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[Concern] People keep telling me to search the forum, but I find no answers..
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
What you said in your last post, specifically says word for word, what you meant to convey..I even quoted these things. To now say that I'm missing the meaning and you aren't being hostile, it's..well I don't know what to do with that. What do you want me to do with it? Everyone can say "thats not what I meant" ..I'm not a mind reader, but it is what you said though, so I can only work with that. Why can't I get a meaningful answer that is more than "Because it's difficult" ? Who makes these decisions about what sort of answer is possible or not? Because I think that is just a defeatist attitude and a lack of trying - maybe I won't get a fulfilling answer, but that is always the case with anything we do in life..that is a risk you take. Where will an answer from BIS get me? It will get me from "ignorant and confused" -> "informed and understanding". That's it...You were the one who asked me what sort of answer I wanted, as if I had a predetermined expectation in mind, which I didn't..which is precisely what I mean by a negative disposition on your part that I don't like - that and your examples of what sort of answers I would expect. Instead, I decided to show my undemanding and unassuming nature, by cheekily saying "an honest answer" with no regard to the actual answer..ie. I'm open to anything, as long as its the truth, which is what I assume I will get if I do get an answer....and yet you argue about that too. I am not interested in this exchange any longer, as it has gone past what I wanted it to..I just want answers. If I get them, that'll be great and I'll be happier for being informed..if I don't, well too bad then. -
[Concern] People keep telling me to search the forum, but I find no answers..
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
I ignored you because, like others here, you seem to have an unfriendly and aggressive disposition about you, a disposition that won't lead to anything useful. Let me show you what I mean: I acknowledge that BIS is doing a good job on some parts of the game, yes..and I'm *guessing* (without knowing) that they are doing the best they can, with what they have...but I don't know that for sure. I can only try to avoid assuming something negative, which is why I bring up the concern, as it doesn't immediately make any sense to me and I can't deduce a hypothetical reason that seems satisfying enough, thus I come here to ask questions. What kind of answer do I honestly expect? An honest one...what more could I hope for? If you think I'm some sort of outrage-seeking and entitlement-induced teenager, you couldn't be more wrong. I am an honest customer, seeking honest answers and I sort of only get the feeling like there is resentment coming my way, for that reason, from people like you. This is sort of backed up by your presumption that what I'm likely looking for is, as you exemplified, "because BIS doesn't care much about it" and the rest of those absurd examples you brought up, so frankly, get off my back. "putting these issues in the form of questions and expecting meaningful answers will get you nowhere." - Why not? What on earth happened to the fundamentals of inquiry that allows everyone to ask questions and get meaningful answers? Who decided this is no longer valid? You? I really do not understand this passive-aggressive resentment towards honest and unassuming inquiry - in fact I find it rather unpleasant because I don't think I deserve that sort of treatment. Do you understand now? ---------- Post added at 09:42 ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 ---------- On some points, like the environment, missions and "feel" of the game I suppose I would have to agree..though none of those are the source of my concerns. I acknowledge that there is a biased expectation to "get something equal or better" in terms of the next installment of Arma, but that also isn't the source of my concerns. I fully understand that, like movies, you can't know in advance if your idea is going to be an improvement or match that of previous installments of a series. The source of my concern, as pointed out in my Reddit thread, are regarding things that are ...for lack of better term to explain it ..."basic" things that, while not necessarily present at launch, would have been addressed -by now-...Which I don't think is an unfair point of view, especially not if there are circumstances I am unaware of..hence why I ask questions. While some of you have certainly been honest and friendly, it is a little tiresome to be met by people who attack you the second you dare to ask a question and attributing all sorts of nasty motives to your inquiry about why you are *really* asking those questions..no, I mean the questions in the way I have phrased them and I don't have a dramatic expectation to the outcome..just honesty, that's all. Nevertheless, thank you for your input :) -
[Concern] People keep telling me to search the forum, but I find no answers..
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Well aren't you a snarky fellow...the thread is about nothing that would interest you I guess. Enjoy your popcorn :) ---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ---------- So because they are the only ones making this sort of game, that answers my concerns? ..I'm sorry, I might be an idiot of some sort (very possible), but at least on the face of it that seems like a non sequitur ..Unless you are suggesting that everyone out there who do similar products, also share source code freely and frequently (not just freely). Everyone has to face the difficulties of developing a product - which is why some developers choose to buy third-party tools like Havok physics etc, in order to by-pass a lot of problems. That choice, whether you make it or not, is not a deal breaker..it doesn't magically make things extra hard, just for you. I will grant you that Bohemia Interactive have, mostly, done a fantastic job and I'm very sure they are working very hard..no question...but yours is not an answer. It still isn't an answer, if you start counting features (I mean we can do that if you like..but I don't see the point) ---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ---------- Exactly my point! Glad someone understood what I meant to convey ^_^ -
[Concern] People keep telling me to search the forum, but I find no answers..
