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Everything posted by Tyl3r99

  1. Tyl3r99

    civilians with weapons?

    so civilians are on the same side as independant now? for example like you said, if independant hated blufor so would civilians? oh thats a bit pants aint it lol
  2. i wish they re did the opfor units :( so horrible to look at like a flying bug ha ha
  3. missiles in this game have a 1,000,000 attack points and a helicopter has only lets say 1,000 defence points ;)
  4. i totally agree, ideas have been thrown at BI's feet whether they use them its up to them
  5. is it me or are binoculars missing from soldiers like team leader etc???
  6. Tyl3r99

    no changelog today?

    ok thank you for the feedback
  7. whats the easiest way to understand it all though :( i find it really really confusing like arrays and nulls and whatever ^%^$&^()(.0505 symbols mean lol dunno why we cant have something like "playername" standup/kneel/prone grrr
  8. ok basically... so what we would like is add a little more blood and not to the extent where its gonna look anime! im sure other mods will be released in a couple of months that will tweak almost everything anyway
  9. good cpu and gpu there u go lol my rig is... I7 3970X 3.5GHZ 16GB RAM GTX690 DDR5 2TB HDD 250GB SSD (STEAM) WATER COOLED
  10. hopefully arma 3 will be made so less scripting has to be done as i have no idea how to script only the simple ones like... this setunitpos ***
  11. i have a I7 3970X - apparently this the best CPU currently out on the market :) is this true?
  12. Tyl3r99

    release date confirmed Q3

    haha i smiled at this reply lol (2nd post)
  13. hey guys as everyone knows Q3 starts 1st July - end of september what is everyone's guess on the date :) im going for 8th SEPTEMBER
  14. this should hopefully make it :) if not im sure ACE will do the job for them
  15. please accept my apology for the recent post. was not correct sorry guys and BIS
  16. i suppose its copyright??? for example... GTA IV
  17. in the first livestream i noticed the EQUIPMENT tab in the unit selector. yesterday i downloaded the beta and its not there :'( anyone have any update? will it be implemented later? (maybe still WIP)
  18. so will they test bit by bit to fix all island errors such as i.e. fence floating
  19. question for all community and devs! when BIS releases ALTIS whether its the final version or end of BETA, how are they going to tell if there will be no island bugs? as the island is so huge it will take ages to go through finding the glitches and things like that. stratis was easy ;) will the devs do some sort of scan through it then?
  20. altis warfare my god, take a month to find anyone lol
  21. @Pettka can you tell us if the advanced fog will ever be implemented into the editor rather than scripting? :)
  22. don't get in trouble for the beta im sure u will get to play it soon enough