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Posts posted by Terramesa

  1. This thread doesn't belong in this sub-forum. It belongs in something like general or Q&A.


    To answer your question; yes, the Apex campaign "Apex Protocol" can be played solo. Though it won't be the singleplayer experience you're used to, it takes the form of a co-op or multiplayer mission. i.e. no saving, it has respawns instead.


    It can be completed as any class/ loadout provided in the spawn screen. Marksman, Rifleman, Autorifleman etc. it doesn't matter. Any mission specific items will be given to you.

    • Like 1

  2. Where did you buy Arma 3 from? If it was from Steam, the page for the game (if you scroll down to system requirements) doesn't have any mention of Mac or Linux there. Now lets say in comparison, you were purchasing the game "Portal 2", it does have a mac tab if you scroll down.


    Arma 3 does have an experimental mac port if you want to check that out. https://dev.arma3.com/ports 


    IMHO BI has been great when interacting with them, but those days come few and far between. If you are purchasing a video game online, Mac/Pc even xbox or PS you really need to check the game details to see if it will run on your system. Or in the console case, which regional code is on it i.e. PAL, NTSC or SECAM. So in future you should be aware of what you are purchasing. Google if your friend, of you are unsure if a particular game will run just search "Will (game name) run on a Mac".

    • Like 1

  3. Sabrina's Global Special Forces


    by Terramesa



    Hello everyone,


    Welcome to the thread regarding development and release for the Sabrina's Global Special Forces addon series.


    In this group of addons I aim to create authentic uniforms (using stock A3 assets and maybe ported models) of most special forces units from around the globe.


    The releases will be done in faction coalitions from the "Wargame" franchise. e.g. Commonwealth, LANDJUT, etc.


    This is done just to keep the release simple and what I can focus on at the current state. They wont be like this in the editor, instead I will be using separate countries.


    These uniforms will be portrayed in the modern era (2000 on-wards).


    SGSF Core, will be needed for all other mods.









    Custom rvmat.


    BLUFOR countries.


    HD textures and screenshots.


    Custom patches.


    Modular design; i.e SGSF Core + Commonwealth or SGSF Core + Euroforce + Blue Dragons. etc. Core is a requirement though.




    REDFOR and INDFOR countries.


    Weapons; reskins, maybe ports from Arma 2, maybe original models.


    Vehicles; reskins, maybe ports from Arma 2, maybe original models.


    SGSF Opposing Forces; Still up in the air currently. i.e. freedom fighters terrorist groups etc.


    Planned coalitions/ countries include:


    > Commonwealth of Nations: AUS, NZ, CAN, UK. - Done


    > Euroforce: All Eurozone countries. - Not Started


    > Scandinavia + Finland: Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.- Not Started


    > Blue Dragons: Japan, South Korea.- Not Started


    > Red Dragons: China, North Korea.- Not Started


    > Eastern Bloc: Czech Republic, Slovakia.- Not Started


    and some other countries outside coalitions:


    > USA.- In Progress


    > Central + South American countries.- Not Started


    > SE Asian countries. - Not Started


    >A selection of African countries. - Not Started


    > Greater Arabia. - Not Started


    > Central Asia. - Not Started




    I'm always open to suggestions and help.


    If you have some high quality camouflages and would like to contribute, please feel free to PM me. (still looking for a good NZ MCU)


    Probably with most releases I do, the "Core" element will be updated also.




    CORE - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32561


    Com. - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32787


    U.S. - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33120







    v1.0 25/03/2017

    Initial Release


    v1.1 23/05/2017

    dded more classnames to the Weapons config.


    Tweaked the Coyote Brown textures, i.e. uniform, vest, helmet, cap.


    Added patches for; Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK.


    Some miscellaneous config tweaks.


    v1.2 14/08/2017

    Added Backpacks in base colours. i.e. Grey, Coyote, Ranger Green.

    Added Hexcam in Autumn, Woodland, Snow and Desert.

    Added Cagecam in Zanzibar (Desert), Jungle and Woodland.

    Added EDRL in Lowland and Highland.

    Added Aviation regimants.

    Added US Flags.




    • Like 2

  4. This is the config template that I use; it's still current and compatible with the latest updates. You can build off this template until you're comfortable. I've labeled everything. So it should be easy to use. Good Luck!



    //Country abbreviations - CABV, i.e. "AU" or "AUS"
    //Country name - CONID, i.e. "Australia"
    //Special Operations Force - SOF, i.e. "SASR"
    //Replace abbreviations with desired text, in right placement. i.e. "AU" would replace "CABV" etc.
    //*****        Factions                  *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class cfgFactionClasses
        class Faction_CABV
            displayName = "CONID";
            priority = 2; // Position in list.
            side = 1; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2.
            icon = ""; //Custom Icon

    class CfgEditorSubcategories
        class EdSubcat_SGSFCABV_SOFCamo
            displayName = "SOF (Camo)";


    class UniformSlotInfo
        slotType = 0;
        linkProxy = "-";