DrHat posted a topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Hi there! I made this thread on reddit I have said something like this before, so why am I saying it again? Well because every time I do, people keep giving me a dismissive, annoyed and snarky response of "most of the answers are on the forum, just bother to search for them"...the point is I did, several times..over months of time..and I have not had a single question answered (maybe I suck at forum-fu, but there it is). I've had speculations..oh yes, many speculations, many thoughts and unpleasant remarks from people who, for some reason, think I am being unreasonable..:j: I don't think I am being unreasonable, so here I am again - wishing to genuinely get a useful response that either shows me the actual answers, or have someone actually answer me, because "search the forum" isn't an answer I can use, having found no answers. Please help me understand :-/ Please? -
Like this?
At least, this is what I was told by the hosting company I have my Arma 3 server with. (Multiplay.co.uk) A little background: I have bought/rented a 32 slot Arma 3 server - wanting to do some dedicated Zeus missions. Last night I was having a wonderful time (I could tell you a lot of stories and show you many a screenshots, but I shan't), with 18 people on the server and people loving it. Near the conclusion of the mission, the server crashed/restarted. (note: At this point the server had been running for about 4 hours tops) Long story short, I wasn't happy, have had several problems so far with the hosting company, went to their support department - asked the hard question of "I need to know, right here and now if you can give me the server I paid for/want, or not..cold hard facts please", they said yes and they would escalate it to their tech department. Just now got this reply: My mission had less than 25 NPC's in it, and only 18 people playing. Not that many objects either, and I kept cleaning up after the players in areas they had already been through. So - is this true? Is Arma 3's server software absurdly inefficient? Or should I tell the hosting company (Multiplay.co.uk) to eff off? Because see I'm having a hard time buying their story, especially when I watch much bigger servers, with much larger action going on, and no problems at all. (I mean sure, you should try to restart your server once or twice a day..but every 3 hours, because if you push it to 4, then crash? ..What?) Also, my server's performance graph:
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Is there a way to align text? By align I *don't* mean align = "left" (since that throws the text off screen, or at least makes it non-visible) , I mean: Once you have given the coordinates for where the text should be placed, any text you write seems to be set on "centered", so creating nicely aligned text is nearly impossible unless you do spacing manually. Right now I have: Sleep 10; ["<t size='1.0' color='#3366CC'>Welcome, to a server by:</t>",0.7,0.6,6,2,0,1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Sleep 2; ["<t size='1.0' color='#ffffff'> http://www.kanium.org</t>",0.7,0.7,6,2,0,2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Sleep 10; ["<t size='1.0' color='#3366CC'>Teamspeak 3 Info:</t><br/><t size='1.0' color='#ffffff'>teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077</t>",0.7,0.6,6,2,0,1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Sleep 2; Having multiple lines doesn't seem to solve it. ---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ---------- Son of a BITCH! ...It seems every time I try to ask a question, go back and try again..it works anyway! >_< ["<t align = 'left' size='1.0' color='#3366CC'>Teamspeak 3 Info:</t><br/><t align = 'left' size='1.0' color='#ffffff'>teamspeak3.i3d.net:10077</t>",0.7,0.6,6,2,0,1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Apprently works just fine ...WTF! @_@ Sorry! Much <3 -
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Okay FINAL question about this subject (thank you SO much so far, and thank you for the explanation about when init.sqf runs etc)..can you give me an example of multiple lines? ie. like this I tried with different layers and text sizes, and at different locations, but they still overwrite each other (ie. one makes the other disappear) So far this is what I got: Sleep 10; ["<t size='1.0' color='#ffffff'>Text 1</t>",0.7,0.8,6,2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Sleep 5; ["<t size='0.5' color='#ffffff'>Text 2</t>",0.7,0.6,6,3] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; ---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ---------- Hmm..I might actually have solved my own problem..I thought the parameter looked a little short..turns out I was missing a few things. So now I got Sleep 10; ["<t size='1.0' color='#ffffff'>Text 1</t>",0.7,0.5,6,2,0,1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Sleep 2; ["<t size='0.5' color='#ffffff'>Text 2</t>",0.7,0.6,6,2,0,2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Which seems to work somewhat, hurrah! -
