found these two that worked for my style of Map/Missions. My 2 cents.
  7. @dr_strangepete Fixed original problem. User error. :o had wrong syntax in the loadout part for multi-player. Gesh. Can't believe I missed it the whole time. Wow. @Ice_Rhino That setup looks a lot like the ATM Airdrop system. There is more detailed instructions on how to set that up in the download I believe. I'm doing something a bit different. Just create a SQF file (attachbackpack.sqf) and copy & paste that code into it. Save that file in your mission Folder. The top part that's labeled code on flag / building / whatever you want, put that line into some object's initialization field . When near you'll get an Action Menu option "HALO Insertion", to activate it. NOTE: not sure why, but everyone seems to always refer to ANY jump as HALO. Technically this is incorrect. The first part of HALO is High Altitude. You need to be around 30,000ft + (O2 needed over 22,000?). Extreme altitude is preferred for stealth insertion. Too high to see or hear the aircraft (and avoid SAMs). Until aircraft (Gnat?) is added like the C-130, I just start my units up in the air. You can skip the code on flag / building / whatever you want part in the object. If you can be more specific I can try and help further.
  8. Von Quest

    Triggered messages

    @kylania Super genius! You on BIS payroll? You should be!! Your help on these forums have been nothing short of amazing. Thank you so much.
  9. Von Quest

    Scorch's Inventory Items

    Keeps getting better & better. I like where you are going with this.
  10. Oh, this helps ALOT! Great Thread. Thanks. Been struggling myself. The customization side of ArmA is a Hobby all-in-itself. Genius! The BIKI needs more/better practical in-game in-use EXAMPLES.
  11. @dr_strangepete Tried a few more runs again with your latest script. All I had to do was change the setPosATL. You had last number as -0.13 (straps below ground). I changed it to 0.3 in MP: SP = _pack setPosATL [getposATL _unit select 0,getposATL _unit select 1,-0.13]; MP = _pack setPosATL [getposATL _unit select 0,getposATL _unit select 1,0.3]; Looks like I need two different ones? Timing issue? In MP the pack was straps UP, in SP straps DOWN. For water-landings, not sure if I liked the sunk pack or the floating one. I'll play around with it... So as yours is right now, with the 0.3 fix, it seems to work almost perfect in MP. Very very close. No matter what I try I always end up back to the original problem. I'm guessing this is game or MP specific problem, and not the script? When we spawn in (both with & without your HALO Script), the #2 player always loses a bunch of his loadout. This is madding. Utterly madding! Way back in ArmA Alpha, before the chutes were added, we would just 'simulate' the HALO Jump in. Same issue. Same custom loadout setup in both Units init field. We both spawn-in but player #2 (client) would lose half his stuff. Odd. So as a work-around, we would have to spawn a crate in nearby filled with the stuff we wanted. We would just pretend it was air-dropped ahead of us and we would go find it. Now with things moving along in Beta, we can actually HALO Jump for real, in the game (thanks to you :)), which is totally frickin awesome! ...BUT, back to original problem. I have ALL my loadout after jump. My combat-buddy lands nearby, grabs the Backpack off the ground and its only half full of his stuff. (Must have forgot to zip-it up) Weird that when in MP the 'puter says ok, you can have this and that, but I'm going to delete that and this. Maybe will have to start a Thread for 'Missing Inventory Items'. Have you tried that ATM Airdrop setup yet? May have to look into that...
  12. @dr_strangepete Did a little more testing for the little time I had last night. Sorry, I was mixing the different scripts. :o Re-tried yours and again, worked great in SP (did not try water landing) but in MP same issue. Backpack gets swallowed up in the gofer-holes. Notes: All my landings were on hillsides. And on one jump, I could see a Pack sticking slightly out but it was too buried to grab it. hmm... BTW, Thank you so much for your time with this. This part of design is over my head. You rock, man. :cool:
  13. Von Quest

    NSW Units & Gear (Retex.)

    Love the new HALO Vest! You beat me to it. Is there supposed to be cargo space in the rebreather? Always need more space. =) Wondering. Is there anyway to do or change the Wetsuit so you can wear a helmet with them? :confused:
  14. Von Quest

