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Everything posted by Byter09

  1. Byter09

    Arma Liga Mappack for Arma 3

    Instead of "maps" you should call them missions. A friend of mine is used to CSS and also often says maps. Just sayin' :P
  2. Tested it on lowest standard values [0,0]: http://pastebin.com/aVwinxmg Ingame-hints showed correct values. I dont know why but the pbo file was corrupt... Its filesize was at only 10kb lol. I guess its working then. I totally forgot the testing mission ;) Thanks!
  3. So, is this addon still working? Tested the [0,0] configuration to see whether it does, because they felt kinda overpowered in the last days and yep. Even with 0,0 they're godlike... Or did I miss some new config or something?
  4. Byter09

    Stuck in loading after role selection

    Well...the last update fixed that... // Please close this thread :P
  5. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155139-arma-3-multiplier-not-loading ^ don't know whether its the same error like in my case. Hi everyone. So today a problem occured while joining a MP match. You simply join a server, that works fine. After role selection you click on continue, as always... and then you're stuck in the loading screen. I watched the RAM usage of the game and its going up by about 1 MB/min. This isnt really a crash but most people interpret it like that. Oh and you should know that if the server is in "creating" mode and ppl join to get a role and THEN the admin presses continue everyone can play, except the players joining afterwards or the ones reconnecting.. Anyway... I tried a lot to find the problem: 1. What about standard missions? - loaded Headhunters on the server -> I can play because I was in the role selection when the server was in "creating" mode. Second player joining can play. Players joining after the second one are stuck. - loaded different custom missions (Domination/A3 Armory/GoT Wasteland) -> still you cant join afterwards... 2. What about other servers? - searched for the server with the most players -> I could actually join. Maybe the server was running an older version (maybe 3 or 4 days old). I'm not sure because the serverbrowser is only giving me the version "0.57" and not the number following behind that as in "0.57.xxxxxx" - I tried the official GoT wasteland V2 server by JoSchaap with about 12 players on it at that time. -> stuck in the loading screen with increasing RAM about 500kb/min. 3. What about starting the mission but one player stays in the role selection? -> Mission started -> After clicking continue he was stuck in the loading screen. I seriously hope that this is a bug that will be fixed today or tomorrow as this totally destroys the multiplayer aspect. I also forced to re-download files with Steam after deleting the arma3.exe and checking the game integrity. Maybe someone of you guys (and ladies) know a solution to this... - K. 'Byter' Becker PS: You can test it out, just join my server that is currently running. -> simply search for "[GP]" or "Spielwiese"
  6. The description of your problem looks exactly like the one I have.. Just take a look here... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155173-Stuck-in-loading-after-role-selection
  7. Byter09

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Hey, looks awesome. Could you set up another server with this version running on the DEV-build? Would be awesome. Tried to play on that server yesterday but its using 0.56 or something. EDIT: I could use one of mine to host that mission on the DEV-build. As a test-server or something :P Just contact me on Steam or Teamspeak (ts3.general-physics.de) if you're interested.