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Everything posted by tmortensen

  1. tmortensen

    [REQUEST] Detailed Topic - ON/OFF Objective

    Basically what you are looking for a trigger feature, something like; If Obj's 1, 2 & 3 (of scenario 1) are complete, assign scenario 2. Conditioning the objectives to trigger visible to the correct side automatically isn't, possible thus requiring an active zeus to keep the scenario flow going.
  2. tmortensen

    Clan logo on units?

    It's all to do with squad xml and what the image linked the xml is, making sure its in the right format etc so it is view-able in game. Squad xml's need player id's etc to work to the specific player.
  3. tmortensen

    Custom Base Compositions

    From what I gather from this post you need / want to save some pre made stuff from zeus in terms of bases and put them in 2d editor or something? Basially you want to make a shiny nice looking base and be able to use it on a mission? Arma reads .sqm, mission.sqm's have all the placement, so if you want to save object locations/positions, you will either use the editor to place them. OR use mcc and then zeus through that to 3d edit it then export and save to sqm in which you can then open in editor and paste it to your main mission. Try getting the new MCC and exporting to mission sqm, it doesnt need mcc to open, then open the copied sqm over to you my documents arma 3 missions into a new mission folder and C&P what you want over to your main mission in your editor? I did this for my FOB's as someone wanted to make them, so they sent me the sqm which I then opened in editor and simply copied and pasted. @Wotyhn You look into the cost of unit types and / or restriction of units via the set costs section, which will mean you will also need to look into the tickets per second for the zeus.
  4. tmortensen

    AI Difficulty

    Hey, I have a fix for this, instead of wrestling with any zeus ai settings, and setting an overall 0.2 difficulty, make sure you change the other ai attributes. Within your init.sqf call a file like execvm "aiparameters.sqf", then within your mission directory make a new file as named and use this: while {true} do { { if (!isPlayer _x) then { _x setSkill 0.5; _x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.031]; _x setSkill ["aimingShake", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["Endurance",0.5]; _x setSkill ["spotDistance",0.55]; _x setSkill ["spotTime",0.9]; _x setSkill ["courage", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 1]; }; } forEach allUnits; sleep 10; }; change each variable to suit your play style. This essentially changes the ai skill of all non-player units placed every ten seconds, I have used this through all missions and public servers depending on how I want it, and it works in zeus editing too. Alter to your taste, I hope this helps.
  5. tmortensen

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    *heavy breathing* Congratulations on the release
  6. tmortensen

    Squad system SQ-1

    I love this mod! I have been looking for a visual menu version of a squad manager for ages! One addition could be to make a button to move the squad leadership to a current squad member? This allowing a shift in the squad leader role to a different player.
  7. tmortensen

    Group Management Script

    Hi Zuff, Great script. However, in my implementation I wish for JIP to be able to join anyone on map. This is due to the fact that I have a teleport to squad lead function, in which any player can teleport to the effective squad leader. However in its current state if a JIP player were to join they are in no way a good proximity to a player or squad leader in the field. On your groupActions.sqf line 6 it states 'cursorTarget' and a proximity setting However I wish to change this for it to be anyone on map, obviously the extra conditions will return the units from the same faction. I understand an alteration to cursorTarget is 'nearTargets' in which the parameter can be set to define the range in which the array returns. The syntax for such a statement says 'player nearTargets 100 ' is there any way in which I could adapt this into the first section of the condition statement to incorporate anyone on the map? I am thinking along the lines of "_player nearTargets 10000" If anyone could help that would be awesome! Cheers, Tom
  8. On our public server Zeus is playing along making his missions then.... A unit cap seems to be reached in which the Zeus will no longer be able to place any more units on the map, this being in regard to OPFOR units. He/ she is then able to use AAF forces as normal in placement. Is there a set cap in which I am missing, which is present by default unless defined? Must I define in my mission description.ext a ticket number at start? If there a normal set default of spawns available for each side? I understand there is respawn tickets within a PVP environment, in ZSC for example: "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramRespawnTickets.hpp" However this being in a ZGM game mode is bizarre to me. Has anyone got any clues whether there is a game/ mission/ server limit to the Zeus placement?
  9. tmortensen

    Maximum placed units threshold? (ZGM)

    Oh BI y u no leik Zeus?
  10. tmortensen

    Game Master Owner - Player UID

    That leads me to think line 2 isn't present or incorrect for you, as it shouldn't be ran on the server only on player spawn IF and WHEN curator is assigned, ELSE it is closed. Check the {} loops and make sure they are closed properly, that is all I can suggest. Try line 7: if !(getPlayerUID _player in _reservedUIDs) then {} then line 8: else {for "_i" from 0 to 20 do { and close else on line 13 with an extra }; hopefully you understand line references, this should close the if (if the unit isnt the curator), ELSE it will run the loop.
  11. tmortensen

    Maximum placed units threshold? (ZGM)

    Cheers for the heads up though it was something like that, reminds me of mission making back with group limit, didn't realise it existed in a Zeus environment, fingers crossed this gets fixed to release this threshold.
  12. tmortensen

    Game Master Owner - Player UID

    [] spawn { if(isServer)exitWith{}; // Prevents server from running the code _UID = getPlayerUID player; _reservedUIDs = ["xxxx","xxxx","xxxx"]; //Admin UIDS _player = getAssignedCuratorUnit bis_curator; if !(getPlayerUID _player in _reservedUIDs) then { for "_i" from 0 to 20 do { hint format["This slot is for Members only - leave it within %1 before your input gets frozen.",(21 -_i)]; sleep 1; }; disableUserInput true; }; }; the MODULE needs to be called "bis_curator" _player explained in English: _player = A player that is assigned as zeus via the module "bis_curator"
  13. tmortensen

    Player Respawns not working.