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
(I just live near Stuttgart, I don't care that much either :P it's beautiful here though, I'll give it that) Oh god that "What I know about Germans" has me in a laughing fit..can't..breathe.afhegh0 93h8gf03q1hrf ! XD Lot of it really IS true! :D Anyway I found out that if I move stuff out of that "[] Spawn" thread, it works..and now I came up with this: Sleep 10; ["<t size='1.0' color='#ffffff'>Text</t>",0.7,0.7,6,2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; Sleep 4; ["<t size='1.0' color='#ffffff'>Text 2</t>",0.7,0.7,6,2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; It begins to produce the sort of effect I'm looking for fjh3920q hgfj=HFAAH AAAhaahahahaah I'm still laughing so hard at that list, that is brilliant :D Is it a bad idea to move it out of the Spawn thread? What does that do anyway? -
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I know..I live near Stuttgart in southern Germany. I work here...though I'm natively Danish. SO MANY GERMANS! EVERYWHERE! AHHH! *runs around in panic* :P I know this too..I'm really shit at this though. Also, I can't ask tutorials questions if I don't understand. In other words..Its difficult for me to stay focused on tutorials, because I'm a very spontaneous guy :( I wish this wasn't the case, because I really want to learn.. argh! Text stopped showing up..wtf *stares judgingly at the editor* See my reply about this :P Thanks! Will try! I promise you, I'm learning from all this..I'm not *just* looking for specific answers to my problems..I analyse the answers I get very carefully and things begin falling into place when I do. I respond well to having things demonstrated :P Also "<t size='.6'>STARFLIGHT 602 - CASPIAN SEA</t>",0.02,0.3,15,2,0,3010] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; "¨ It mentions in the FX functions thing in the editor, that this part is the "Resource layer" parameter...what on earth is a "resource layer" parameter, and what does it mean when its set to 3010? This is not explained anywhere X_X halpz! Either way, I thank ze darn crafty German that is you <3 -
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
¨ Ah! Ze crafty Germans have found my thread! How crafty! :P I am VERY pleased with your step by step explanation..I wish I could get more of those. <3 So strictly speaking I don't actually *need* the cutText part, do I? Secondly, thanks for pointing out being able to find it in the editor (sorry, I really am new at this..) :D Thirdly, how do I make the initial text fade out, then have another text fade in, etc. ? Fourthly, how do I force the thing to wait for like, 5 seconds before it appears? The text I mean? Sorry for all these questions, questions I'm sure could be answered if I bothered to read and experiment...but then, I wouldn't be here if I did that. <3 - Drhat -
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat replied to DrHat's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi! Meant to reply to you sooner, but had a long day at work..so meh. Anyway I shall rush in and try your idea right away, just to show those darn crafty Germans :D Results pending! ---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ---------- Well, it certainly works..but isn't what I was looking for. The text in the centre is, well centred :-/ The text to the right is nicely animated and makes an odd noise, which is cool, but its too far right, and the noise shouldn't be there, and it was not what I wanted..BUT! It is certainly appreciated nevertheless and I'm sure I can make something with this. So thank you good sir ^_^ I shall research more! ---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 18:52 ---------- I think I feel a bit stupid now, because I'm beginning..slowly..to realize that BIS_fnc_dynamicText is probably what I want. At least from what I'm reading. Incidentally my head hurts, because I am a COMPLETE non-coder, non-scripting sort of person..all of this stuff is highly confusing to me. Add my laziness/inability to read tutorials, this is difficult ...but at least now I think I understand a little better. ---------- Post added at 19:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ---------- Actually, can I turn this ship around a bit? cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 999]; <-- What does this bit mean? [] Spawn { <-- I assume this means "When the player spawns, do something ["<t size='.6'>STARFLIGHT 602 - CASPIAN SEA</t>",0.02,0.3,15,1,0,3010] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 2; <-- I guess this is a bunch of parameters, followed by "sleep 2", which I guess means, sit there and do nothing for 2 seconds? cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; <-- Again, what is this??? *suspicious stare, poke, poke, more staring* }; -
Text question: How do they (very creative Germans) do this?