    Desert Tigerstripe Units

    UPDATE: For some odd reason, not getting any errors now. Bizarre . Maybe just an odd ArmA Beta thing? Or Map setup? :o
  15. Replaced all player with _unit (4 of them). Bunch of errors. Breaks script. Splat. :dead:
  16. OK, update and some testing yesterday. (always play on Home LAN if that makes a difference?) Works good in SP, but had issues in MP: @dr_strangepete - in MP the Backpack would disappear/sink into ground. @ItsThomas - in MP worked (mostly) but always the 2nd player (client?) would lose most of the custom stuff I packed for him. This has been an issue in general though. Also we ended up with 2 Parachutes with yours. One on the back, then extra one on the stomach area. hehe Odd. For MP have to go back and use the 'ol crate-at-a-distance trick. :icon_neutral:
  17. Yes! Needs fix. Possible? Died in wrecked building I was checking after I rained-down mortars on it. Those sharp corners are brutal. =)
  18. Von Quest

    context menus need to be fixed

    Definitely needs to be improved. +1 Easy to say 'fix' though. Believe several other threads/feedback somewhere on this. Maybe setup a STICKY with Brainstorm Ideas and Forum Voting? Most don't use Feedback. Dslyecxi has some solid ideas. Love the passion I see in the community. Hard not to be when you're so close to the ultimate military/combat sim/game. Dslyecxi: http://dslyecxi.com/arma-3-fixing-the-action-menu/ Feedback: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10726 (I believe BIS can expand even more than this) At the very least (if not mod/script), allow more options by the average user (preferred) to customize the Menu/Options/Actions futher. I use a Power A Gaming Pad, which works awesome, and see there is some Custom Options but do not know how to use or setup. Maybe they're working in this direction? Who knows? Would like to see Options, for example as: Hold, Tap, Tap2x, Tap3x, Hold + D-Pad Scroll, Hold + Stick (compass wheel), etc... This is a CORE issue that effects the very heart of the experience. More than ready to take it to the next level by now. WAY TOO MANY times now I have died because of the mysterious fluctuating menu/action. Touch Off Bombs should never be that easy to detonate. Tap2x. Bigger ones (satchel) Tap3x. Using the Mouse Scroll & Button; too easy to roll while clicking: KABOOM! Like the idea of setting something up in the Inventory Screen: Setup each Item & Weapon needed to use Shift+Choice (THEN option of course to bind that to whatever Gaming Pad Button Setup). Maybe yo want SHIFT+S for Smoke, SHIFT+C for Chemlight, SHIFT+G for Grenade, SHIFT+L for Launcher, SHIFT+F for First Aid Kit, SHIFT+You decide. You Setup. You customize. Customize. Customize. Continuing to brainstorm here: The Adjust button (stance) is amazing! Keep it going... Holding ADJUST (call it SHIFT now) opens MORE options. ADJUST STANCE is just one. Holding ADJUST -- Tap with Trigger = Claymore Clacker. Tap2x = C4. Tap3x = Satchel. Holding ADJUST -- [Option with Button] = Action of YOUR CHOICE Leave as Default or Customize. Keyboard or Gaming Pad. And so on. While Holding the ADJUST you would get a pop-up display on side of screen (able to turn on/off of course) showing the SETUP you did in the Inventory Screen to ASSIGN what-to-what so you do not have to memorize. Sorry for the ramble. Off the top of my head just now. My 3 cents.
  19. Von Quest

    NATO Special Operations Command [BETA]

    Wow. Fantastic Units Mod. One of, if not, THE favorite. U_B_combatuniform_blk_crye Getting an error for a missing icon pic in the Inventory. Is this the mod its from? I lost track but the uniform is all black so was guessing it might be from yours someone suggested. :confused:
  20. Von Quest

    Blackop/Swat Units

    Ah, thanks for the tip. Will drop a line over there. :o
  21. DAP, my main man! Big gaming night Friday. Swapped out the other Medic System with yours... And the winner is.......... DAPMAN! Way to go brother!! I really liked it. Will be using now for a while to do some more testing. Felt WAY more realistic & immersive. Which IS the whole point right?. Very very nice job. Would of liked to see a better README or other detailed info. Maybe some more dramatic & varied sounds. Possibly random Blood graphics other than the 'blood goggles'. Other than that it's almost perfect (from a player/immersion point-of-view). You got my vote!
  22. (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["NAME_of_Uniform _Here",1]; Recommend you use the Carry-All Backpack (large): B_Carryall_blk (or whatever color/type you want)
  23. Von Quest

    Desert Tigerstripe Units

    HUGE fan of the Tigrestripe! Getting an ERROR message when pulling uniform out of bag and putting on. config msg I believe. Using Option #3 (full camo). Only using uniform and not the pre-config Unit setup. Love the Mod. A MUST have!
  24. Von Quest

    Blackop/Swat Units

    U_B_combatuniform_blk_crye Getting an error for a missing icon pic in the Inventory. Is this the mod its from? I lost track but the uniform is all black so was guessing its this one...
  25. Looks really good! In testing during parachute freefall (do mostly HALOs), there is slight clipping on the right-side. Neck pops through. FYI. Thanks for the mod. Use all the time.