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Everything posted by Tyl3r99

  1. does this mod have its own faction class? so its not muddled up in the CSAT classes? I had this issue many times in arma 2 with many different addons just thought id pop the question
  2. dooont say that!!! lol don't jinx it. I really wished this was in the game by now :/ it will boost my rating for arma 3 sky high if I can customize my gear and my units gear and clothing... be even better if we can save templates!! i.e. setup 1 = grenadier setup 2 = sniper etc etc like VAS
  3. I thought the inventory editor would have been in the final :( I thought there would be field hospitals tents etc... lamp objects are still not there come onnnnn
  4. they have said it will be in game just not sure when... Devs???
  5. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I agree I loved that module
  6. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    could you put this into initlines ? or only description.ext?
  7. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    for example... this setfriend "opfor" etc etc I would love that if it worked... could change anyone! and if you wanted to make them friends with 2 sides it would be? this setfriend "opfor"; this setfriend "guerrilla"???
  8. another reason why the editor should be improved.... so we can spend less time in the editor and more time playing as mine is also like this
  9. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    that would be a script and a half.... unless they implemented that inventory editor IN the editor if that makes sense
  10. my pc does quite well well all settings maxed out and view distance on/around 4000 - 5000 and object distance 3500 (that's all you need to be honest) I get 40-45-50fps like that. however, I changed the settings so the view distance is 4000 and object is what the game sets it too when the viewdistance is changed. you can see my rig in the spoiler and it cost me around 3.5K :/ (bugger thing is still in for repair - water cool kit went bye bye) yeah so you can run it on high settings no doubt :) just the altis memory thing has affected this since :(
  11. any more news on the BI support for this mod? have the devs done anything to help?
  12. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    so what was the point in that stupid move? why not just keep them where they are? seriously that was effin pointless.
  13. so will we get railguns? lol
  14. maybe they have a surprise... who knows they could have said this is the full release content to keep us guessing? and on the 12th booooommmm the real full release content? hope hope hope :D
  15. does it really matter what version the game is?
  16. Tyl3r99

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    can we please drop the infected/zombie discussion and talk about something else? let people call them what they want. its their own choice if they want to download the mod when its released... just saying. Question: do you intend to make the weapons rusty and old like fallout 3? :P
  17. Read the dev branch discussion for more info as its discussed on there. Please search before posting new threads :) Summary: majority of people Are not happy with this change as it stops many mission capabilities! However there is a ticket requesting it to be back to normal... Anyway fingers crossed it will be changed sooner rather than later
  18. Love this post ---------- Post added at 23:39 ---------- Previous post was at 23:36 ---------- I also think the NATO weapon (rifleman etc) looks like its made Out of plastic? Or is it me? I hope the major issues are fixed before the official release
  19. Any one notice any improvement memory wise?
  20. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    yeah really wanted to make a mission where the blufor were to clear the hospital working there way up the stairs killing the enemy and head to the roof to rescue civilians but guess that would be more tricky now. I was going to use FIA but now they are best friends (BLUFOR + FIA)
  21. Tyl3r99

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    I can agree, im on a SSD corsair x2 120gb and still stutters a lot and my system is rather more than capable of running arma 3 at full also. needs more RAM RAM RAM RAMMMYYY RAM RAM
  22. Tyl3r99

    Reality Check

    it will be good when the editor loadout tab gets put into the game...
  23. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    why do AI (when spawned on top of buildings) just walk over the edge like they have nothing to live for? it would be good if they found a way down to the ground level rather than being daredevils and dying
  24. Tyl3r99

    Blastcore A3

    will they look like explosions on youtube! :P