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Everything posted by maluslaus

  1. Problem I am having, when I place non-profiled units in the editor and try to command them (eg using high command) to attack profiled enemy, the profiled enemy units do not spawn into real space as my forced approach - I need to be in the area for this to happen. Is this a feature, or am I doing something wrong, or is there a work-around? Thank you...
  2. In UPSMON.sqf file change line number 537 to _buildingdist= 20; and make sure group leader is roughly in the center of the mosque. I also changed line 564 to _minreact = KRON_UPS_minreact * 3000;, I think this makes enemies less inclined to abandon the building and follow you out of it, but still being effective in combat.
  3. I think there is a problem with Zargabad + A2 units: game crashes on mission load, but that depends on where unit is located. Below are two otherwise identical mission I made for testing. Example mission 1: Unit is located in the center of the city - no crash: Example mission 2: Unit is located to the north west of the city - crash on mission load: .kju, can you please have a look at it?
  4. Thank you for the update kju! I also took AIA charecters pbo from previous release, and tried takistan with A3 units, but still crash on load. Any suggestions? Thank you... EDIT: Nobody mentioned smoke grenades now work! I just put together a quick SP mission in zargabad with upsmon, asr and tpwcas, enemy trapped itself in a little square and smoke was all over. Spectacular!!!
  5. maluslaus

    Urban Patrol Script

    sure enough this was implemented in upsmon http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147808-UPSMON-for-arma3
  6. Is there a way to make civilians detect and avoid mines? In the minefield module (Sites>Minefield) it is possible to set 'Placed by' to BLUFOR/OPFOR/Independent, which works great for corresponding fractions, but not for civilians. An alternative is to assign civilians to independent fraction, make independents friendly to everyone, and make minefields 'placed by independent', but that does not work with my mission scenario... Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  7. maluslaus

    Urban Patrol Script

    a general question on this (fantastic) script. it seems that the patrol would engage you no matter what. would it be possible that patrol would disengage if, for example, only a few of attackers were left, or (ideally) if it took many casualties in a short period of time? has someone thought about this?
  8. maluslaus

    Urban Patrol Script

    Thanks, this works
  9. kju, you mentioned you had to replace women civilians with men. Could you replace them with men of appropriate fraction? ie now takistani women show up as chernarus men. not a big deal, but i was using alice2manager (it works!!) and it spawned chernarus men on takistani map :Oo: another cosmetic request, player of any fraction always spawns speaking english, although if you team switch to another unit it will use correct voice (taki/chern/rus etc) Thanks!
  10. maluslaus

    New AMD 13.4 and 13.5 (beta) drivers.

    7850 no improvement in FPS in cpu-heavy heli showcase, as expected.
  11. very good catch. indeed having SVD in unit's inventory - not necessarily currently selected weapon - causes a crash when unit is killed
  12. @Scheintot887, thanks for confirming @kju, takistani insurgents (independent) also crash the game, just like russian
  13. kju - first of all, thanks for fantastic job there is an issue i am having; arma crashes every time there is a combat with russian soldiers. usmc vs afgan military is for example completely fine. i've reinstalled everything, tested ram, all seems fine. Any ideas? RPT: