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About Killbilly

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Okay, I'll start experimenting. Thanks for checking this out, and thanks for the mod!
  2. Thanks for the update. This is the best mod going. A couple of things, though, the new Bo105 for the Tak Army shows up under "Fixed Wing" instead of "Helicopter." This may be true of other OPFOR factions, too. The BLUFOR is listed right. Also, the CRRC from the USMC has disappeared following installation of this mod (and, therefore, the Nimitz launch feature won't work -- which is a shame since I play many missions as SEALs infiltrating by sea). Still, this mod keeps getting better and better! Can't wait for the aircraft rearm module! Thanks!
  3. Thanks! I can wait for the fixes. Great mod!
  4. Awesome mod! Thanks. I noticed, though, that the static weapons are giving me an error -- something about hit points or glass or something. Also, the CRCC seems to be broken. I can't find it in the editor, and the Nimitz feature that lets you lower a boat and recover it won't work anymore. This is the only mod I've installed since it was working. Neither of these are deal-breakers, but it would be nice if they could be looked into. Thanks again for the great work. Now I'm off to establish air superiority over Takistan in my new F15. ---------- Post added at 23:26 ---------- Previous post was at 23:24 ---------- Ooops. I forgot to mention that the HUDs on the Mig 29s are opaque. I can read the HUD, but I can't see through it. Is this an error of some kind on my end, do you think?
  5. Killbilly

    Ac-130x (wip)

    Ahhh. Very clever. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to explain, eh? That certainly does sound like a good solution. I'm anxious to see what you come up with. Thanks again for all your hard work on this excellent addition. I'd send you some more Coke if I could. :)
  6. Killbilly

    Ac-130x (wip)

    So, are you saying that the plane would rotate around whatever the gunner is aiming at?
  7. Killbilly

    Ac-130x (wip)

    Brilliant addon! I agree, though, that it would be nice for those of us who are primarily "singleplayer" folks to be able to switch from pilot to gunner and back. Currently, the only way I've been able to do that is to set another unit as "player" and then the AC130 as "playable as pilot or gunner." It's workable, but a regular ability, though not realisitic, would be nice if you'd consider it. As long as you're doing us all favors, some regular low-viz textures would look really good on this model ;). What a great addition to the game, though! Thanks very much!
  8. Killbilly

    Missiles suddenly won't lock . . .

    You, maturin, are a genius! The new profile works. It was a bit of a pain reassigning all my controls, but now missile locks work perfectly. Thanks!
  9. Killbilly

    Missiles suddenly won't lock . . .

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out tomorrow.
  10. Killbilly

    Missiles suddenly won't lock . . .

    No answers, eh? Well here's some more information after a little bit of trials: the only missiles that seem to be affected are the air-launched kind. The Javelin, TOW, and all other surface-launched missiles capable of locks work normally. The air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles will not lock on to a target unless the target is exacly centered on the cursor. After lock, the missiles perform as expected and will track the target. This happens in aircraft with single or multiple crew. It happens in manual fire or non-manual fire modes. It happens if the player is the gunner or the player is the pilot, however AI aircraft appear to be able to lock normally in some cases (it's hard to tell for sure). Another oddity is that the parachute on ejection seems to be broken as well. If I eject from an aircraft, the parachute opens as normal, but only stays open for a few seconds. I then appear to be standing in the air with my weapon drawn as I fall the rest of the way to my death. Again, this happens with NO mods enabled. I only show A2, OA, BAF, and PMC enabled in the game. Any ideas at all would be helpful.
  11. What gets installed or modified outside the @UNS folder by the installer?
  12. I have tested this with no mods (not even CBA) enabled except OA, BAF, and PMC. Suddenly, for some reason, I can't get missiles to lock on to a target unless they are directly (and I mean DIRECTLY) in front of the vehicle. For example, I'm flying the AH-64, and there are enemy tanks about 600m away. There is no terrain blocking my view. The tanks are firing at me like mad. They are in front of the helicopter and red in the little radar screen. I press my lock on key (which I have reassigned several times just to check) and nothing happens. I have to nose down and center the tank so that it is exactly in front of the cursor (no deflection at all) before the lock will happen. This, of course, means that it is nearly impossible to lock on to anything outside of visual range (especially in Air to Air combat where your opponent is constantly on the move). My question is this: does anyone know where the file that controls this function of the game is located and how I might go about finding and repairing it without having to resort to a full reinstall?