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10 Good

About st00f

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  1. The good: Graphics: The game looks GREAT. The models and textures are above-par. The performance: The game runs well, even on a dual-core processor. I'm impressed. UI: improved a lot too. I like the new inventory. The BAD: Downgrade in versatility from ArmA 2: ArmA 2 had a very large array of vehicles, planes, tanks, boats, everything. It all worked together to make the simulation feel very open-ended. Right now we have only a few helicopters, no planes, no tanks, and a couple trucks. This sucks, because I mainly bought ArmA 3 because I loved the aerial warfare in ArmA 2 and hoped for an improved aerodynamics engine, improved cockpits, and generally better air warfare. I haven't seen any of this yet. This is worrying because even though the game is in Alpha, we haven't heard much about the vehicles at all. Either Bohemia is hiding a lot from us, or we're fucked.