    class CfgVehicles
        //*****             Units                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
        class B_Soldier_F;
        class B_Soldier_lite_F;
        class B_Soldier_GL_F;
        class B_soldier_AR_F;
        class B_Soldier_SL_F;
        class B_Soldier_TL_F;
        class B_soldier_M_F;
        class B_soldier_LAT_F;
        class B_medic_F;
        class B_soldier_repair_F;
        class B_soldier_exp_F;
        class B_Soldier_A_F;
        class B_soldier_AT_F;
        class B_soldier_AA_F;
        class B_engineer_F;
        class B_crew_F;
        class B_officer_F;
        class B_soldier_PG_F;
        class b_soldier_unarmed_f;
        class B_Helipilot_F;
        class B_Pilot_F;
        class B_helicrew_F;
        class B_spotter_F;
        class B_sniper_F;
        class B_recon_F;
        class B_recon_LAT_F;
        class B_recon_exp_F;
        class B_recon_medic_F;
        class B_recon_TL_F;
        class B_recon_M_F;
        class B_recon_JTAC_F;   
        class B_Recon_Sharpshooter_F;

        class SGSF_CABV_soldier_A1: B_soldier_F {
            author = "Author";
            _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F";
            scope = 2;
            displayName = "SOF Soldier 1";
            identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "LanguageENG_F"};
            canDeactivateMines = true;
            nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body
            genericNames = "NATOMen";
            faction = "Faction_CABV";
            editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_SGSFCABV_SOFCamo";
            model = "A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; //Default NATO
            uniformClass = "SGSF_CABV_uniform_A1";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_CABV\CABV\Data\sgsf_CABV_uniform_1.paa"};
            hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"SGSF_AUS\aus\Data\NATOnormalmap.rvmat"};
             weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","arifle_Mk20_MRCO_plain_F"};
            respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put","arifle_Mk20_MRCO_plain_F"};
            magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
            respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
            linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
            Items[] = {"FirstAidKit"};
            RespawnItems[] = {"FirstAidKit"};

        class SGSF_CABV_soldier_A2: B_soldier_F {
            author = "Author";
            _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F";
            scope = 2;
            displayName = "SOF Soldier 2";
            identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "LanguageENG_F"};
            canDeactivateMines = true;
            nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body
            genericNames = "NATOMen";
            faction = "Faction_CABV";
            editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_SGSFCABV_SOFCamo";
            model = "A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d"; //Default NATO
            uniformClass = "SGSF_CABV_uniform_A2";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_CABV\CABV\Data\sgsf_CABV_uniform_1.paa"};
            hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"SGSF_AUS\aus\Data\NATOnormalmap.rvmat"};
             weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","arifle_Mk20_MRCO_plain_F"};
            respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put","arifle_Mk20_MRCO_plain_F"};
            magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
            respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
            linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
            Items[] = {"FirstAidKit"};
            RespawnItems[] = {"FirstAidKit"};

        class SGSF_CABV_soldier_A3: B_soldier_F {
            author = "Author";
            _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F";
            scope = 2;
            displayName = "SOF Soldier 3";
            identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "LanguageENG_F"};
            canDeactivateMines = true;
            nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; //class for "naked" body
            genericNames = "NATOMen";
            faction = "Faction_CABV";
            editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_SGSFCABV_SOFCamo";
            model = "A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_02.p3d"; //Default NATO
            uniformClass = "SGSF_CABV_uniform_A3";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_CABV\CABV\Data\sgsf_CABV_uniform_1.paa"};
            hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"SGSF_AUS\aus\Data\NATOnormalmap.rvmat"};
             weapons[] = {"Throw","Put","arifle_Mk20_MRCO_plain_F"};
            respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put","arifle_Mk20_MRCO_plain_F"};
            magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
            respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"};
            linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
            respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
            Items[] = {"FirstAidKit"};
            RespawnItems[] = {"FirstAidKit"};


    class cfgWeapons
        //*****            Uniforms              *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
        class ItemCore;
        class UniformItem;
        class Uniform_Base: ItemCore
            class ItemInfo;

        class SGSF_CABV_uniform_A1: Uniform_Base
            scope = 2;
            author = "Author";
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Combat Fatigues (Camo)";
            picture = "";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d";
            class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
                uniformClass = "SGSF_CABV_soldier_A1";
                containerClass = "Supply50";
                mass = 50;

        class SGSF_CABV_uniform_A2: Uniform_Base
            scope = 2;
            author = "Author";
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Combat Fatigues (camo) (Rolled)";
            picture = "";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d";
            class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
                uniformClass = "SGSF_CABV_soldier_A2";
                containerClass = "Supply50";
                mass = 50;

        class SGSF_CABV_uniform_A3: Uniform_Base
            scope = 2;
            author = "Author";
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Combat Fatigues (camo) (Tee)";
            picture = "";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d";
            class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
                uniformClass = "SGSF_CABV_soldier_A3";
                containerClass = "Supply50";
                mass = 50;

