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About Forty40

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  1. The pirates are using an outdated client version, you can easily count them.
  2. In the moment i'm typing there's 463 servers online, 400 of them are completely empty and there's only 289 users playing online (MP). Right, it's alpha, there's no security.. so, since there's no security we must accept this situation and let this alpha-with-no-security dying, waiting for someone to come up with this awaited "security". Now, honestly, there's no other solution than moving to another game now?
  3. Forty40

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Exactly what's the reason of why this issue hasn't been added here: http://alpha.arma3.com/known-issues ...since it's the biggest issue we're facing now apparently?
  4. The biggest problem and you didn't added it to the know issues page? Please add the issue to this page: http://alpha.arma3.com/known-issues ...so most users will know that the issue is really recognized by the dev team. Atm it really looks like you're trying to hide the problem in the hoping that we will forget about it.
  5. I'm not sure, why there's people asking to try this and that, like it is a user "mistake/error", when even the developers recognized that the engine is bugged? We should really read only (from DEV): we promise we'll fix the bug; or (option b): we have no idea how to fix it, because the engine is old and it cannot be fixed. Is that hard?