DrHat posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi there! I am in the VERY early stages of messing with my own mission (in fact I haven't really done anything, except edit an official Zeus mission, to be configured the way I want it..VERY basic stuff). So I was doing some stuff with my mission presentation in the Description.ext and I remembered this thing I saw some German Altis Life guys doing, and I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what they're doing (ie. Tell me how I'd do something similar) - They had this text on the right side of the screen, which would cycle through various pieces of information. It looked really cool! (props to the creative Germans ^_^) I'm guessing this is not something that goes in the Description.ext, since that seems to be stuff that happens *before* a player spawns. Where as this stuff happens shortly after you spawned into the server for the first time (Any subsequent death and respawn, doesn't invoke it, but disconnecting and reconnecting does) Here is what I mean This text fades out, and more text fades in with more info, like their TS info etc. Any help is appreciated! :o Note: For any answers, please explain like I'm 5, thank you! (And sorry...) :p -
I try to always assume that people are doing the best they can with what they have - that principle is no different when I regard Bohemia Interactive. It is for this reason that I am seeking answers, rather than doing something stupid like brooding, which might turn into a hostile attitude (can't have that!). It is true that in some cases, minor info updates have happened...and it is also true that it is unlikely that I will get the answers I want - but if I don't try, I will never know. Whats more if I don't try, I will kick myself for not voicing my concern when I genuinely have them. I'm fairly sure you understand what I mean :) Indeed fingers crossed!
Dear Bohemia Interactive, I have been a great admirer of your work for some years now; it stands to your credit that you have so captured my attention for as long as you have. Well done you! ^_^ Sadly however ( ), I am recently finding myself being "reduced" to, what can only be described as, a provisional admirer of your, otherwise very accomplished, studio. ( Don't get me wrong; I extend my utmost admiration to all involved developers for their work up until this point) It is in this capacity, as a concerned provisional admirer, that I write to you/this forum. This is about Armored Assault 3 (Arma 3) - a game I have had high expectations for, especially considering the work that preceded it (Arma 2, VBS etc.) and have patiently been watching ever since it became available to me during the initial Alpha stages (having bought the pre-release). Over a year later, it has more content, it has fixes, it has potential, it has singleplayer missions and upcoming Zeus DLC..but it doesn't feel like anything really happened. It still feels like it sits somewhere between beta and an RC. This is DESPITE all the additional content and fixes that I make this observation.. Why do I feel like this? Is it just me? Am I just being an obnoxious and self-entitled git? I certainly hope not! As it turns out, the public bugtracker seems to agree with me. I took a look at the bugtracker, sorting by Open issues, with most votes; what I then see, are most of the grievances I currently have with arma 3, which in a way is good because it means I'm not just imagining things and that these things deserve to get attention. At least I think they do - whether you agree with me or not, is another matter altogether. What I don't understand, is why most of these issues are close to a year old, if not slightly more, yet remain open and unattended. I am especially perplexed from the point of view of my professional career, which is in Quality Assurance of the Gaming Industry and has been for 8 years of my life now I have seen issues classified as 'Major' in severity, meaning they should be resolved before the next major patch (at least this is true in most game development environments that I've been in - you might choose to delay some for the patch after that, but we're talking exceptional circumstances here) - Not only that, but many of these 'Major' severity issues, have not been *updated* since mid 2013. Example 1: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=432 Submitted: 2013-03-05 23:07 Status: Open Priority: Normal Severity: Feature (True, it is a feature request, and so are goodly amount of the other tickets on the first page, which isn't my original concern - however it does worry me a bit) Example 2: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3663 Submitted: 2013-03-10 12:52 Status: Assigned Priority: High Severity: Major Example 3: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3889 Submitted: 2013-03-11 00:40 (last update: 2013-10-01 00:50 (!)) Status: New (Means it hasn't been touched yet, doesn't it?) Priority: Normal Severity: Major Example 4: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3920 Submitted: 2013-03-11 02:34 (last update: 2013-10-26 00:25 (!)) Status: Assigned Priority: High Severity: Major Example 5: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5408 Submitted: 2013-03-18 11:03 Status: Assigned Priority: High Severity: Major Please don't misunderstand me, I know very well that it is extremely unlikely that anyone has a blatant disregard for their work, nor their customers..so I am not assuming foul play here by Bohemia Interactive - and yes I know you are developing content, but then I am not asking about content (important distinction!) Yet I am forced to wonder and I desperately wish I would get an answer as to what the hold up is? Here is a link to what I mean: http://feedback.arma3.com/plugin.php...0&pagination=1 I keep imagining that somewhere behind all this, there is a gargantuan patch rolling our way that addresses a lot of these things, however I rather doubt it. I barely know what I want to ask you, however to simplify it, I guess the overall question could be: Do you have an answer for my concern? Best Regards - DrHat