    This will ONLY work on multiplayer / dedicated - not in editor.
  14. tmortensen

    Player Respawns not working.

    Are you testing in editor? If so that is you problem? Testing in editor is like a single player mission.
  15. tmortensen

    Headless Client and Zeus

    Got it working now on Zeus Game Master Game mode, just not on Zeus Sector Control. Find me on TS or PM me as I have it working on our ZGM game mode server. Cheers
  16. tmortensen

    Arma 3 W/Scripts By Jetfox

    Looks good, due to the connection issues as discussed, fresh head tomorrow chat then dude.
  17. tmortensen

    Arma 3 W/Scripts By Jetfox

    Any idea on restricting the game master module with player UID? Trying this out with attribute name or #adminLogged works, however not sure of how the playerUID works. Trying to white-list using the inbuilt BI module feature
  18. If you are wrestling with Zeus as much as I am, helping a brother in need is no issue. I am still having my issue with player UID's in the game master module, seems to be no fix or obvious stuff as of yet! Let me know how it goes. ------------------------------------------ In addition CAF_agg is made for ALiVE so the way in which ALiVE calls units for dynamic spawning may be different to that of the game or that of Zeus. Some other mod factions can throw up errors from ALiVE when calling the unit groups and randomization on dynamic spawn. I don't know if this will affect it, however it is worth baring in mind.
  19. I believe Modules>Zeus>Manage Addons. Mode = Add, Addon classes field is where you add the array of "["faction","group"]" I think. Make sure the module is synchronized to the Game Master module. Example could be for just EU dudes - place in the the field: ["caf_ag_groups_eeur_r","caf_ag_faction_eeur_r"] - this hopefully adds the grouped units (available in Groups on Zeus (category 2)), and also adds the faction of EU to hopefully make individuals/singulars (cat 1). This is untested but it is my best guess and nearest idea to what you are looking to achieve. Hope this helps
  20. Zeus remote control is being weird with me but make sure its not a group leader if you have set way points, keep it as a grunt. Weather has been a client syncing issue with us also, for some reason it has began to fix itself, also possibly dependent on map, works on altis, didn't on stratis. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Curator#Unlocking_Addons - states that you crate an array of classnames from CfgPatches (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgPatches_CfgVehicles), but for CAF aggressors you could try looking in the config editor for the CfgPatches name for CAF units? add that into the array, middle east, euro, african may have different or the same, if different then use the array ["CLASSNAMEME","CLASSNAMEEU",CLASSNAMEAFR"] EDIT: Went on the config viewer and found them for you, groups and factions. As you will hopefully know CAF aggressors have civ and generic, groups will only cover those military units (i.e. rifle squads), so pick from what you think appropriate. AFR: groups - caf_ag_groups_afr_p faction - caf_ag_faction_afr / caf_ag_faction_afr_civ / caf_ag_faction_afr_p EU: groups - caf_ag_groups_eeur_r faction - caf_ag_faction_eeur_r / caf_ag_faction_eeur ME: groups - caf_ag_groups_me_t faction - caf_ag_faction_me / caf_ag_faction_me_t / caf_ag_faction_me_civ
  21. tmortensen

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Ty CaptainGalaxy got it sorted now, just forced it to the starting unit and moved it off to a secret location of invincibility.
  22. tmortensen

    M110 Floating mag

    Wrong thread: Try here - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168646-M110-from-Arma-2
  23. tmortensen

    Headless Client and Zeus

    I have been working on it on my mission at the moment, I HAVE got it connecting just not jumping in the allocated slot as of yet. See http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149412-Arma-3-Headless-Client&p=2667725&viewfull=1#post2667725 Update: Got it jumping to slot fully working. 50 FPS + 50 CPS server side
  24. tmortensen

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    I've got it working. You need a server side steam account with a global game key (not region locked) You must then create a profile named HC, and on the mission have a playable slot (i.e. a rabbit) on mission named HC then as quoted by Tankbuster: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-Arma-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TADST)&p=2459937&viewfull=1#post2459937 you will need to set up a desktop short cut with the following: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -connect=localhost -port=2326 -client -nosound -name=HC -profile=HC in the target location of the shortcut. This allows for connection to different server ports, just change the port as appropriate, and the file route IF different on the server. On the server TADST make sure you tick the HC on the first tab to allow it on the server and make it work. The next stage I am working on is the auto start for the actual slot so the HC assigns and 'plays'. In its current state I am server admin moving to the slot and starting the game locking it in. Server @ 50 FPs and 50CPS constant. Find me on TS or steam if needed for further details ______________________UPDATE__________________________ Working on server, auto joining slot, takes first unit placed in mission sqm so ended up taking a bluefor unit and I have just moved it away from base. This can run multiple HC's for multiple server mission ports.
  25. tmortensen

    Whitelisting Zeus Slot

    Change that of which is bold to the correct unit names/labels. Any issues pm or TS me (banner links to site with TS details)