        //*****             Vests                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
        class VestItem;
        class Vest_NoCamo_Base;

        class SGSF_CABV_vest_A1: Vest_NoCamo_Base
            scope = 2;
            author = "Author";
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Platecarrier Kerry (camo)";
            picture = "";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_CABV\CABV\Data\sgsf_CABV_vest_1.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: VestItem
                uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry.p3d";
                containerClass = "Supply140";
                mass = 80;  
                hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
                class HitpointsProtectionInfo
                    class Chest
                        HitpointName = "HitChest";
                        armor = 30;
                        PassThrough = 0.3;
                    class Diaphragm
                        HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                        armor = 30;
                        PassThrough = 0.3;
                    class Abdomen
                        hitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                        armor = 30;
                        passThrough = 0.3;
                    class Body
                        hitpointName = "HitBody";
                        passThrough = 0.3;

        class SGSF_CABV_vest_A2: Vest_NoCamo_Base
            scope = 2;
            author = "Author";
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Platecarrier-H (camo)";
            picture = "";
            model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_CABV\CABV\Data\sgsf_CABV_vest_1.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: VestItem
                uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d";
                containerClass = "Supply140";
                mass = 80;  
                hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
                class HitpointsProtectionInfo
                    class Chest
                        HitpointName = "HitChest";
                        armor = 40;
                        PassThrough = 0.3;
                    class Diaphragm
                        HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                        armor = 40;
                        PassThrough = 0.3;
                    class Abdomen
                        hitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                        armor = 40;
                        passThrough = 0.3;
                    class Body
                        hitpointName = "HitBody";
                        passThrough = 0.3;

        class SGSF_CABV_vest_A3: Vest_NoCamo_Base
            scope = 2;
            author = "Author";
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Platecarrier-L (camo)";
            picture = "";
            model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_CABV\CABV\Data\sgsf_CABV_vest_1.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: VestItem
                uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d";
                containerClass = "Supply140";
                mass = 80;
                hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
                class HitpointsProtectionInfo
                    class Chest
                        HitpointName = "HitChest";
                        armor = 35;
                        PassThrough = 0.3;
                    class Diaphragm
                        HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
                        armor = 35;
                        PassThrough = 0.3;
                    class Abdomen
                        hitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
                        armor = 35;
                        passThrough = 0.3;
                    class Body
                        hitpointName = "HitBody";
                        passThrough = 0.3;

        //*****            Headgear              *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
        class H_HelmetB: ItemCore

            class ItemInfo;

        class SGSF_CABV_helm_A1: H_HelmetB
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Combat Helmet Lite (camo)";
            author = "Author";
            picture = "";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_core\core\Data\sgsf_core_helm_black.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
                mass = 25;
                allowedSlots[] = {901,605};
                uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d";
                modelSides[] = {3,1};
                hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
                class HitpointsProtectionInfo
                    class Head
                        hitpointName = "HitHead";
                        armor = 10;
                        passThrough = 0.5;

        class SGSF_CABV_helm_A1: H_HelmetB
            displayName = "[SGSF] CABV Enhanced Combat Helmet (camo)";
            author = "Author";
            picture = "";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_ballistic.p3d";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"SGSF_core\core\Data\sgsf_core_helm_black.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
                mass = 25;
                allowedSlots[] = {901,605};
                uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_ballistic.p3d";
                modelSides[] = {3,1};
                hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
                class HitpointsProtectionInfo
                    class Head
                        hitpointName = "HitHead";
                        armor = 20;
                        passThrough = 0.5;



    Free of charge :)


    P.S. I'd get a better program for config making etc. something like SublimeText or Notepad++

    • Like 1

  5. POST 2: Hello!,


    May I present to you SGSF - Commonwealth. v1.0


    AH Page status: Good to go.


    In this release there are uniforms, helmets, hats and boonies in various camouflages such as DPCU, DPM Desert, NZDPM, CADPAT TW and much more.


    Countries included are: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and a fictional 1st Commonwealth Special Forces Regiment.


    Units included are SASR, 1st/2nd Commando Regiment, SAS, SBS, SRR, JTF2, CSOR, NZSAS.


    Here is the .rar file if you want to play it now.


    Screenies to wet your appetite, note: I didn't take a lot of screenshots.








    I'll probably do the U.S. next. I'm unsure when I'll be finishing that. If you would like to see where I'm up to, just PM me or something.




    • Like 1

  6. POST 1: Hello again,


    I have updated SGSF - CORE to the v1.1 state.


    Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By3qCWWECHzbQ0hRZVkwSHJ3R0U




    Added more classnames to the Weapons config.


    Tweaked the Coyote Brown textures, i.e. uniform, vest, helmet, cap.


    Added patches for; Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK.


    Some miscellaneous config tweaks.



  7. Hello, BI forums users.


    May I present the first release of SGSF: "SGSF_core" v1.0


    In this release, there are uniforms, vests, helmets and patches ranging from solid colours such as; Black, Grey, White, Coyote, khaki, Ranger green, OD


    and camo variants such as; Tiger stripe, atacs variants, multicam variants, kryptek variants. All come with Arsenal and inventory pictures/ logos.


    Units for the respected camouflage variants are available under; Uniforms (plain or multicam or atacs etc).


    Admins/ Mods:

    Can you please move this to the complete section?


    Here is the .rar file:


    Here are the screenshots for the AH page:





    the Commonwealth units will be finished in the coming weeks, probably early-mid April.


    The AH page is being reviewed.



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